module PgSync class TableSync include Utils attr_reader :source, :destination, :tasks, :opts, :resolver def initialize(source:, destination:, tasks:, opts:, resolver:) @source = source @destination = destination @tasks = tasks @opts = opts @resolver = resolver end def perform confirm_tables_exist(destination, tasks, "destination") add_columns add_primary_keys add_sequences unless opts[:no_sequences] show_notes # don't sync tables with no shared fields # we show a warning message above run_tasks(tasks.reject { |task| task.shared_fields.empty? }) end def add_columns source_columns = columns(source) destination_columns = columns(destination) tasks.each do |task| task.from_columns = source_columns[task.table] || [] task.to_columns = destination_columns[task.table] || [] end end def add_primary_keys destination_primary_keys = primary_keys(destination) tasks.each do |task| task.to_primary_key = destination_primary_keys[task.table] || [] end end def add_sequences source_sequences = sequences(source) destination_sequences = sequences(destination) tasks.each do |task| shared_columns = task.from_sequences = (source_sequences[task.table] || []).select { |s| shared_columns.include?(s.column) } task.to_sequences = (destination_sequences[task.table] || []).select { |s| shared_columns.include?(s.column) } end end def sequences(data_source) query = <<~SQL SELECT nt.nspname as schema, t.relname as table, a.attname as column, n.nspname as sequence_schema, s.relname as sequence FROM pg_class s INNER JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = s.oid INNER JOIN pg_class t ON d.objid = s.oid AND d.refobjid = t.oid INNER JOIN pg_attribute a ON (d.refobjid, d.refobjsubid) = (a.attrelid, a.attnum) INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = s.relnamespace INNER JOIN pg_namespace nt ON nt.oid = t.relnamespace WHERE s.relkind = 'S' SQL data_source.execute(query).group_by { |r|["schema"], r["table"]) }.map do |k, v| [k, { |r|["sequence_schema"], r["sequence"], column: r["column"]) }] end.to_h end def primary_keys(data_source) # # TODO can simplify with array_position in Postgres 9.5+ query = <<~SQL SELECT nspname AS schema, relname AS table, pg_attribute.attname AS column, format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod), pg_attribute.attnum, pg_index.indkey FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_namespace WHERE indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary SQL data_source.execute(query).group_by { |r|["schema"], r["table"]) }.map do |k, v| [k, v.sort_by { |r| r["indkey"].split(" ").index(r["attnum"]) }.map { |r| r["column"] }] end.to_h end def show_notes # for tables resolver.notes.each do |note| warning note end # for columns and sequences tasks.each do |task| task.notes.each do |note| warning "#{task_name(task)}: #{note}" end end # for non-deferrable constraints if opts[:defer_constraints] constraints = non_deferrable_constraints(destination) constraints = tasks.flat_map { |t| constraints[t.table] || [] } warning "Non-deferrable constraints: #{constraints.join(", ")}" if constraints.any? end end def columns(data_source) query = <<~SQL SELECT table_schema AS schema, table_name AS table, column_name AS column, data_type AS type FROM information_schema.columns ORDER BY 1, 2, 3 SQL data_source.execute(query).group_by { |r|["schema"], r["table"]) }.map do |k, v| [k, { |r| {name: r["column"], type: r["type"]} }] end.to_h end def non_deferrable_constraints(data_source) query = <<~SQL SELECT table_schema AS schema, table_name AS table, constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND is_deferrable = 'NO' SQL data_source.execute(query).group_by { |r|["schema"], r["table"]) }.map do |k, v| [k, { |r| r["constraint_name"] }] end.to_h end def run_tasks(tasks, &block) notices = [] failed_tables = [] started_at = {} show_spinners = output.tty? && !opts[:in_batches] && !opts[:debug] if show_spinners spinners = :dots, output: output) task_spinners = {} end start = lambda do |task, i| message = ":spinner #{display_item(task)}" if show_spinners spinner = spinners.register(message) spinner.auto_spin task_spinners[task] = spinner elsif opts[:in_batches] log message.sub(":spinner", "⠋") end started_at[task] = end finish = lambda do |task, i, result| time = ( - started_at[task]).round(1) success = result[:status] == "success" message = if result[:message] "(#{result[:message].lines.first.to_s.strip})" else "- #{time}s" end notices.concat(result[:notices]) if show_spinners spinner = task_spinners[task] if success spinner.success(message) else spinner.error(message) end else status = success ? "✔" : "✖" log [status, display_item(task), message].join(" ") end unless success failed_tables << task_name(task) fail_sync(failed_tables) if opts[:fail_fast] end end options = {start: start, finish: finish} jobs = opts[:jobs] # disable multiple jobs for defer constraints and disable integrity # so we can use a transaction to ensure a consistent snapshot if opts[:debug] || opts[:in_batches] || opts[:defer_constraints] || opts[:defer_constraints_v2] || opts[:disable_integrity] || opts[:disable_integrity_v2] warning "--jobs ignored" if jobs jobs = 0 end if windows? options[:in_threads] = jobs || 4 else options[:in_processes] = jobs if jobs end maybe_defer_constraints do # could try to use `raise Parallel::Kill` to fail faster with --fail-fast # see `fast_faster` branch # however, need to make sure connections are cleaned up properly Parallel.each(tasks, **options) do |task| source.reconnect_if_needed destination.reconnect_if_needed task.perform end end notices.each do |notice| warning notice end fail_sync(failed_tables) if failed_tables.any? end # TODO add option to open transaction on source when manually specifying order of tables def maybe_defer_constraints if opts[:disable_integrity] || opts[:disable_integrity_v2] # create a transaction on the source # to ensure we get a consistent snapshot source.transaction do yield end elsif opts[:defer_constraints] || opts[:defer_constraints_v2] destination.transaction do if opts[:defer_constraints_v2] table_constraints = non_deferrable_constraints(destination) table_constraints.each do |table, constraints| constraints.each do |constraint| destination.execute("ALTER TABLE #{quote_ident_full(table)} ALTER CONSTRAINT #{quote_ident(constraint)} DEFERRABLE") end end end destination.execute("SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED") # create a transaction on the source # to ensure we get a consistent snapshot source.transaction do yield end # set them back # there are 3 modes: DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, and NOT DEFERRABLE # we only update NOT DEFERRABLE # if opts[:defer_constraints_v2] destination.execute("SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE") table_constraints.each do |table, constraints| constraints.each do |constraint| destination.execute("ALTER TABLE #{quote_ident_full(table)} ALTER CONSTRAINT #{quote_ident(constraint)} NOT DEFERRABLE") end end end end else yield end end def fail_sync(failed_tables) raise Error, "Sync failed for #{failed_tables.size} table#{failed_tables.size == 1 ? nil : "s"}: #{failed_tables.join(", ")}" end def display_item(item) messages = [] messages << task_name(item) messages << item.opts[:sql] if item.opts[:sql] messages.join(" ") end def windows? Gem.win_platform? end end end