% render "layouts/basic.html" do %# HTML tags can be embedded in mark down files if you want to do specific custom %# formatting like this, but in most cases that is not required.

<%= Origen.app.namespace %> (<%= Origen.app.version %>)

### Purpose This plugin... ### How To Install In your Gemfile add: ~~~ruby gem "<%= Origen.app.name %>" ~~~ or if your application is a plugin, then add this to your .gemspec ~~~ruby spec.add_runtime_dependency "<%= Origen.app.name %>", ">= <%= Origen.app.version %>" ~~~ __NOTE:__ In the case of a plugin, you will also need to require '<%= Origen.app.name %>' somewhere in your environment. ### How To Use Add quickstart documentation here... ### How To Setup a Development Environment Describe how a developer would setup a new workspace for this plugin... % end