# encoding: utf-8 RSpec.describe TTY::Command::Cmd, '::new' do it "requires at least command argument" do expect { TTY::Command::Cmd.new({}) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Cmd requires command argument/) end it "requires non empty command argument" do expect { TTY::Command::Cmd.new(nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /No command provided/) end it "accepts a command" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo) expect(cmd.command).to eq('echo') expect(cmd.argv).to eq([]) expect(cmd.options).to eq({}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq('echo') end it "accepts a command as heredoc" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new <<-EOHEREDOC if [[ $? -eq 0]]; then echo "Bash it!" fi EOHEREDOC expect(cmd.argv).to eq([]) expect(cmd.options).to eq({}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq([ " if [[ $? -eq 0]]; then", " echo \"Bash it!\"", " fi\n" ].join("\n")) end it "accepts command as [cmdname, arg1, ...]" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, '-n', 'hello') expect(cmd.command).to eq('echo') expect(cmd.argv).to eq(['-n', 'hello']) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq('echo -n hello') end it "accepts command as [[cmdname, argv0], arg1, ...]" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new([:echo, '-n'], 'hello') expect(cmd.command).to eq('echo') expect(cmd.argv).to eq(['-n', 'hello']) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq('echo -n hello') end it "accepts command with environment as [cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', env: {foo: 'bar'}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq(%{( export FOO=\"bar\" ; echo hello )}) end it "accepts command with multiple environment keys" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', env: {foo: 'a', bar: 'b'}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq(%{( export FOO=\"a\" BAR=\"b\" ; echo hello )}) end it "accepts command with environemnt string keys" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', env: {'FOO_bar' => 'a', bar: 'b'}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq(%{( export FOO_bar=\"a\" BAR=\"b\" ; echo hello )}) end it "escapes environment values" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', env: {foo: 'abc"def'}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq(%{( export FOO=\"abc\\\"def\" ; echo hello )}) end it "accepts environment as first argument" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new({'FOO' => true, 'BAR' => 1}, :echo, 'hello') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq(%{( export FOO=\"true\" BAR=\"1\" ; echo hello )}) end it "runs command in specified directory" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', chdir: '/tmp') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq("cd /tmp && echo hello") end it "runs command in specified directory with environment" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', chdir: '/tmp', env: {foo: 'bar'}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq(%{cd /tmp && ( export FOO=\"bar\" ; echo hello )}) end it "runs command as a user" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', user: 'piotrmurach') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq("sudo -u piotrmurach -- sh -c 'echo hello'") end it "runs command as a group" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', group: 'devs') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq("sg devs -c \\\"echo hello\\\"") end it "runs command as a user in a group" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', user: 'piotrmurach', group: 'devs') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq("sudo -u piotrmurach -- sh -c 'sg devs -c \\\"echo hello\\\"'") end it "runs command with umask" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', umask: '077') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq("umask 077 && echo hello") end it "runs command with umask, chdir" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', umask: '077', chdir: '/tmp') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq("cd /tmp && umask 077 && echo hello") end it "runs command with umask, chdir & user" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', umask: '077', chdir: '/tmp', user: 'piotrmurach') expect(cmd.to_command).to eq("cd /tmp && umask 077 && sudo -u piotrmurach -- sh -c 'echo hello'") end it "runs command with umask, user, chdir and env" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello', umask: '077', chdir: '/tmp', user: 'piotrmurach', env: {foo: 'bar'}) expect(cmd.to_command).to eq(%{cd /tmp && umask 077 && ( export FOO=\"bar\" ; sudo -u piotrmurach FOO=\"bar\" -- sh -c 'echo hello' )}) end it "provides unique identifier" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello') expect(cmd.uuid).to match(/^\w{8}$/) end it "converts command to hash" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello') expect(cmd.to_hash).to include({ command: 'echo', argv: ['hello'] }) end it "escapes arguments that need escaping" do cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(:echo, 'hello world') expect(cmd.to_hash).to include({ command: 'echo', argv: ["hello\\ world"] }) end it "escapes special characters in split arguments" do args = %w(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads/) cmd = TTY::Command::Cmd.new(*args) expect(cmd.to_hash).to include({ command: 'git', argv: ["for-each-ref", "--format\\=\\'\\%\\(refname\\)\\'", "refs/heads/"] }) end end