# Tableficate
A DSL for easy table creation with sorting and filtering. It tries to do to tables what simple_form and formtastic have done for forms. Below you'll find basic documentation with more compelete docs in the [wiki](https://github.com/sei-mi/tableficate/wiki).
This project follows [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## Installation
$ gem install tableficate
If you're using Bundler, add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'tableficate', '~>0.3.0'
## Support
Ruby |
1.9 |
Rails |
3.1 |
Database Framework |
ActiveRecord |
Templating |
Any templating engine can be used. The default theme uses ERB. |
Pagination |
Any pagination can be used. The default theme has built-in support for Kaminari and will_paginate. |
## Basic Usage
Let's say that we want to create a table that lists active accounts in the system with their time of creation and the name on the account.
Our controller:
@accounts = Accounts.active.tableficate(params[:accounts]).page(params.try(:[], :accounts_page) || 1)
Here we're getting active accounts, calling tableficate and then paginating with Kaminari. Tableficate works on Arel objects and passes out an Arel so you can add things like pagination. We pass in the params for the table we'll create in the view. By default `:accounts` is derived from the database table name of the primary table in the query.
Our View:
<%= table_for @accounts, show_sorts: true do |t| %>
<% t.column :id, header: 'Account Number' %>
<% t.column :created_at do |account| %>
<%= account.created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :first_name %>
<% t.column :last_name %>
<% t.actions do |account| %>
<%= link_to('View', account_path(account)) %>
<% end %>
<% t.filter :first_name %>
<% t.filter :last_name %>
<% end %>
This creates a sortable table with 2 filters, 4 data columns and a column for actions. Column headers are automatically generated but can be overridden as seen on `:id`. The column output can also be overridden by passing a block to the call. This setup only covers basic functionality. Some of the more advanced functionality requires you to wrap your scope in a special table model.
Having created the basic table we now want to default the sorting to show newest accounts first and we want `:first_name` and `:last_name` to be merged into one column. First, create a table model.
In "app/tables/" we'll create a new table model using the generator. Provide the name of the new table model and then the model being wrapped.
$ rails generate tableficate:table AccountReport Account
Our table model:
class AccountReport < Tableficate::Base
scope :account
default_sort :created_at, 'DESC'
column :full_name, sort: 'first_name ASC, last_name ASC'
filter :full_name do |value, scope|
first_name, last_name = value.split(/\s+/)
if last_name.nil?
scope.where(['first_name LIKE ? OR last_name LIKE ?', first_name, first_name])
scope.where(['first_name LIKE ? AND last_name LIKE ?', first_name, last_name])
We've defined a scope that we're wrapping. Then we provide a default sorting and explain how to sort and filter a new column called `:full_name`.
Our new controller using `AccountReport`:
@accounts = AccountReport.active.tableficate(params[:accounts]).page(params.try(:[], :accounts_page) || 1)
Our new view using `:full_name`:
<%= table_for @accounts, show_sorts: true do |t| %>
<% t.column :id, header: 'Account Number' %>
<% t.column :created_at do |account| %>
<%= account.created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') %>
<% end %>
<% t.column :full_name do |account| %>
<%= "#{account.first_name} #{account.last_name}" %>
<% end %>
<% t.actions do |account| %>
<%= link_to('View', account_path(account)) %>
<% end %>
<% t.filter :full_name %>
<% end %>
Now we have default sorting, sortable columns and a full name filter.
## Themes
New themes can be created using the theme generator.
$ rails generate tableficate:theme foo
The theme can then be applied to a table.
<%= table_for @records, theme: 'foo' do |t| %>
<% end %>
[Find out more about themes.](https://github.com/sei-mi/tableficate/wiki/Custom-Themes)
## Changes Needed to Upgrade From 0.2
1. HTML attributes passed to `table_for` will no longer be passed via the `:html` option. Now all unrecognized options are passed as HTML attributes. This is more consistent with the other functions.
2. In custom templates the `options` attribute is no longer available on all objects that had it. Any options specific to the object have been turned into attributes. For example, `label_options` is now an attribute on filters and `collection` is now an attribute on select, radio and check box filters. All other options will be used as HTML attributes and can be found in the new `attrs` attribute.
3. The `_table.html.erb` theme partial has been renamed to `_table_for.html.erb`. The `_table.html.erb` file has been repurposed for the new `tableficate_table_tag` helper. Another helper, `tableficate_filter_form_tag`, has replaced the filter form in `_table_for.html.erb`. A new partial, `filters/_form.html.erb` was created for this new helper. The `_header.html.erb` and `_data.html.erb` partials have been updated so that `th` and `td` tags can accept attributes. Running `rails generate tableficate:theme NAME` for an existing theme will provide an interactive means of updating your existing theme. Additionally, if a partial is missing it will now be retrieved from the standard theme. This means you can optionally delete any partials that you have not altered. This should make future upgrades easier.
4. When creating custom themes the `tableficate_radio_tags` and `tableficate_check_box_tags` no longer accept blocks to format the output. Instead, they now use templates called "filters/_radio_choice.html.erb" and "filters/_check_box_choice.html.erb" respectively. All you have to do is move the block code into the new templates.