require 'spec_helper' require 'synchromesh/integration/test_components' describe "dictionary examples", js: true do HyperMesh.configuration do |config| config.transport = :action_cable config.channel_prefix = "synchromesh" end before(:all) do class DictionaryEntry < ActiveRecord::Base def self.build_tables connection.create_table(:dictionary_entries, force: true) do |t| t.string :word t.string :pronunciation end end end class Definition < ActiveRecord::Base def self.build_tables connection.create_table(:definitions, force: true) do |t| t.integer :dictionary_entry_id t.text :definition t.integer :votes end end end end before(:each) do stub_const 'ApplicationPolicy', ApplicationPolicy.class_eval do always_allow_connection regulate_all_broadcasts { |policy| policy.send_all } allow_change(to: :all, on: [:create, :update, :destroy]) { true } end size_window(:small, :portrait) isomorphic do class DictionaryEntry < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :definitions scope :defined, ->() {joins(:definitions).where('definitions.dictionary_entry_id IS NOT NULL')} end class Definition < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :dictionary_entry scope :order_by_votes, ->() { order('votes DESC') } end end DictionaryEntry.build_tables Definition.build_tables foo = DictionaryEntry.create(word: 'foo', pronunciation: 'foo') Definition.create( definition: 'every programmers favorite symbol', votes: 3, dictionary_entry: foo ) DictionaryEntry.create(word: 'meaningless') bar = DictionaryEntry.create(word: 'bar', pronunciation: 'bahr') Definition.create( definition: 'every programmers 2nd favorite symbol', votes: 2, dictionary_entry: bar ) Definition.create( definition: 'every programmers favorite place', votes: 4, dictionary_entry: bar ) ruby = DictionaryEntry.create(word: 'ruby', pronunciation: 'roo-bee') Definition.create( definition: 'every programmers favorite language', votes: 30, dictionary_entry: ruby ) Definition.create( definition: 'a red gem stone', votes: 4, dictionary_entry: ruby ) hyperloop = DictionaryEntry.create(word: 'hyperloop', pronunciation: 'hahy-per-loop') Definition.create( definition: 'every programmers favorite UI framework', votes: 25, dictionary_entry: hyperloop ) Definition.create( definition: 'high speed rail for the 21st century', votes: 24, dictionary_entry: hyperloop ) end it "displays a word" do mount "WordOfTheDay" do class WordOfTheDay < React::Component::Base # The current word displayed is stored in the # entry state variable. We use a state # variable so that the display will refresh # when the user chooses a new word define_state :entry def pick_entry! # pick a random word and assign the selected record to entry # the ! will notify react that the state is changing. state.entry! DictionaryEntry.all[rand(DictionaryEntry.count)] end # before we mount our component pick the first entry to display before_mount :pick_entry! render(DIV) do DIV { "Total definitions: #{DictionaryEntry.count}" } DIV do DIV { "word: #{state.entry.word}" } DIV { "pronunciation: #{state.entry.pronunciation}" } definitions AddDefinition(entry: state.entry) end BUTTON { 'pick another' }.on(:click) { pick_entry! } end def definitions # Display the ordered list of definitions # note the use of relationships as scopes # To keep things tidy we break out ShowDefinition # as a separate component. OL do state.entry.definitions.order_by_votes.each do |definition| LI { ShowDefinition definition: definition } end end end end class ShowDefinition < React::Component::Base # The ShowDefinition component has one param # of type as "Definition". Typing is not # necessary but will raise a warning if the # type is wrong, so its helpful in debug. param :definition, type: Definition # display the number of votes and let the user # up or down vote the definition render(DIV) do DIV do SPAN { "votes: #{params.definition.votes}" } BUTTON { '+' }.on(:click) { inc_vote(1) } BUTTON { '-' }.on(:click) { inc_vote(-1) } end DIV { params.definition.definition } end def inc_vote(amt) # update the votes attribute on the definition # record. If votes goes to zero destroy the # record, otherwise just save it. params.definition.votes += amt if params.definition.destroy else end end end class AddDefinition < React::Component::Base # The AddDefinition component takes a # DictionaryEntry, and will allow the user # add a new definition. param :entry, type: DictionaryEntry # The definition state just holds the current # text that the user has typed. # More interesting is adding_definition which # controls whether we diplay a editable text area, # or the 'add new definition' button. define_state definition: '' define_state :adding_definition def text_area # display the text area and provide add& cancel buttons DIV do TEXTAREA(rows: 4, cols: 30, value: state.definition) .on(:change) { |e| state.definition! } BUTTON { 'add' } .on(:click) { add_definition } BUTTON { 'cancel' }.on(:click) { state.adding_definition! false } end end def add_definition # Use ActiveRecord create to add a new # record. Using the promise returned by # create we will wait until the operation is # finished to update the UI. Definition.create( definition: state.definition, votes: 1, dictionary_entry: params.entry ).then do state.adding_definition! false state.definition! '' end end render do if state.adding_definition text_area else BUTTON { 'add new definition' } .on(:click) { state.adding_definition! true } end end end end #binding.pry pause end end