module Mobility =begin Defines a minimum set of shared components included in any backend. These are: - a reader returning the +model+ on which the backend is defined ({#model}) - a reader returning the +attribute+ for which the backend is defined ({#attribute}) - a reader returning +options+ configuring the backend ({#options}) - a constructor setting these three elements (+model+, +attribute+, +options+), and extracting fallbacks from the options hash ({#initialize}) - a +setup+ method adding any configuration code to the model class ({Setup#setup}) On top of this, a backend will normally: - implement a +read+ instance method to read from the backend - implement a +write+ instance method to write to the backend - implement a +configure!+ class method to apply any normalization to the options hash - call the +setup+ method yielding attributes and options to configure the model class @example Defining a Backend class MyBackend include Mobility::Backend def read(locale, **options) # ... end def write(locale, value, **options) # ... end def self.configure!(options) # ... end setup do |attributes, options| # Do something with attributes and options in context of model class. end end @see Mobility::Attributes =end module Backend autoload :ActiveModel, 'mobility/backend/active_model' autoload :ActiveRecord, 'mobility/backend/active_record' autoload :Cache, 'mobility/backend/cache' autoload :Column, 'mobility/backend/column' autoload :Dirty, 'mobility/backend/dirty' autoload :Fallbacks, 'mobility/backend/fallbacks' autoload :Hstore, 'mobility/backend/hstore' autoload :Jsonb, 'mobility/backend/jsonb' autoload :KeyValue, 'mobility/backend/key_value' autoload :Null, 'mobility/backend/null' autoload :OrmDelegator, 'mobility/backend/orm_delegator' autoload :Sequel, 'mobility/backend/sequel' autoload :Serialized, 'mobility/backend/serialized' autoload :Table, 'mobility/backend/table' # @return [String] Backend attribute attr_reader :attribute # @return [Object] Model on which backend is defined attr_reader :model # @return [Hash] Backend options attr_reader :options # @!macro [new] backend_constructor # @param model Model on which backend is defined # @param [String] attribute Backend attribute # @option options [Hash] fallbacks Fallbacks hash def initialize(model, attribute, **options) @model = model @attribute = attribute @options = options fallbacks = options[:fallbacks] @fallbacks = if fallbacks.is_a?(Hash) end # @!macro [new] backend_reader # @param [Symbol] locale Locale to read # @param [Hash] options # @return [Object] Value of translation # # @!macro [new] backend_writer # @param [Symbol] locale Locale to write # @param [Object] value Value to write # @param [Hash] options # @return [Object] Updated value # Extend included class with +setup+ method def self.included(base) base.extend(Setup) end # @param [String] attribute # @return [String] name of backend reader method def self.method_name(attribute) "#{attribute}_backend" end # Defines setup hooks for backend to customize model class. module Setup # Assign block to be called on model class. # @yield [attributes, options] # @note When called multiple times, setup blocks will be appended # so that they are run together consecutively on class. def setup &block if @setup_block setup_block = @setup_block @setup_block = lambda do |*args| class_exec(*args, &setup_block) class_exec(*args, &block) end else @setup_block = block end end def inherited(subclass) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@setup_block, @setup_block) end # Call setup block on a class with attributes and options. # @param model_class Class to be setup-ed # @param [Array] attributes # @param [Hash] options def setup_model(model_class, attributes, **options) return unless setup_block = @setup_block model_class.class_exec(attributes, options, &setup_block) end # {Attributes} uses this method to get a backend class specific to the # model using the backend. Backend classes can override this method to # return a class specific to the model class using the backend (e.g. # either an ActiveRecord or Sequel backend class depending on whether the # model is an ActiveRecord model or a Sequel model.) # @see OrmDelegator # @see Attributes # @return [self] returns itself def for(_) self end end end end