require 'delegate' require 'optparse' module FLV class Timestamp < DelegateClass(Float) def initialize(ms=0) raise ArgumentError unless ms.is_a? Numeric super end # Returns [hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds] def to_a n = in_milliseconds [1000,60,60].map do |div| val = n % div n /= div val end.reverse.unshift(n) end # Returns "HH:MM:SS.MMMM" like "1:23:45.678" or "1:00.000" for 1 minute. def to_s return "" if self == INFINITY nbs = to_a.drop_while(&:zero?) ms = nbs.pop || 0 first = nbs.shift || 0 sprintf("%d%s.%03d", first,{|n| sprintf(":%02d",n)}.join, ms) end def in_seconds to_f end def in_milliseconds (self * 1000).round end def widen(amount),self).widen(amount) end def self.in_milliseconds(ms) end def self.in_seconds(s) new s end def self.try_convert(s, if_empty_string = 0) case s when Timestamp s when Numeric new s when "" new if_empty_string when REGEXP h, m, s, ms = Regexp.last_match.captures ms &&= ms.ljust(3,'0')[0,3] # e.g. 1.23 => 1.230 h, m = m, h if h and h.end_with?(":") and m.nil? h, m, s, ms = [h, m, s, ms].map{|n| (n || 0).to_i} in_seconds ((h*60+m)*60+s)+ms/1000.0 end end REGEXP = /^(\d*[h:])?(\d*[m:])?(\d*)\.?(\d*)$/.freeze end # Timestamp INFINITY = 1/0.0 class TimestampRange < Range core = Timestamp::REGEXP.source.gsub(/[\$\^\(\)]/,"") REGEXP ="^(#{core})-(#{core})$").freeze def to_s "#{self.begin}-#{self.end}" end def initialize(from, to, exclusive=false) super(Timestamp.try_convert(from), Timestamp.try_convert(to, INFINITY), exclusive) end def in_seconds, self.end.in_seconds, self.exclude_end?) end def in_milliseconds, self.end.in_milliseconds, self.exclude_end?) end def self.try_convert(s) case s when Range new s.begin, s.end when TimestampRange s when REGEXP new *Regexp.last_match.captures else p "Can't convert #{s}" end end def widen(amount) [self.begin - amount, 0].max, self.end + amount, self.exclude_end? end end # TimestampRange OptionParser.accept(TimestampRange, TimestampRange::REGEXP) {|str,from,to| TimestampRange.try_convert(str)} class TimestampOrTimestampRange # :nodoc: core = Timestamp::REGEXP.source.gsub(/[\$\^\(\)]/,"") REGEXP ="^(#{core})-(#{core})|(#{core})$").freeze end # TimestampOrTimestampRange OptionParser.accept(TimestampOrTimestampRange, TimestampOrTimestampRange::REGEXP) do |str,from, to, from_to| (from_to ? Timestamp : TimestampRange).try_convert(str) end end class Range # :nodoc: def ==(r) # Override built-in == because of bug in Ruby 1.8 & 1.9, see self.begin == r.begin && self.end == r.end && self.exclude_end? == r.exclude_end? end end