# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project *tries* to adhere to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/), even before v1.0. ## [4.2.3] - hide type dot_clean check message ## [4.2.2] - add vendor files to gem package ## [4.2.1] - update docs - fix status tailing check for nested stacks ## [4.2.0] - lono current - lono cfn status - app/files support with file_s3_key helper - Display status of stack deployment and wait for completion - fix iam retry logic for cfn update ## [4.1.0] - Merge pull request #36 from tongueroo/cli_markdown - fix current_region helper in variables, add s3_region setting - settings: fix edge cases, nil base, file is empty - simplify how to set s3 endpoint override so region doesnt have to also be set - use subshell for extract_scripts ## [4.0.6] - Update cli docs: generate, import, new, upload - fix thor description override when command not found ## [4.0.5] - update lono cfn diff docs ## [4.0.4] - update lono cfn diff docs - add S3_REGION env option to configure different s3 client region vs AWS_PROFILE ## [4.0.3] - update cli docs - make `--name` option for lono import optional - simplified template_params helper return structure ## [4.0.2] - update cli docs ## [4.0.1] - add http://lono.cloud/reference/ - improve cli docs ## [4.0.0] - lono upgrade4 command - simplified lono project structure - app/scripts upload support and extract_scripts helper - new settings.yml format: environment support, simplified s3_folder and aws_profiles options - revamped starter projects - added focus to lono import flow - move lono summary up to top-level cli - cli auto-completion support - improved YAML parse error: shows error line immediately to user of output template - better ERB template error rendering with render_me_pretty gem - remove json support. focus on yaml. - lono user_data command ## [3.5.0] - Using Lono.root instead of scattered project_root parameters - prefer use of Lono.env over LONO_ENV internally - do not remove blank lines from the generated template, it makes user-data scripts harder to read - remove adding of extra line to partials, causing issues with user data partials ## [3.4.1] - docs for lono settings ## [3.4.0] - fix lono project config settings - upgrade to circleci 2.0 - add current_region helper - update install notes ## [3.3.4] - require specific aws-sdk s3 and cloudformation dependencies to reduce size ## [3.3.3] - lono import also creates a params/base file ## [3.3.2] - remove -prod from the starter project ## [3.3.1] - update lono inspect summary help ## [3.3.0] - add lono inspect summary - remove lono inspect params ## [3.2.1] - fix lono inspect params ## [3.2.0] - lono inspect depends - lono inspect params ## [3.1.3] - fix randomize stack name option ## [3.1.2] - lono import: casing option: camelcase or dasherize ## [3.1.1] - update lono import and new cli help ## [3.1.0] - lono import command ## [3.0.1] - update aws-sdk to version 3 ## [3.0.0] - Major feature changes - Lono structural changes - Layering Support - Shared Variable Support - Nested Stacks Support - Format and Extension Detection - Custom Helper Support - Source Name Convention Support - Setting File Support ## [2.1.0] - improve instance_eval error when lono.rb errors, print out line of code and context ## [2.0.5] - add example template to starter app - add docs website ## [2.0.4] - cfn preview: exit gracefully when stack doesnt exist - exit gracefully with ctrl-c ## [2.0.3] - fix param generation with cfn preview when stack name is different from param name ## [2.0.2] - fix starter project param files ## [2.0.1] - fix lono cfn update ## [2.0.0] - added lono cfn subcommand to launch CloudFormation stacks - added lono params subcommand to generate CloudFormation parameter files - moved lono template methods into subcommand. lono generate still available at top level. ## [1.1.4] - allow --help or -h at the end of the command ## [1.1.3] - make display output path prettier ## [1.1.2] - erb error fix context off by 1 ## [1.1.1] - default detected format to yaml if no templates defined yet ## [1.1.0] - useful ERB render error messages ## [1.0.2] - remove blank lines from yaml output ## [1.0.1] - update starter project instance type allowed values ## [1.0.0] - Yaml support added! Makes for much more clean and concise templates. The `lono new` command defaults to yaml format. - The starter project is app centric instead of env centric. Example: blog-web-prod vs prod-blog-web. ## [0.5.2] - Add helper encode_base64 method in case you want to base64 encode a string in the ERB template and you are using lono outside of the context of CloudFormation where you will not have access to the FN::Base64 Function. ## [0.5.1] - move ensure_dir up above validation so folder gets created even with bad json. fixes #14 ## [0.5.0] - Update use newer ruby syntax. - Get rid of the core Hash extension that is causing issues with aws-sdk version 2. I original did this because the output of the generated json files was no deterministic with ruby 1.8.7. No longer supporting ruby 1.8.7. - Gem has been tested with ruby 2.2.5+