require 'net/http/server/chunked_stream' require 'net/protocol' require 'time' module Net class HTTP < Protocol module Server module Responses # The supported HTTP Protocol. HTTP_VERSION = '1.1' # The known HTTP Status codes and messages HTTP_STATUSES = { # 1xx 100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', # 2xx 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', # 3xx 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', # 4xx 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Time-out', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Large', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested range not satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', # 5xx 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Time-out', 505 => 'HTTP Version not supported extension-code' } # Generic Bad Request response BAD_REQUEST = [400, {}, ['Bad Request']] protected # # Writes the status of an HTTP Response to a stream. # # @param [IO] stream # The stream to write the headers back to. # # @param [Integer] status # The status of the HTTP Response. # def write_status(stream,status) status = status.to_i reason = HTTP_STATUSES[status] stream.write("HTTP/#{HTTP_VERSION} #{status} #{reason}\r\n") end # # Write the headers of an HTTP Response to a stream. # # @param [IO] stream # The stream to write the headers back to. # # @param [Hash{String => [String, Time, Array<String>}] headers # The headers of the HTTP Response. # def write_headers(stream,headers) headers.each do |name,values| case values when String values.each_line("\n") do |value| stream.write("#{name}: #{value.chomp}\r\n") end when Time stream.write("#{name}: #{values.httpdate}\r\n") when Array values.each do |value| stream.write("#{name}: #{value}\r\n") end end end stream.write("\r\n") stream.flush end # # Writes the body of a HTTP Response to a stream. # # @param [IO] stream # The stream to write the headers back to. # # @param [#each] body # The body of the HTTP Response. # def write_body(stream,body) body.each do |chunk| stream.write(chunk) stream.flush end end # # Writes the body of a HTTP Response to a stream, using Chunked # Transfer-Encoding. # # @param [IO] stream # The stream to write the headers back to. # # @param [#each] body # The body of the HTTP Response. # # @since 0.2.0 # def write_body_streamed(stream,body) chunked_stream = body.each { |chunk| chunked_stream.write(chunk) } chunked_stream.close end # # Writes a HTTP Response to a stream. # # @param [IO] stream # The stream to write the HTTP Response to. # # @param [Integer] status # The status of the HTTP Response. # # @param [Hash{String => [String, Time, Array<String>}] headers # The headers of the HTTP Response. # # @param [#each] body # The body of the HTTP Response. # def write_response(stream,status,headers,body) write_status stream, status write_headers stream, headers if headers['Transfer-Encoding'] == 'chunked' write_body_streamed stream, body else write_body stream, body # if neither `Content-Length` or `Transfer-Encoding` # were specified, close the stream after writing the response. stream.close unless headers['Content-Length'] end end end end end end