Sha256: 5d4cc97e9b5bffe6b6f32830b772f76a340495917b8a145b1cc9628a3a8aa9c9

Contents?: true

Size: 1.95 KB

Versions: 4


Stored size: 1.95 KB


SocialStream.setup do |config|
  # List the models that are social entities. These will have ties between them.
  # Remember you must add an "actor_id" foreign key column to your migration!
  # config.subjects = [:user, :group ]

  # Include devise modules in User. See devise documentation for details.
  # Others available are:
  # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :validatable
  # config.devise_modules = :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
  #                         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable,
  #                         :omniauthable, :token_authenticatable

  # Type of activities managed by actors
  # Remember you must add an "activity_object_id" foreign key column to your migration!
  # config.objects += [ :foo, :bar ]

  # Form for activity objects to be loaded
  # You can write your own activity objects
  # config.activity_forms = [ :post, :document, :foo, :bar ]

  # Config the relation model of your network
  # :custom - users define their own relation types, and post with privacy, like Google+
  # :follow - user just follow other users, like Twitter
  # config.relation_model = :custom

  # Configure the type of actors that are suggested in the sidebar
  # config.suggested_models = [ :user, :group ]
  # Configure the models that will appear in the repository tab
  # config.repository_models = [ :document, :event, :link, :place ]

  # Expose resque interface to manage background tasks at /resque
  # config.resque_access = true

  # Quick search (header) and Extended search models and its order. Remember to create
  # the indexes with thinking-sphinx if you are using customized models.
  # config.quick_search_models = [:user, :group]
  # config.extended_search_models = [:user, :group]

  # Cleditor controls. It is used in new message editor, for example
  # config.cleditor_controls = "bold italic underline strikethrough subscript superscript | size style | bullets | image link unlink"

Version data entries

4 entries across 4 versions & 2 rubygems

Version Path
social_stream-2.0.1 base/lib/generators/social_stream/base/templates/initializer.rb
social_stream-base-2.0.1 lib/generators/social_stream/base/templates/initializer.rb
social_stream-2.0.0 base/lib/generators/social_stream/base/templates/initializer.rb
social_stream-base-2.0.0 lib/generators/social_stream/base/templates/initializer.rb