# lita-statuspage [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/esigler/lita-statuspage.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/esigler/lita-statuspage) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/esigler/lita-statuspage.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/esigler/lita-statuspage) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/esigler/lita-statuspage/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/esigler/lita-statuspage?branch=master) Statuspage.io (http://statuspage.io) handler for updating incidents, service status, etc. ## Installation Add lita-statuspage to your Lita instance's Gemfile: ``` ruby gem "lita-statuspage" ``` ## Configuration You'll need to get an API key and your Page ID, instructions for how to do so are here: http://doers.statuspage.io/api/authentication/ Add the following variable to your Lita config file: ``` ruby config.handlers.statuspage.api_key = '_your_key_here_' config.handlers.statuspage.page_id = '_your_page_id_here_' ``` ## Usage ### Incidents #### Create ``` Lita statuspage incident new name:"" - Create a new realtime incident status: - (Optional) One of: investigating|identified|monitoring|resolved (default: investigating) message:"" - (Optional) The initial message twitter: - (Optional) Post the new incident to Twitter, one of (true|t|false|f) (default:false) impact: - (Optional) Override calculated impact value, one of: (minor|major|critical) ``` #### Update ``` Lita statuspage incident update id: - Update an incident status: - (Optional) One of (investigating|identified|monitoring|resolved) (if realtime) or (scheduled|in_progress|verifying|completed) (if scheduled) message:"" - (Optional) The body of the new incident update that will be created twitter: - (Optional) Post the new incident update to twitter, one of: (true|t|false|f) (default:false) impact: - (Optional) Override calculated impact value, one of (minor|major|critical) ``` **NOTE:** If either of status or message is modified, a new incident update will be generated. You should update both of these attributes at the same time to avoid two separate incident updates being generated. #### List ``` Lita statuspage incident list all - List all incidents Lita statuspage incident list scheduled - List scheduled incidents Lita statuspage incident list unresolved - List unresolved incidents ``` #### Delete ``` Lita statuspage incident delete latest - Delete latest incident Lita statuspage incident delete id: - Delete a specific incident ``` ### Components #### List ``` Lita statuspage component list all - Lists all components ``` #### Update ``` Lita statuspage component update (id:|name:"") - Updates the component status: - One of (operational|degraded_performance|partial_outage|major_outage|none) ``` ## License [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)