require 'spec_helper' describe CatarsePagarme::CreditCardsController, type: :controller do before do @routes = CatarsePagarme::Engine.routes controller.stub(:current_user).and_return(user) end let(:project) { create(:project, goal: 10_000, state: 'online') } let(:contribution) { create(:contribution, value: 10, project: project) } let(:payment) do contribution.reload p = contribution.payments.first #p.update_attributes({ state: 'pending', gateway_id: nil }) p end describe 'pay with credit card' do context 'without an user' do let(:user) { nil } it 'should raise a error' do expect { post :create, { locale: :pt, id: } }.to raise_error('invalid user') end end context 'with an user' do let(:user) { contribution.user } context "with valid card data" do before do contribution.payments.destroy_all allow(CatarsePagarme::CreditCardTransaction).to receive(:new).and_call_original post :create, { locale: :pt, id:, card_hash: sample_card_hash } end it 'should receive soft descriptor with project name' do expect(CatarsePagarme::CreditCardTransaction).to have_received(:new).with(hash_including(soft_descriptor: payment.project.permalink.gsub(/[\W\_]/,' ')), anything) end it 'and payment_status is not failed' do expect(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)['payment_status']).not_to eq('failed') end it 'should persist payment record with references' do expect(payment.persisted?).to eq(true) expect(payment.gateway_id).not_to be_nil end end context 'with invalid card data' do before do contribution.payments.destroy_all post :create, { locale: :pt, id:, card_hash: "abcd" } end it 'payment_status should be failed' do expect(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)['payment_status']).to eq('failed') end it 'destroy payment record when not created insied gateway' do contribution.reload expect(contribution.payments.size).to eq(0) #expect(contribution.payments.first.persisted?).to eq(false) end end context "when charges fails" do before do contribution.payments.destroy_all allow_any_instance_of(PagarMe::Transaction).to receive(:charge).and_raise(PagarMe::PagarMeError) post :create, { locale: :pt, id:, card_hash: sample_card_hash } end it 'destroy payment record when not created insied gateway' do contribution.reload expect(contribution.payments.size).to eq(0) #expect(contribution.payments.first.persisted?).to eq(false) end end end end end