# frozen_string_literal: true module Cotcube # Missing top level documentation comment module Bardata # just reads bardata/daily//.csv def provide_daily(contract:, # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists symbol: nil, id: nil, range: nil, timezone: Time.find_zone('America/Chicago'), keep_last: false, add_eods: true, indicators: {}, config: init) contract = contract.to_s.upcase rounding = 8 unless contract.is_a?(String) && [3, 5].include?(contract.size) raise ArgumentError, "Contract '#{contract}' is bogus, should be like 'M21' or 'ESM21'" end unless range.nil? || (range.is_a?(Range) && [Date, DateTime, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone].map do |cl| (range.begin.nil? || range.begin.is_a?(cl)) && (range.end.nil? || range.end.is_a?(cl)) end.reduce(:|)) raise ArgumentError, 'Range, if given, must be either (Integer..Integer) or (Timelike..Timelike)' end unless range.nil? range_begin = range.begin.nil? ? nil : timezone.parse(range.begin.to_s) range_end = range.end.nil? ? nil : timezone.parse(range.end.to_s) range = (range_begin..range_end) end sym = Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id, contract: contract) contract = contract[2..4] if contract.to_s.size == 5 id = sym[:id] id_path = "#{config[:data_path]}/daily/#{id}" data_file = "#{id_path}/#{contract}.csv" raise "No data found for requested :id (#{id_path} does not exist)" unless Dir.exist?(id_path) raise "No data found for requested contract #{symbol}:#{contract} in #{id_path}." unless File.exist?(data_file) data = CSV.read(data_file, headers: %i[contract date open high low close volume oi]).map do |row| row = row.to_h row.each do |k, _| if %i[open high low close].include? k row[k] = row[k].to_f row[k] = (row[k] * sym[:bcf]).round(8) unless sym[:bcf] == 1.0 end row[k] = row[k].to_i if %i[volume oi].include? k end row[:datetime] = timezone.parse(row[:date]) row[:dist] = ((row[:high] - row[:low]) / sym[:ticksize] ).to_i row[:type] = :daily row end contract_expired = data.last[:high].zero? data.pop if contract_expired and not keep_last if not contract_expired and add_eods today = Date.today eods = [ ] while today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') > data.last[:date] eods << provide_eods(symbol: sym[:symbol], dates: today, contracts_only: false, quiet: true) today -= 1 end eods.flatten!.map!{|x| x.tap {|y| %i[ volume_part oi_part ].map{|z| y.delete(z)} } } eods.select!{|x| x[:contract] == "#{sym[:symbol]}#{contract}" } eods.map!{|x| x.tap{|y| if sym[:bcf] != 1.0 %i[open high low close].map{|k| y[k] = (y[k] * sym[:bcf]).round(8) } end y[:datetime] = timezone.parse(y[:date]) y[:dist] = ((y[:high] - y[:low]) / sym[:ticksize] ).to_i y[:type] = :eod } } data += eods.reverse end data.map do |bar| indicators.each do |k,v| tmp = v.call(bar) bar[k] = tmp.respond_to?(:round) ? tmp.round(rounding) : tmp end end unless indicators.empty? if range.nil? data else data.select do |x| (range.begin.nil? ? true : x[:datetime] >= range.begin) and (range.end.nil? ? true : x[:datetime] <= range.end) end end end # reads all files in bardata/daily/ and aggregates by date # (what is a pre-stage of a continuous based on daily bars) def continuous(symbol: nil, id: nil, config: init, date: nil, measure: nil, force_rewrite: false, selector: nil, debug: false, add_eods: true, indicators: nil) raise ArgumentError, ':measure, if given, must be a Time object (e.g. Time.now)' unless [NilClass, Time].include? measure.class measuring = lambda {|c| puts "[continuous] Time measured until '#{c}': #{(Time.now.to_f - measure.to_f).round(2)}sec" unless measure.nil? } measuring.call("Starting") sym = Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id) id = sym[:id] symbol = sym[:symbol] ticksize = sym[:ticksize] effective_selector = selector || :volume raise ArgumentError, 'selector must be in %i[ nil :volume ;oi].' unless [ nil, :volume, :oi ].include? selector id_path = "#{config[:data_path]}/daily/#{id}" c_file = "#{id_path}/continuous.csv" puts "Using file #{c_file}" if debug # instead of using the provide_daily methods above, for this bulk operation a 'continuous.csv' is created # this boosts from 4.5sec to 0.3sec rewriting = (force_rewrite or not(File.exist?