#A class that allows many simultanious read-synchronizations but locks both reading and writing while calling the write-synchronzie-method. class Tsafe::Mrswlock @@debug = false # Sets various variables. def initialize @reads = 0 @w_mutex = Mutex.new end # Runs the given block through the read-synchronization. def rsync begin while @w_mutex.locked? Thread.pass print "Passed because lock.\n" if @@debug end @reads += 1 print "Reading more than one at a time! (#{@reads})\n" if @@debug and @reads >= 2 yield ensure @reads -= 1 end end # Runs the given block through the write-synchronization (locks both reading and writing). # ===Examples # lock.wsync do # #do something within lock. # end def wsync @w_mutex.synchronize do #Wait for any reads to finish that might have started while we were getting the lock. while @reads > 0 Thread.pass print "Passed because reading.\n" if @@debug end yield end end #This module can be included in order to painlessly make a thread-safe multi-reader-single-writer thread-safe copy of a class. #===Examples # class Tsafe::MonHash < ::Hash # @@tsafe_mrswlock_w_methods = [:[]=, :clear, :delete, :delete_if, :keep_if, :merge!, :rehash, :reject!, :replace, :select!, :shift, :store, :update, :values_at] # @@tsafe_mrswlock_r_methods = [:each, :each_key, :each_pair, :each_value] # include Tsafe::Mrswlock::SynModule # end module SynModule def self.included(base) base.to_s.split("::").inject(Object, :const_get).class_eval do #Yields the given block within the read-lock. #===Examples # obj._tsafe_rsync do # #do something within read-lock. # end def _tsafe_rsync(&block) @tsafe_mrswlock.rsync(&block) end #Yields the given block within the write-lock (and read-lock). #===Examples # obj._tsafe_wsync do # #do something within write-lock. # end def _tsafe_wsync(&block) @tsafe_mrswlock.rsync(&block) end #Rename initialize. alias_method(:initialize_mrswlock, :initialize) #Make another initialize-method that spawns the lock and then calls the original initialize. define_method(:initialize) do |*args, &block| @tsafe_mrswlock = Tsafe::Mrswlock.new return initialize_mrswlock(*args, &block) end #Makes reader methods go through reader-lock. base.class_variable_get(:@@tsafe_mrswlock_r_methods).each do |mname| newmname = "tsafe_mrswlock_#{mname}".to_sym alias_method(newmname, mname) define_method(mname) do |*args, &block| @tsafe_mrswlock.rsync do return self.__send__(newmname, *args, &block) end end end #Makes writer methods go through writer-lock. base.class_variable_get(:@@tsafe_mrswlock_w_methods).each do |mname| newmname = "tsafe_mrswlock_#{mname}".to_sym alias_method(newmname, mname) define_method(mname) do |*args, &block| @tsafe_mrswlock.wsync do return self.__send__(newmname, *args, &block) end end end end end end end