module ActiveScaffold::DataStructures class Set include Enumerable include ActiveScaffold::Configurable attr_writer :label def label as_(@label) end def initialize(*args) @set = [] self.add *args end # the way to add items to the set. def add(*args) args.flatten! # allow [] as a param args.each { |arg| arg = arg.to_sym if arg.is_a? String @set << arg unless @set.include? arg # avoid duplicates } end alias_method :<<, :add # the way to remove items from the set. def exclude(*args) args.flatten! # allow [] as a param args.collect! { |a| a.to_sym } # symbolize the args # check respond_to? :to_sym, ActionColumns doesn't respond to to_sym @set.reject! { |c| c.respond_to? :to_sym and args.include? c.to_sym } # reject all items specified end alias_method :remove, :exclude # returns an array of items with the provided names def find_by_names(*names) @set.find_all { |item| names.include? item } end # returns the item of the given name. def find_by_name(name) # this works because of `def item.==' item = @set.find { |c| c == name } item end alias_method :[], :find_by_name def each @set.each {|i| yield i } end # returns the number of items in the set def length @set.length end def empty? @set.empty? end end end