(c_file)) or (Time.now - File.mtime(c_file) > 8.days)) if rewriting puts "In daily+continuous: Rewriting #{c_file} #{force_rewrite ? "forcibly" : "due to fileage"}.".light_yellow `rm #{c_file}; find #{id_path} | xargs cat 2>/dev/null | grep -v ',0,' | grep -v ',0$'| sort -t, -k2 | cut -d, -f1-8 | grep ',.*,' | uniq > #{c_file}` end loading = lambda do data = CSV.read(c_file).map do |row| r = { contract: row[0], date: row[1], open: row[2], high: row[3], low: row[4], close: row[5], volume: row[6].to_i, oi: row[7].to_i, type: :cont } end if add_eods today = Date.today eods = [ ] while today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') > data.last[:date] eods << provide_eods(symbol: symbol, dates: today, contracts_only: false, quiet: true) today -= 1 end eods.flatten!.map!{|x| x.tap {|y| %i[ volume_part oi_part ].map{|z| y.delete(z)} } } eods.delete_if { |elem| elem.flatten.empty? } data += eods.reverse end measuring.call("Finished retrieving dailies.") result = [] rounding = 8 indicators ||= { tr: Cotcube::Indicators.true_range, atr5: Cotcube::Indicators.ema(key: :tr, length: 5), dist: Cotcube::Indicators.calc(a: :high, b: :low, finalize: :to_i) {|high, low| ((high-low) / ticksize) } } data.group_by { |x| x[:date] }.map do |k, v| v.map { |x| x.delete(:date) } avg_bar = { date: k, contract: v.max_by{|x| x[:oi] }[:contract], open: nil, high: nil, low: nil, close: nil, volume: v.map { |x| x[:volume] }.reduce(:+), oi: v.map { |x| x[:oi] }.reduce(:+), type: :cont_eod } %i[ open high low close ].each do |ohlc| avg_bar[ohlc] = (v.map{|x| x[ohlc].to_f * x[effective_selector] }.reduce(:+) / avg_bar[effective_selector]).round(rounding) avg_bar[ohlc] = (avg_bar[ohlc] * sym[:bcf]).round(8) unless sym[:bcf] == 1.0 end p avg_bar if debug indicators.each do |k,v| print format('%12s: ', k.to_s) if debug tmp = v.call(avg_bar) avg_bar[k] = tmp.respond_to?(:round) ? tmp.round(rounding) : tmp puts avg_bar[k] if debug end #%i[tr atr5].each { |ind| # avg_bar[ind] = (avg_bar[ind] / sym[:ticksize]).round.to_i unless avg_bar[ind].nil? #} result << avg_bar result.last[:contracts] = v end result end constname = "CONTINUOUS_#{symbol}#{selector.nil? ? '' : ('_' + selector.to_s)}".to_sym if rewriting or not Cotcube::Bardata.const_defined?( constname) old = $VERBOSE; $VERBOSE = nil Cotcube::Bardata.const_set constname, loading.call $VERBOSE = old end measuring.call("Finished processing") date.nil? ? Cotcube::Bardata.const_get(constname).map{|z| z.dup } : Cotcube::Bardata.const_get(constname).find { |x| x[:date] == date } end # the filter series is an indicator based on the Cotcube::Bardata.continuous of the asset price. # current default filter is the ema50 def filter_series(ema_length: 50, symbol: , print_range: nil) ema_high_n = "ema#{ema_length}_high".to_sym ema_low_n = "ema#{ema_length}_low".to_sym ema_filter = "ema#{ema_length}_filter".to_sym indicators = { ema_high_n => Cotcube::Indicators.ema(key: :high, length: ema_length, smoothing: 2), ema_low_n => Cotcube::Indicators.ema(key: :low, length: ema_length, smoothing: 2), # NOTE: TR / ATR5 are in default set of continuous :tr => Cotcube::Indicators.true_range, :atr5 => Cotcube::Indicators.ema(key: :tr, length: 5, smoothing: 2), ema_filter => Cotcube::Indicators.calc(a: :high, b: :low, c: :close, d: ema_high_n, e: ema_low_n, f: :atr5, finalize: :to_i) do |high, low, close, ema_high, ema_low, atr5| if close > ema_high and (low - ema_high).abs <= atr5 / 5.0; 3 # :bullish_tipped elsif low > ema_high and (low - ema_high).abs >= atr5 * 3.0; 5 # :bullish_away elsif low > ema_high and (low - ema_high).abs <= atr5 / 1.5; 2 # :bullish_nearby elsif low > ema_high; 4 # :bullish elsif close < ema_low and (high - ema_low).abs <= atr5 / 5.0; -3 # :bearish_tipped elsif high < ema_low and (high - ema_low).abs >= atr5 * 3.0; -5 # :bearish_away elsif high < ema_low and (high - ema_low).abs <= atr5 / 1.5; -2 # :bearish_nearby elsif high < ema_low; -4 # :bearish elsif close >= ema_high and (close - ema_high).abs > atr5 ; 2 # :bullish_closed elsif close <= ema_low and (close - ema_low ).abs > atr5 ; -2 # :bearish_closed elsif close >= ema_high; 1 # :bullish_weak elsif close <= ema_low; -1 # :bearish_weak elsif close > ema_low and close < ema_high; 0 # :ambigue else raise RuntimeError, "Unconsidered Indicator value with #{high}, #{low}, #{close}, #{ema_high}, #{ema_low}, #{atr5}" end end } filter = Cotcube::Bardata.continuous(symbol: symbol, indicators: indicators). map{ |z| z[:datetime] = DateTime.parse(z[:date]); z[:datetime] += z[:datetime].wday == 5 ? 3 : 1; z.slice(:datetime, ema_filter) }. group_by{ |z| z[:datetime] }. map{ |k,v| [ k, v[0][ema_filter] ] }. to_h. tap{ |z| z.to_a[print_range].each { |v| puts "#{symbol} #{v[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') } #{format '%2d', v[1] }".colorize(v[1] > 3 ? :light_green : v[1] > 1 ? :green : v[1] < -3 ? :light_red : v[1] < -1 ? :red : :white ) } if print_range.is_a? Range } end def continuous_ml(symbol: nil, id: nil, base: nil) (base.nil? ? Cotcube::Bardata.continuous(symbol: symbol, id: id) : base).map do |x| x[:ml] = x[:contracts].max_by { |z| z[:volume] }[:contract] { date: x[:date], ml: x[:ml] } end end # the method above delivers the most_liquid as it is found at the end of the day. D # during trading, the work is done with data # that is already one day old. This is is fixed here: def continuous_actual_ml(symbol: nil, id: nil) continuous = Cotcube::Bardata.continuous symbol: symbol, id: id continuous_ml = Cotcube::Bardata.continuous_ml base: continuous continuous_hash = continuous.to_h { |x| [x[:date], x[:contracts]] } actual_ml = continuous_ml.pairwise { |a, b| { date: b[:date], ml: a[:ml] } } actual_ml.map do |x| r = continuous_hash[x[:date]].select { |z| x[:ml] == z[:contract] }.first r = continuous_hash[x[:date]].min_by { |z| -z[:volume] } if r.nil? r end end # based on .continuous, this methods sorts the prepared dailies continuous for each date # on either :volume (default) or :oi # with this job done, it can provide the period for which a past contract was the most liquid # def continuous_overview(symbol: nil, id: nil, # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists config: init, selector: :volume, human: false, measure: nil, filter: nil) raise ArgumentError, ':measure, if given, must be a Time object (e.g. Time.now)' unless [NilClass, Time].include? measure.class measuring = lambda {|c| puts "[continuous_overview] Time measured until '#{c}': #{(Time.now.to_f - measure.to_f).round(2)}sec" unless measure.nil? } raise ArgumentError, 'Selector must be either :volume or :oi' unless selector.is_a?(Symbol) && %i[volume oi].include?(selector) measuring.call("Starting") sym = Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id) id = sym[:id] # noinspection RubyNilAnalysis data = continuous(id: id, config: config, measure: measure).map do |x| { date: x[:date], volume: x[:contracts].sort_by { |z| - z[:volume] }[0..4].compact.reject { |z| z[:volume].zero? }, oi: x[:contracts].sort_by { |z| - z[:oi] }[0..4].compact.reject { |z| z[:oi].zero? } } end measuring.call("Retrieved continuous for #{sym[:symbol]}") data.reject! { |x| x[selector].empty? } result = data.group_by { |x| x[selector].first[:contract] } result.each_key do |key| result[key].map! do |x| x[:volume].select! { |z| z[:contract] == key } x[:oi].select! { |z| z[:contract] == key } x end end if human result.each do |k, v| next unless filter.nil? || v.first[selector].first[:contract][2..4] =~ (/#{filter}/) # rubocop:disable Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation puts "#{k }\t#{v.first[:date] }\t#{v.last[:date] }\t#{format('%4d', (Date.parse(v.last[:date]) - Date.parse(v.first[:date]))) }\t#{result[k].map do |x| x[:volume].select do x[:contract] == k end end.size }" # rubocop:enable Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation end end measuring.call("Finished processing") result end def continuous_table(symbol: nil, id: nil, selector: :volume, filter: nil, date: Date.today, short: true, silent: false, measure: nil, debuglevel: 1, debug: false) if debug.is_a?