# Ruby external gems. gem "eventmachine-le", ">= 1.1.3" require "eventmachine-le" gem "em-posixmq", ">= 0.2.3" require "em-posixmq" # OverSIP libraries. # (not required to be loaded as needed ones have been already # loaded before forking). module OverSIP module SysLoggerProcess class SysLoggerWatcher < ::EM::PosixMQ::Watcher def receive_message string, priority ::OverSIP::Syslog.log string end end # class SysLoggerWatcher def self.run options={} $0 = ::OverSIP.master_name + "_syslogger" # Close Ruby Syslog open in the main process before forking. ::Syslog.close # Run a new Ruby Syslog. syslog_options = ::Syslog::LOG_PID | ::Syslog::LOG_NDELAY syslog_facility = ::OverSIP::Syslog::SYSLOG_FACILITY_MAPPING[::OverSIP.configuration[:core][:syslog_facility]] ::Syslog.open(::OverSIP.master_name, syslog_options, syslog_facility) ppid = ::Process.ppid at_exit do ::Syslog.notice sprintf("%7s %s", "INFO:", " syslogger process terminated") exit! end EM.run do begin syslogger_mq = ::POSIX_MQ.new ::OverSIP.syslogger_mq_name, ::IO::RDONLY | ::IO::NONBLOCK ::EM::PosixMQ.run syslogger_mq, SysLoggerWatcher # Change process permissions if requested. ::OverSIP::Launcher.set_user_group(options[:user], options[:group]) rescue ::Exception => e ::Syslog.crit sprintf("%7s %s", "CRIT:", " #{e.class}: #{e}") ::Syslog.crit sprintf("%7s %s", "CRIT:", " syslogger process terminated") exit! 1 end # Periodically check that master process remains alive and # die otherwise. ::EM.add_periodic_timer(1) do if ::Process.ppid != ppid # Wait 0.5 seconds. Maybe the master process has been killed properly and just now # it's sending us the QUIT signal. ::EM.add_timer(0.5) do ::Syslog.crit sprintf("%7s %s", "CRIT:", " master process died, syslogger process terminated") exit! 1 end end end ::EM.error_handler do |e| ::Syslog.crit sprintf("%7s %s", "CRIT:", " error raised during event loop and rescued by EM.error_handler: #{e.message} (#{e.class})\n#{(e.backtrace || [])[0..3].join("\n")}") end ::Syslog.info sprintf("%7s %s", "INFO:", " syslogger process (PID #{$$}) ready") end end end # module SysLoggerProcess end