module ForestLiana describe ValueStatGetter do let(:rendering_id) { 13 } let(:user) { { 'id' => '1', 'rendering_id' => rendering_id } } before(:each) do ForestLiana::ScopeManager.invalidate_scope_cache(rendering_id) allow(ForestLiana::ScopeManager).to receive(:fetch_scopes).and_return(scopes) island = Island.create!(name: 'NĂºmenor') king = User.create!(title: :king, name: 'Aragorn') villager = User.create!(title: :villager) Tree.create!(name: 'Tree n1', age: 1, island: island, owner: king) Tree.create!(name: 'Tree n2', age: 3, island: island, created_at:, owner: villager) Tree.create!(name: 'Tree n3', age: 4, island: island, owner: king, cutter: villager) end let(:params) { { type: "Value", collection: collection, timezone: "Europe/Paris", aggregate: "Count", filters: filters } } subject {, params, user) } describe 'with empty scopes' do let(:scopes) { { } } describe 'with a simple filter matching no entries' do let(:model) { User } let(:collection) { 'users' } let(:filters) { { field: 'name', operator: 'in', value: ['Merry', 'Pippin'] }.to_json } it 'should have a countCurrent of 0' do subject.perform expect(subject.record.value[:countCurrent]).to eq 0 end end describe 'with a filter on a belongs_to string field' do let(:model) { Tree } let(:collection) { 'trees' } let(:filters) { { field: 'owner:name', operator: 'equal', value: 'Aragorn' }.to_json } it 'should have a countCurrent of 2' do subject.perform expect(subject.record.value[:countCurrent]).to eq 2 end end describe 'with a filter on a belongs_to enum field' do let(:model) { Tree } let(:collection) { 'trees' } let(:filters) { { field: 'owner:title', operator: 'equal', value: 'villager' }.to_json } it 'should have a countCurrent of 1' do subject.perform expect(subject.record.value[:countCurrent]).to eq 1 end end end describe 'with scopes' do let(:scopes) { { 'User' => { 'scope'=> { 'filter'=> { 'aggregator' => 'and', 'conditions' => [ { 'field' => 'title', 'operator' => 'not_equal', 'value' => 'villager' } ] }, 'dynamicScopesValues' => { } } } } } describe 'with a filter on a belongs_to enum field' do let(:model) { User } let(:collection) { 'users' } let(:filters) { { field: 'title', operator: 'equal', value: 'villager' }.to_json } it 'should have a countCurrent of 0' do subject.perform expect(subject.record.value[:countCurrent]).to eq 0 end end end end end