(Integer) debuglevel = debug debug = debuglevel > 0 ? true : false end silent = false if debug raise ArgumentError, ':measure, if given, must be a Time object (e.g. Time.now)' unless [NilClass, Time].include? measure.class measuring = lambda {|c| puts "[continuous_table] Time measured until '#{c}': #{(Time.now.to_f - measure.to_f).round(2)}sec" unless measure.nil? } raise ArgumentError, 'Selector must be either :volume or :oi' unless selector.is_a?(Symbol) && %i[volume oi].include?(selector) measuring.call("Entering function") sym = Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id) if %w[R6 BJ GE].include? sym[:symbol] puts "Rejecting to process symbol '#{sym[:symbol]}'.".light_red return [] end id = sym[:id] dfm = lambda do |x, y = date.year| k = Date.strptime("#{y} #{x.negative? ? x + 366 : x}", '%Y %j') k -= 1 while [0, 6].include?(k.wday) k.strftime('%a, %Y-%m-%d') rescue StandardError puts "#{sym[:symbol]}\t#{x}\t#{y}" end ytoday = date.yday data = continuous_overview(id: id, selector: selector, filter: filter, human: false, config: init, measure: measure) .reject { |k, _| k[-2..].to_i >= date.year % 2000 } .group_by { |k, _| k[2] } measuring.call("Retrieved continous_overview") long_output = [] toydate = -> (z,y=2021) { str = "#{z>365 ? y+1 : y} #{z>365 ? z-365 : z}"; DateTime.strptime(str, '%Y %j').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') } data.keys.sort.each do |month| puts "Processing #{sym[:symbol]}#{month}" if debuglevel > 1 v0 = data[month] # ldays is the list of 'last days' ldays = v0.map { |_, v1| Date.parse(v1.last[:date]).yday } # fdays is the list of 'first days' fdays = v0.map { |_, v1| Date.parse(v1.first[:date]).yday }.sort # if the last ml day nears the end of the year, we must fix ldays.map! { |x| x > 350 ? x - 366 : x } if ldays.min < 50 fday = fdays[fdays.size / 2] lavg = ldays.reduce(:+) / ldays.size # rubocop:disable Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation current = { month: month, contract: "#{sym[:symbol]}#{month}", first_ml: fday, last_min: ldays.min, last_avg: lavg, last_max: ldays.max, until_start: fday - ytoday, until_end: ldays.min - ytoday } current[:until_end] += 365 if current[:until_end] - current[:until_start] < 0 current[:until_end] -= 365 if current[:until_end] > 365 long_output << current # a contract is proposed to use after fday - 1, but before ldays.min (green) # it is warned to user after fday - 1 but before lavg - 1 (red) # it is warned red >= lavg - 1 and <= lavg + 1 color = if (ytoday >= lavg - 1) && (ytoday <= lavg + 1) :light_red elsif (ytoday > ldays.min) && (ytoday < lavg - 1) :light_yellow elsif (ytoday >= (fday > lavg ? 0 : fday - 5)) && (ytoday <= ldays.min) :light_green else :white end output = "#{sym[:symbol] }#{month }\t#{format '%12s', sym[:type] }\ttoday is #{ytoday } -- median of first is #{fday }\tlast ranges from #{format '%5d', ldays.min }: #{dfm.call(ldays.min) }\t#{format '%5d', lavg }: #{dfm.call(lavg) }\tto #{format '%5d', ldays.max }: #{dfm.call(ldays.max)}".colorize(color) if debug || (color != :white) puts output unless silent end next if silent or not (debug and debuglevel >= 2) v0.each do |contract, v1| puts "\t#{contract }\t#{v1.first[:date] } (#{format '%3d', Date.parse(v1.first[:date]).yday })\t#{Date.parse(v1.last[:date]).strftime('%a, %Y-%m-%d') } (#{Date.parse(v1.last[:date]).yday})" unless silent # rubocop:enable Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation end end long_output.sort_by!{|z| z[:until_end] + (z[:until_end].negative? ? 365 : 0)} if short return ([long_output.first] + long_output.select{|z| z[:until_start].positive? and z[:until_start] < 10 }).map{|z| z[:contract] }.uniq end measuring.call("Finished processing") return long_output end end end