require 'mail' require 'netutils/version' require 'netutils/switch' require 'config/config' module Netutils # $progname = File.basename($0) # ACL_MAX_SEQ = 4294967294 # $log = '' end # XXX: module # # XXX: These are global methods!!!! # def mail(s, b) m = do delivery_method :smtp, address: MAILSERVER from MAILFROM to MAILTO subject s body b end m.charset = 'ascii' m.deliver! end def valid_ip_address?(s) return false if s !~ /^(?:[0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+$/ results = s.split('.').collect { |i| i.to_i.between?(0, 255) } return results.count(true) === 4 end def interface_sanity_check(host, port) # XXX: need more checks to detect backbone links. if port !~ /^[gf]/i raise "Suppress shutdown #{port}, which may be backbone link." end end def log_without_newline(m) print m $log += m end def log(m) puts m $log += m + "\n" end def log_buffer return $log end def vlans_by_switch_name(swname, vlan) vlan = vlan.to_i vlans = [] vlans = VLANS[swname].dup if VLANS.has_key?(swname) vlans.unshift(vlan) if vlan && ! vlans.include?(vlan) return vlans end def interface_name_vlan_id(name) return $1 if name =~ /^vlan([0-9]+)$/i nil end def static_neighbor_resolve(sw, ifname) key = "#{}_#{ifname}" n = STATIC_NEIGHBOR[key] return nil if n.nil? Switch.get(n[:name], Switch::Type::ROUTER, nil, nil, nil, n[:ia], sw) end def tunnel_nexthop_resolve(sw, rt) return rt.nh if rt.nh c = c.parse(sw.cli.cmd("show cdp neighbors #{rt.interface} detail")) c.ias[0] end def router_locate(ia) root = SWITCHES[0] sw =[0], Switch::Type::ROUTER, root[1]) sw.login while true rts = sw.route_gets(ia) raise "No route found for #{ia}" if ! rts bestrt = nil rts.each do |rt| case rt.proto when 'connected' return sw, ia when 'static', 'rip', 'ospf', 'bgp' # just in case for redistributed routes. next if rt.nh === nil && ! rt.tunnel? bestrt = end end raise "No valid route found for #{ia}" if ! bestrt if OTHER_NEXTHOPS.include?(bestrt.nh) return sw, bestrt.nh end if bestrt.tunnel? nh = tunnel_nexthop_resolve(sw, bestrt) else nh = bestrt.nh end sw =, Switch::Type::ROUTER, nh) sw.login end end