WORKDIR=File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')) robot_environment = ENV['ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT'] || 'development' workflows = File.expand_path(File.join(WORKDIR, 'config', 'environments', "workflows_#{robot_environment}.rb")) puts "Loading #{workflows}" require workflows Bluepill.application 'robot-controller', :log_file => "#{WORKDIR}/log/bluepill.log" do |app| app.working_dir = WORKDIR WORKFLOW_STEPS.each do |qualified_wf| wf = qualified_wf.gsub(/:/, '_') app.process(wf) do |process| # use configuration for number of workers -- default is 1 n = WORKFLOW_N[qualified_wf] ? WORKFLOW_N[qualified_wf].to_i : 1 puts "Creating #{n} worker#{n>1?'s':' '} for #{qualified_wf}" # queue order is *VERY* important # # XXX: make this configurable based on wf # WORKFLOW_PRIORITIES[wf] is the name of a second worker that reads the given queues # # see RobotMaster::Queue#queue_name for naming convention # @example # queue_name('dor:assemblyWF:jp2-create') # => 'dor_assemblyWF_jp2-create_default' # queue_name('dor:assemblyWF:jp2-create', 100) # => 'dor_assemblyWF_jp2-create_high' # queues = [] %w{critical high default low}.each do |p| queues << "#{wf}_#{p}" end queues = queues.join(',') # puts "Using queues #{queues}" # use environment for these resque variables process.environment = { 'QUEUES' => "#{queues}", 'VERBOSE' => 'yes', 'ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT' => robot_environment } # process configuration = robot_environment process.stdout = process.stderr = "#{WORKDIR}/log/#{wf}.log" # let bluepill manage pid files # process.pid_file = "#{WORKDIR}/run/#{wf}.pid" # spawn n worker processes if n > 1 process.start_command = "env COUNT=#{n} rake workers" # not resque:workers else # 1 worker process.start_command = "rake environment resque:work" end # puts "Using #{process.start_command}" # puts "Using #{process.environment}" # we use bluepill to daemonize the resque workers rather than using # resque's BACKGROUND flag process.daemonize = true # graceful stops process.stop_grace_time = 60.seconds # must be greater than stop_signals total process.stop_signals = [ :quit, 45.seconds, # waits for jobs, then exits gracefully :term, 10.seconds, # kills jobs and exits :kill # no mercy ] # process monitoring # backoff if process is flapping between states # process.checks :flapping, # :times => 2, :within => 30.seconds, # :retry_in => 7.seconds # restart if process runs for longer than 15 mins of CPU time # process.checks :running_time, # :every => 5.minutes, :below => 15.minutes # restart if CPU usage > 75% for 3 times, check every 10 seconds # process.checks :cpu_usage, # :every => 10.seconds, # :below => 75, :times => 3, # :include_children => true # # restart the process or any of its children # if MEM usage > 100MB for 3 times, check every 10 seconds # process.checks :mem_usage, # :every => 10.seconds, # :below => 100.megabytes, :times => 3, # :include_children => true # NOTE: there is an implicit process.keepalive end end end