# encoding: ASCII-8BIT
# images.rb : Implements PDF image embedding
# Copyright April 2008, James Healy, Gregory Brown. All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software. Please see the LICENSE and COPYING files for details.
require 'digest/sha1'
require 'pathname'
module Prawn
module Images
# @group Stable API
# Add the image at filename to the current page. Currently only
# JPG and PNG files are supported. (Note that processing PNG
# images with alpha channels can be processor and memory intensive.)
# Arguments:
# file:: path to file or an object that responds to #read and #rewind
# Options:
# :at:: an array [x,y] with the location of the top left corner of the image.
# :position:: One of (:left, :center, :right) or an x-offset
# :vposition:: One of (:top, :center, :center) or an y-offset
# :height:: the height of the image [actual height of the image]
# :width:: the width of the image [actual width of the image]
# :scale:: scale the dimensions of the image proportionally
# :fit:: scale the dimensions of the image proportionally to fit inside [width,height]
# Prawn::Document.generate("image2.pdf", :page_layout => :landscape) do
# pigs = "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/pigs.jpg"
# image pigs, :at => [50,450], :width => 450
# dice = "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/dice.png"
# image dice, :at => [50, 450], :scale => 0.75
# end
# If only one of :width / :height are provided, the image will be scaled
# proportionally. When both are provided, the image will be stretched to
# fit the dimensions without maintaining the aspect ratio.
# If :at is provided, the image will be place in the current page but
# the text position will not be changed.
# If instead of an explicit filename, an object with a read method is
# passed as +file+, you can embed images from IO objects and things
# that act like them (including Tempfiles and open-uri objects).
# require "open-uri"
# Prawn::Document.generate("remote_images.pdf") do
# image open("http://prawn.majesticseacreature.com/media/prawn_logo.png")
# end
# This method returns an image info object which can be used to check the
# dimensions of an image object if needed.
# (See also: Prawn::Images::PNG , Prawn::Images::JPG)
def image(file, options={})
Prawn.verify_options [:at, :position, :vposition, :height,
:width, :scale, :fit], options
pdf_obj, info = build_image_object(file)
embed_image(pdf_obj, info, options)
# Builds an info object (Prawn::Images::*) and a PDF reference representing
# the given image. Return a pair: [pdf_obj, info].
# @private
def build_image_object(file)
io = verify_and_open_image(file)
image_content = io.read
image_sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(image_content)
# if this image has already been embedded, just reuse it
if image_registry[image_sha1]
info = image_registry[image_sha1][:info]
image_obj = image_registry[image_sha1][:obj]
# Build the image object
info = Prawn.image_handler.find(image_content).new(image_content)
# Bump PDF version if the image requires it
renderer.min_version(info.min_pdf_version) if info.respond_to?(:min_pdf_version)
# Add the image to the PDF and register it in case we see it again.
image_obj = info.build_pdf_object(self)
image_registry[image_sha1] = {:obj => image_obj, :info => info}
[image_obj, info]
# Given a PDF image resource pdf_obj that has been added to the
# page's resources and an info object (the pair returned from
# build_image_object), embed the image according to the options
# given.
# @private
def embed_image(pdf_obj, info, options)
# find where the image will be placed and how big it will be
w,h = info.calc_image_dimensions(options)
if options[:at]
x,y = map_to_absolute(options[:at])
x,y = image_position(w,h,options)
move_text_position h
# add a reference to the image object to the current page
# resource list and give it a label
label = "I#{next_image_id}"
state.page.xobjects.merge!(label => pdf_obj)
cm_params = PDF::Core.real_params([ w, 0, 0, h, x, y - h])
renderer.add_content("\nq\n#{cm_params} cm\n/#{label} Do\nQ")
def verify_and_open_image(io_or_path)
# File or IO
if io_or_path.respond_to?(:rewind)
io = io_or_path
# Rewind if the object we're passed is an IO, so that multiple embeds of
# the same IO object will work
# read the file as binary so the size is calculated correctly
# guard binmode because some objects acting io-like don't implement it
io.binmode if io.respond_to?(:binmode)
return io
# String or Pathname
io_or_path = Pathname.new(io_or_path)
raise ArgumentError, "#{io_or_path} not found" unless io_or_path.file?
io = io_or_path.open('rb')
def image_position(w,h,options)
options[:position] ||= :left
y = case options[:vposition]
when :top
when :center
bounds.absolute_top - (bounds.height - h) / 2.0
when :bottom
bounds.absolute_bottom + h
when Numeric
bounds.absolute_top - options[:vposition]
x = case options[:position]
when :left
when :center
bounds.left_side + (bounds.width - w) / 2.0
when :right
bounds.right_side - w
when Numeric
options[:position] + bounds.left_side
return [x,y]
def determine_y_with_page_flow(h)
if overruns_page?(h)
def overruns_page?(h)
(self.y - h) < reference_bounds.absolute_bottom
def image_registry
@image_registry ||= {}
def next_image_id
@image_counter ||= 0
@image_counter += 1