module Gamification::Concerns::Models::Goal extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do belongs_to :rewarding, polymorphic: true has_one :medal, dependent: :destroy has_many :rewards, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :medal, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: :all_blank # TODO: These should be SQL. But that's hard. scope :completed_by, ->(subject) { { |goal| goal.completed_by? subject }} scope :incomplete_by, ->(subject) { all.reject { |goal| goal.completed_by? subject }} # Determine whether the given subject has completed the goal. # # subject - An ActiveRecord model that can receive rewards. def completed_by? subject !!reward_for(subject) end # Complete the goal for the given subject. # # subject - An ActiveRecord model that can receive rewards. def complete_for subject if completed_by? subject raise Completed, "#{self} is already completed for #{subject}" else ::Gamification::Reward.create! goal: self, rewardable: subject end end private # Find the Reward for the given subject. # # subject - A rewardable model. def reward_for rewardable rewards.find_by rewardable: rewardable end class Completed < StandardError; end end end