# OverSIP - Main Configuration.
#   This is a YAML [1] format configuration file. DON'T USE tab for indentation
#   as it's not allowed and would raise unexpected errors. Instead, respect
#   the existing indentation spaces.
#   [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML


  # DNS nameserver to use. Note that OverSIP requires a recursive DNS server
  # (recommended unbound: a DNS recursive and caching DNS resolver).
  # Value can be:
  # - An IPv4.
  # - An array of IPv4 (for failover).
  # - _null_: nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf are used.
  # Default value is _null_.
  nameservers: null

  # Syslog facility. Can be "kern", "user", "daemon", "local0"..."local7".
  # By default "daemon".
  syslog_facility: daemon

  # Syslog level. Can be "debug", "info", "notice", "warn", "error", "crit".
  # By default "info".
  syslog_level: debug


  # Use SIP over UDP. By default _yes_.
  sip_udp: yes

  # Use SIP over TCP. By default _yes_.
  sip_tcp: yes

  # Use SIP over TLS. By default _yes_.
  sip_tls: yes

  # Enable or disable IPv4. By default _yes_.
  enable_ipv4: yes

  # IPv4 in which OverSIP listens for SIP messages. Using "" is not
  # allowed.
  # - Use an IPv4 string for listening in that address.
  # - Use _null_ for IP autodiscovery.
  # Default value is _null_.
  listen_ipv4: null
  # Advertised IPv4 for Via, Record-Route and Path headers.
  # Useful when OverSIP runs behind a NAT and must expose the router public
  # IPv4 to the outside.
  # Default value is _null_ which means that the local IPv4 is used.
  advertised_ipv4: null

  # Enable or disable IPv6. By default _yes_.
  enable_ipv6: yes

  # IPv6 in which OverSIP listens for SIP messages. Using "::" is not
  # allowed.
  # - Use an IPv6 string for listening in that address.
  # - Use _null_ for IP autodiscovery.
  # Default value is _null_.
  listen_ipv6: null
  # Advertised IPv6 for Via, Record-Route and Path headers.
  # Useful when OverSIP runs behind a NAT and must expose the router public
  # IPv4 to the outside.
  # Default value is _null_ which means that the local IPv6 is used.
  advertised_ipv6: null

  # Listening port for SIP over UDP and TCP.
  # By default 5060.
  listen_port: 5060

  # Listening port for SIP over TLS.
  # By default 5061.
  listen_port_tls: 5061

  # By enabling this option OverSIP does not listen in SIP TLS but, instead,
  # runs an instance of Stud TLS proxy which communicates with OverSIP using
  # plain TCP.
  # By default _yes_.
  use_tls_tunnel: yes

  # The port which listens for TCP traffic from the Stud TLS proxy running in
  # this host.
  # By default 5062.
  listen_port_tls_tunnel: 5062

  # Call the OverSIP::SipEvents.on_client_tls_handshake() callback when a SIP
  # client attemps a TLS handshake with OverSIP.
  # By default _yes_.
  callback_on_client_tls_handshake: yes

  # Local domains OverSIP is responsible for.  Value can be:
  # - A domain.
  # - An array of domains.
  # - _null_: no one, just local IP's are matched as local destinations.
  # Default value is _null_.
  # local domains: [ example.net, sip.example.org ]
  local_domains: null

  # TCP keepalive interval (in seconds).
  # When acting as a TCP server, OverSIP sends TCP packets with null data payload
  # as described in http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO/.
  # If not set, TCP keepalive is disabled.
  # Minimun value is 180 seconds. Default value is _null_ (not enabled).
  tcp_keepalive_interval: 300

  # Use a hostname for Record-Route/Path header when using TLS or WSS transports
  # over IPv4 (rather than using the server IP). This is good when a peer
  # sends us an in-dialog request via TLS so it could check whether the host part
  # of the top Route header matches a domain in the certificate we provide to it.
  # If not set, the server IPv4 will be used.
  # Default value is _null_ (IPv4 is used).
  # record_route_hostname_tls_ipv4: outbound.example.net
  record_route_hostname_tls_ipv4: null

