require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Orange::Carton do it "should call property with :id, Serial on" do MockCartonBlank.should_receive(:property).with(:id, DataMapper::Types::Serial) end it "should call self.init after calling id" do MockCartonBlankTwo.should_receive(:init) end it "should give form properties" do MockCarton.form_props(:live).length.should >= 1 MockCarton.form_props(:admin).length.should >= 2 MockCarton.form_props(:orange).length.should >= 3 MockCarton.form_props(:banana).should have(0).items end it "should call instance eval on admin block" do MockCartonBlank.should_receive(:instance_eval) MockCartonBlank.admin {} end it "should call instance eval on orange block" do MockCartonBlank.should_receive(:instance_eval) {} end it "should call instance eval on front block" do MockCartonBlank.should_receive(:instance_eval) MockCartonBlank.front {} end it "should change props when calling front_property" do lambda { MockCarton.front_property :foo, String }.should change(MockCarton, :form_props) end it "should change admin props when calling admin_property (but not front props)" do old_props = MockCarton.form_props(:admin) lambda { MockCarton.admin_property :foo, String }.should_not change(MockCarton, :form_props) old_props.should_not == MockCarton.form_props(:admin) end it "should change orange props when calling orange_property (but not front/admin props)" do admin_props = MockCarton.form_props(:admin) old_props = MockCarton.form_props(:orange) lambda { MockCarton.orange_property :foo, String }.should_not change(MockCarton, :form_props) admin_props.should == MockCarton.form_props(:admin) old_props.should_not == MockCarton.form_props(:orange) end it "should change the levels var when using front block" do MockCartonBlank.should_receive(:test_levels){|me| me.levels.should include(:live)} MockCartonBlank.front{ test_levels(self) } MockCartonBlank.levels.should == false end it "should change the levels var when using admin block" do MockCartonBlank.should_receive(:test_levels){|me| me.levels.should_not include(:front) me.levels.should include(:admin) } MockCartonBlank.admin{ test_levels(self) } MockCartonBlank.levels.should == false end it "should change the levels var when using orange block" do MockCartonBlank.should_receive(:test_levels){|me| me.levels.should_not include(:front) me.levels.should_not include(:admin) me.levels.should include(:orange) }{ test_levels(self) } MockCartonBlank.levels.should == false end it "should have a front property after calling #front" do front ={|i| i[:name] == :front} front.should have_at_least(1).items front.first[:levels].should include(:live) end it "should have an admin property after calling #admin" do front ={|i| i[:name] == :admin} front.should have_at_least(1).items front.first[:levels].should_not include(:live) front.first[:levels].should include(:admin) end it "should have an orange property after calling #orange" do front ={|i| i[:name] == :orange} front.should have_at_least(1).items front.first[:levels].should_not include(:live) front.first[:levels].should_not include(:admin) front.first[:levels].should include(:orange) end it "should call property on title" do MockCarton.should_receive(:property).with(an_instance_of(Symbol), String, anything()) MockCarton.title(:wibble) end it "should call property on text" do MockCarton.should_receive(:property).with(an_instance_of(Symbol), String, anything()) MockCarton.text(:wobble) end it "should call property on string" do MockCarton.should_receive(:property).with(an_instance_of(Symbol), String, anything()) MockCarton.string(:wubble) end it "should call property on fulltext" do MockCarton.should_receive(:property).with(an_instance_of(Symbol), DataMapper::Types::Text, anything()) MockCarton.fulltext(:cudge) end it "should define a constant (resource class)" do lambda{ MockCartonBlankTwo_Resource.nil? }.should raise_error(NameError) MockCartonBlankTwo.as_resource lambda{ MockCartonBlankTwo_Resource.nil? }.should_not raise_error end end