require 'set'
require 'audited/audit'
module Audited
module Adapters
module ActiveRecord
# Audit saves the changes to ActiveRecord models. It has the following attributes:
# * auditable: the ActiveRecord model that was changed
# * user: the user that performed the change; a string or an ActiveRecord model
# * action: one of create, update, or delete
# * audited_changes: a serialized hash of all the changes
# * comment: a comment set with the audit
# * version: the version of the model
# * request_uuid: a uuid based that allows audits from the same controller request
# * created_at: Time that the change was performed
class Audit < ::ActiveRecord::Base
include Audited::Audit
include ActiveModel::Observing
serialize :audited_changes
default_scope ->{ order(:version)}
scope :descending, ->{ reorder("version DESC")}
scope :creates, ->{ where({:action => 'create'})}
scope :updates, ->{ where({:action => 'update'})}
scope :destroys, ->{ where({:action => 'destroy'})}
scope :up_until, ->(date_or_time){where("created_at <= ?", date_or_time) }
scope :from_version, ->(version){where(['version >= ?', version]) }
scope :to_version, ->(version){where(['version <= ?', version]) }
scope :auditable_finder, ->(auditable_id, auditable_type){where(auditable_id: auditable_id, auditable_type: auditable_type)}
# Return all audits older than the current one.
def ancestors
self.class.where(['auditable_id = ? and auditable_type = ? and version <= ?',
auditable_id, auditable_type, version])
# Allows user to be set to either a string or an ActiveRecord object
# @private
def user_as_string=(user)
# reset both either way
self.user_as_model = self.username = nil
user.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Base) ?
self.user_as_model = user :
self.username = user
alias_method :user_as_model=, :user=
alias_method :user=, :user_as_string=
# @private
def user_as_string
self.user_as_model || self.username
alias_method :user_as_model, :user
alias_method :user, :user_as_string
def set_version_number
max = self.class.auditable_finder(auditable_id, auditable_type).maximum(:version) || 0
self.version = max + 1