  # The same for IPv6.
  # If not set, the server IPv6 will be used.
  # Default value is _null_ (IPv6 is used).
  # record_route_hostname_tls_ipv6: outbound.example.net
  record_route_hostname_tls_ipv6:  null


  # Use SIP over WebSocket. By default _yes_.
  sip_ws: yes

  # Use SIP over WebSocket with TLS. By default _yes_.
  sip_wss: yes

  # Enable or disable IPv4. By default _yes_.
  enable_ipv4: yes

  # IPv4 in which OverSIP listens for WebSocket messages. Using "" is not
  # allowed.
  # - Use an IPv4 string for listening in that address.
  # - Use _null_ for IP autodiscovery.
  # Default value is _null_.
  listen_ipv4: null
  # Advertised IPv4 for Via, Record-Route and Path headers.
  # Useful when OverSIP runs behind a NAT and must expose the router public
  # IPv4 to the outside.
  # Default value is _null_ which means that the local IPv4 is used.
  advertised_ipv4: null

  # Enable or disable IPv6. By default _yes_.
  enable_ipv6: yes

  # IPv6 in which OverSIP listens for SIP messages. Using "::" is not
  # allowed.
  # - Use an IPv6 string for listening in that address.
  # - Use _null_ for IP autodiscovery.
  # Default value is _null_.
  listen_ipv6: null
  # Advertised IPv6 for Via, Record-Route and Path headers.
  # Useful when OverSIP runs behind a NAT and must expose the router public
  # IPv4 to the outside.
  # Default value is _null_ which means that the local IPv6 is used.
  advertised_ipv6: null

  # Listening port for WebSocket over HTTP.
  # By default 10080.
  listen_port: 10080

  # Listening port for WebSocket over HTTPS.
  # By default 10443.
  listen_port_tls: 10443

  # By enabling this option OverSIP does not listen in WebSocket TLS but, instead,
  # runs an instance of Stud TLS proxy which communicates with OverSIP using
  # plain TCP.
  # By default _yes_.
  use_tls_tunnel: yes

  # The port which listens for TCP traffic from the Stud TLS proxy running in
  # this host.
  # By default 10444.
  listen_port_tls_tunnel: 10444

  # Call the OverSIP::WebSocketEvents.on_client_tls_handshake() callback when a WebSocket
  # client attemps a TLS handshake with OverSIP.
  # By default _yes_.
  callback_on_client_tls_handshake: yes

  # WebSocket message max size (bytes). By default 65536.
  max_ws_message_size: 65536

  # WebSocket frame max size (bytes). By default 65536.
  max_ws_frame_size: 65536

  # WebSocket PING frames interval (in seconds).
  # If set, OverSIP sends WebSocket PING control frames as the given interval.
  # Minimun value is 180. Default value is _null_.
  ws_keepalive_interval: 300

# TLS parameters affect to any interface of OverSIP using TLS, including SIP and WebSocket.

  # Server TLS public certificate. It must be the name of a readable file containing a
  # chain of X509 certificates in PEM format, with the most-resolved certificate at the
  # top of the file, successive intermediate certs in the middle, and the root (or CA)
  # cert at the bottom.
  # If not set, TLS is disabled. Default value is _null_.
  # If a relative path is given, it's searched under the tls/ directoy in the OverSIP
  # configuration directory (typically /etc/oversip/).
  public_cert: demo-tls.oversip.net.crt

  # Server TLS private certificate. It must be the name of a readable file containing a
  # private key in the PEM format.
  # If not set, TLS is disabled. Default value is _null_.
  # If a relative path is given, it's searched under the tls/ directoy in the OverSIP
  # configuration directory (typically /etc/oversip/).
  # NOTE: The private key MUST NOT require password.
  private_cert: demo-tls.oversip.net.key

  # Directory of TLS CAs. It must be the name of a readable directory. Every file in
  # that directory will be inspected and every X509 certificate in PEM format extracted.
  # This is useful for storing the list of trusted CAs (i.e. http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem)
  # or CAs not in a standard trust hierarchy.
  # This is *required* for validating certificates provided by remote peers.
  # If _null_ this feature is dssabled. Default value is _null_.
  # If a relative path is given, it's searched under the tls/ directoy in the OverSIP
  # configuration directory (typically /etc/oversip/).
  ca_dir: ca/