# frozen_string_literal: true require 'svmkit/validation' require 'svmkit/base/base_estimator' require 'svmkit/base/regressor' require 'svmkit/optimizer/nadam' module SVMKit module PolynomialModel # FactorizationMachineRegressor is a class that implements Factorization Machine # with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization. # # @example # estimator = # SVMKit::PolynomialModel::FactorizationMachineRegressor.new( # n_factors: 10, reg_param_linear: 0.1, reg_param_factor: 0.1, # max_iter: 5000, batch_size: 50, random_seed: 1) # estimator.fit(training_samples, traininig_values) # results = estimator.predict(testing_samples) # # *Reference* # - S. Rendle, "Factorization Machines with libFM," ACM TIST, vol. 3 (3), pp. 57:1--57:22, 2012. # - S. Rendle, "Factorization Machines," Proc. ICDM'10, pp. 995--1000, 2010. class FactorizationMachineRegressor include Base::BaseEstimator include Base::Regressor include Validation # Return the factor matrix for Factorization Machine. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_outputs, n_factors, n_features]) attr_reader :factor_mat # Return the weight vector for Factorization Machine. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_outputs, n_features]) attr_reader :weight_vec # Return the bias term for Factoriazation Machine. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_outputs]) attr_reader :bias_term # Return the random generator for random sampling. # @return [Random] attr_reader :rng # Create a new regressor with Factorization Machine. # # @param n_factors [Integer] The maximum number of iterations. # @param reg_param_linear [Float] The regularization parameter for linear model. # @param reg_param_factor [Float] The regularization parameter for factor matrix. # @param max_iter [Integer] The maximum number of iterations. # @param batch_size [Integer] The size of the mini batches. # @param optimizer [Optimizer] The optimizer to calculate adaptive learning rate. # If nil is given, Nadam is used. # @param random_seed [Integer] The seed value using to initialize the random generator. def initialize(n_factors: 2, reg_param_linear: 1.0, reg_param_factor: 1.0, max_iter: 1000, batch_size: 10, optimizer: nil, random_seed: nil) check_params_float(reg_param_linear: reg_param_linear, reg_param_factor: reg_param_factor) check_params_integer(n_factors: n_factors, max_iter: max_iter, batch_size: batch_size) check_params_type_or_nil(Integer, random_seed: random_seed) check_params_positive(n_factors: n_factors, reg_param_linear: reg_param_linear, reg_param_factor: reg_param_factor, max_iter: max_iter, batch_size: batch_size) @params = {} @params[:n_factors] = n_factors @params[:reg_param_linear] = reg_param_linear @params[:reg_param_factor] = reg_param_factor @params[:max_iter] = max_iter @params[:batch_size] = batch_size @params[:optimizer] = optimizer @params[:optimizer] ||= Optimizer::Nadam.new @params[:random_seed] = random_seed @params[:random_seed] ||= srand @factor_mat = nil @weight_vec = nil @bias_term = nil @rng = Random.new(@params[:random_seed]) end # Fit the model with given training data. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The training data to be used for fitting the model. # @param y [Numo::Int32] (shape: [n_samples, n_outputs]) The target values to be used for fitting the model. # @return [FactorizationMachineRegressor] The learned regressor itself. def fit(x, y) check_sample_array(x) check_tvalue_array(y) check_sample_tvalue_size(x, y) n_outputs = y.shape[1].nil? ? 1 : y.shape[1] _n_samples, n_features = x.shape if n_outputs > 1 @factor_mat = Numo::DFloat.zeros(n_outputs, @params[:n_factors], n_features) @weight_vec = Numo::DFloat.zeros(n_outputs, n_features) @bias_term = Numo::DFloat.zeros(n_outputs) n_outputs.times { |n| @factor_mat[n, true, true], @weight_vec[n, true], @bias_term[n] = single_fit(x, y[true, n]) } else @factor_mat, @weight_vec, @bias_term = single_fit(x, y) end self end # Predict values for samples. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to predict the values. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_outputs]) Predicted values per sample. def predict(x) check_sample_array(x) linear_term = @bias_term + x.dot(@weight_vec.transpose) factor_term = if @weight_vec.shape[1].nil? 0.5 * (@factor_mat.dot(x.transpose)**2 - (@factor_mat**2).dot(x.transpose**2)).sum(0) else 0.5 * (@factor_mat.dot(x.transpose)**2 - (@factor_mat**2).dot(x.transpose**2)).sum(1).transpose end linear_term + factor_term end # Dump marshal data. # @return [Hash] The marshal data about FactorizationMachineRegressor. def marshal_dump { params: @params, factor_mat: @factor_mat, weight_vec: @weight_vec, bias_term: @bias_term, rng: @rng } end # Load marshal data. # @return [nil] def marshal_load(obj) @params = obj[:params] @factor_mat = obj[:factor_mat] @weight_vec = obj[:weight_vec] @bias_term = obj[:bias_term] @rng = obj[:rng] nil end private def single_fit(x, y) # Initialize some variables. n_samples, n_features = x.shape rand_ids = [*0...n_samples].shuffle(random: @rng) weight_vec = Numo::DFloat.zeros(n_features + 1) factor_mat = Numo::DFloat.zeros(@params[:n_factors], n_features) weight_optimizer = @params[:optimizer].dup factor_optimizers = Array.new(@params[:n_factors]) { @params[:optimizer].dup } # Start optimization. @params[:max_iter].times do |_t| # Random sampling. subset_ids = rand_ids.shift(@params[:batch_size]) rand_ids.concat(subset_ids) data = x[subset_ids, true] ex_data = expand_feature(data) values = y[subset_ids] # Calculate gradients for loss function. loss_grad = loss_gradient(data, ex_data, values, factor_mat, weight_vec) next if loss_grad.ne(0.0).count.zero? # Update each parameter. weight_vec = weight_optimizer.call(weight_vec, weight_gradient(loss_grad, ex_data, weight_vec)) @params[:n_factors].times do |n| factor_mat[n, true] = factor_optimizers[n].call(factor_mat[n, true], factor_gradient(loss_grad, data, factor_mat[n, true])) end end [factor_mat, *split_weight_vec_bias(weight_vec)] end def loss_gradient(x, ex_x, y, factor, weight) z = ex_x.dot(weight) + 0.5 * (factor.dot(x.transpose)**2 - (factor**2).dot(x.transpose**2)).sum(0) 2.0 * (z - y) end def weight_gradient(loss_grad, data, weight) (loss_grad.expand_dims(1) * data).mean(0) + @params[:reg_param_linear] * weight end def factor_gradient(loss_grad, data, factor) (loss_grad.expand_dims(1) * (data * data.dot(factor).expand_dims(1) - factor * (data**2))).mean(0) + @params[:reg_param_factor] * factor end def expand_feature(x) Numo::NArray.hstack([x, Numo::DFloat.ones([x.shape[0], 1])]) end def split_weight_vec_bias(weight_vec) weights = weight_vec[0...-1] bias = weight_vec[-1] [weights, bias] end end end end