Welcome to Chaltron! aka Muffaster reloaded

<%= image_tag('700x300.gif', class: 'card-img-top') %>
<%= icon(:fas, :check) %> Bootstrap v4

Bootstrap rocks! And there are lots of good template ready to use, and free. Just as this one ;-)

<%= link_to 'Learn more', 'http://getbootstrap.com', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
<%= image_tag('700x300.gif', class: 'card-img-top') %>
<%= icon(:fab, :github) %> Free & Open Source

It's all free and open and much is still to do. So pull request are very welcome

<%= link_to 'Fork me on GitHub', 'https://github.com/vicvega/chaltron', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
<%= image_tag('700x300.gif', class: 'card-img-top') %>
<%= icon(:fas, :compass) %> Easy to use

It's so easy to build up and running web applications in a few seconds. Try by yourself

<%= link_to 'Have a look', 'https://github.com/vicvega/chaltron', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>

<%= render 'carousel' %>

<%= icon(:far, 'hand-point-down') %> Main features

Chaltron provides:

  • <%= icon(:far, 'check-square', '', class: 'fa-li') %> Compatibility with <%= link_to 'Bootstrap v4', 'http://getbootstrap.com' %> and <%= link_to 'Font Awesome v5', 'https://fontawesome.com' %>
  • <%= icon(:far, 'check-square', '', class: 'fa-li') %> Authentication (local and LDAP users) and authorization with <%= link_to 'devise', 'https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/' %>
  • <%= icon(:far, 'check-square', '', class: 'fa-li') %> <%= link_to 'Datatables', 'https://datatables.net/' %> integration

In short all you need is here. Don't waste time with RAD. Try LSAD!

Try <%= link_to 'Chaltron', 'https://github.com/vicvega/chaltron' %>, taste Light Speed Application Development!

<%= icon(:far, 'question-circle') %> FAQ

<% faqs = [] faqs << { question: "It seems there is lack of documentation, isn't it? " \ 'What am I supposed to do?', answer: 'You are supposed to write it on your own, I mean come ' \ "here " \ ' and contribute' } faqs << { question: "But can't you do that...?", answer: 'No!' } faqs << { question: 'This thing is fucking awesome! How can I repay?', answer: 'A couple of beers is always fine for me! ' \ "" \ "" } %>
<%= render partial: 'faq', collection: faqs %>