require 'fileutils' module Utilities # utilities.config_gsub('/etc/example', /(.*)/im, "\\1") def config_gsub(file, find, replace) tmp="/tmp/#{File.basename(file)}" get file, tmp content.gsub!(find,replace) put content, tmp sudo "mv #{tmp} #{file}" end # utilities.ask('What is your name?', 'John') def ask(question, default='') question = "\n" + question.join("\n") if question.respond_to?(:uniq) answer = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(space(question)).strip answer.empty? ? default : answer end # utilities.yes?('Proceed with install?') def yes?(question) question = "\n" + question.join("\n") if question.respond_to?(:uniq) question += ' (y/n)' ask(question).downcase.include? 'y' end # utilities.apt_install %w[package1 package2] # utilities.apt_install "package1 package2" def apt_install(packages) packages = packages.split(/\s+/) if packages.respond_to?(:split) packages = Array(packages) apt_get="DEBCONF_TERSE='yes' DEBIAN_PRIORITY='critical' DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get" sudo "#{apt_get} -qyu --force-yes install #{packages.join(" ")}" end def apt_upgrade apt_get="DEBCONF_TERSE='yes' DEBIAN_PRIORITY='critical' DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get" sudo "#{apt_get} -qy update" sudo "#{apt_get} -qyu --force-yes upgrade" end # utilities.sudo_upload('/local/path/to/file', '/remote/path/to/destination', options) def sudo_upload(from, to, options={}, &block) top.upload from, "/tmp/#{File.basename(to)}", options, &block sudo "mv /tmp/#{File.basename(to)} #{to}" sudo "chmod #{options[:mode]} #{to}" if options[:mode] sudo "chown #{options[:owner]} #{to}" if options[:owner] end # utilities.adduser('deploy') def adduser(user, options={}) options[:shell] ||= '/bin/bash' # new accounts on ubuntu 6.06.1 have been getting /bin/sh switches = '--disabled-password --gecos ""' switches += " --shell=#{options[:shell]} " if options[:shell] switches += ' --no-create-home ' if options[:nohome] switches += " --ingroup #{options[:group]} " unless options[:group].nil? invoke_command "grep '^#{user}:' /etc/passwd || sudo /usr/sbin/adduser #{user} #{switches}", :via => run_method end # role = :app def with_role(role, &block) original, ENV['HOSTS'] = ENV['HOSTS'], find_servers(:roles => role).map{|d|}.join(",") begin yield ensure ENV['HOSTS'] = original end end # utilities.with_credentials(:user => 'xxxx', :password => 'secret') # options = { :user => 'xxxxx', :password => 'xxxxx' } def with_credentials(options={}, &block) original_username, original_password = user, password begin set :user, options[:user] || original_username set :password, options[:password] || original_password yield ensure set :user, original_username set :password, original_password end end def space(str) "\n#{'=' * 80}\n#{str}" end ## # Run a command and ask for input when input_query is seen. # Sends the response back to the server. # # +input_query+ is a regular expression that defaults to /^Password/. # Can be used where +run+ would otherwise be used. # run_with_input 'ssh-keygen ...', /^Are you sure you want to overwrite\?/ def run_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/, response=nil) handle_command_with_input(:run, shell_command, input_query, response) end ## # Run a command using sudo and ask for input when a regular expression is seen. # Sends the response back to the server. # # See also +run_with_input+ # +input_query+ is a regular expression def sudo_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/, response=nil) handle_command_with_input(:sudo, shell_command, input_query, response) end def invoke_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/, response=nil) handle_command_with_input(run_method, shell_command, input_query, response) end private ## # Does the actual capturing of the input and streaming of the output. # # local_run_method: run or sudo # shell_command: The command to run # input_query: A regular expression matching a request for input: /^Please enter your password/ def handle_command_with_input(local_run_method, shell_command, input_query, response=nil) send(local_run_method, shell_command, {:pty => true}) do |channel, stream, data| if data =~ input_query if response "#{data} #{"*"*(rand(10)+5)}", channel[:host] channel.send_data "#{response}\n" else data, channel[:host] response = ::Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt "#{data}" channel.send_data "#{response}\n" end else data, channel[:host] end end end end Capistrano.plugin :utilities, Utilities