= ActsAsPreviousNext == Description This 'acts_as' extension provides the capability for having previous & next methods for an object. Previous & next are based on a specified column (default is id). == Install In your Gemfile gem 'acts_as_previous_next' Currently is tested on rails3.2.0.rc2, ruby 1.9.3 and mysql == Example class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_previous_next # acts_as_previous_next column: :id # or # acts_as_previous_next :id end post = Post.new post.next # => nil post.save post.next # => post post.previous # => post another_post = Post.new another_post.save another_post.next # => post another_post.previous # => post Currently CanCan authorization is supported as option (+false+ by default). If cancan authorization is enabled then +current_ability+ must be passed to next, previous methods. So the previous example with cancan will be: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_previous_next with_cancan: true belongs_to :user end And in your view: link_to 'Next', @post.next(current_ability) link_to 'Previous', @post.previous(current_ability)