describe Compel::Builder do context 'Schema' do subject(:builder) { } it 'shoudl' do object = { first_name: 'Joaquim', birth_date: '1989-0', address: { line_one: 'Lisboa', post_code: '1100', country_code: 'PT' } } schema = Compel.hash.keys({ first_name: Compel.string.required, last_name: Compel.string.required, birth_date:, address: Compel.hash.keys({ line_one: Compel.string.required, line_two: Compel.string.default('-'), post_code: Compel.string.format(/^\d{4}-\d{3}$/).required, country_code:['PT', 'GB']).default('PT') }) }) result =, schema) expect(result).to \ eq({ "first_name" => "Joaquim", "birth_date" => "1989-0", "address" => { "line_one" => "Lisboa", "post_code" => "1100", "country_code" => "PT", "line_two" => "-" }, "errors" => { "last_name" => ["is required"], "birth_date" => ["'1989-0' is not a parsable date with format: %Y-%m-%d"], "address" => { "post_code" => ["must match format ^\\d{4}-\\d{3}$"] } } }) end it 'should build new Schema for givin type' do expect(builder.type).to be(Compel::Coercion::String) expect(builder.options.keys).to eq([]) expect(builder.required?).to be false expect(builder.default_value).to be nil end it 'should build Schema' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ a: Compel.float, b: Compel.string, c: Compel.hash.keys({ cc: Compel.integer.length(1) }), d: Compel.json, e: Compel.time, f: Compel.datetime, g:, h: Compel.integer }) keys_schemas = schema.options[:keys] expect(keys_schemas.a.type).to be Compel::Coercion::Float expect(keys_schemas.b.type).to be Compel::Coercion::String expect(keys_schemas.c.type).to be Compel::Coercion::Hash expect(keys_schemas.d.type).to be Compel::Coercion::JSON expect(keys_schemas.e.type).to be Compel::Coercion::Time expect(keys_schemas.f.type).to be Compel::Coercion::DateTime expect(keys_schemas.g.type).to be Compel::Coercion::Date expect(keys_schemas.h.type).to be Compel::Coercion::Integer end it 'should validate hash object from schema' do schema = Compel.hash.keys({ a: Compel.float.required }) expect(schema.validate({ a: nil }).errors.a).to \ include('is required') end context 'Builder::CommonValue' do context '#in, #range, #min, #max' do it 'should have value' do [:in, :range, :min, :max].each do |method| builder.send(method, "#{method}") expect(builder.options[method]).to eq("#{method}") end end end end context 'Builder::Common' do context '#is, #default' do it 'should have value' do [:is, :default].each do |method| builder.send(method, "#{method}") expect(builder.options[method]).to eq("#{method}") end end end context '#required' do it 'should be false' do expect(builder.required?).to be false end it 'should be true' do builder.required expect(builder.required?).to be true end end context '#length' do it 'should have value' do builder.length(5) expect(builder.options[:length]).to be 5 end it 'should raise exception for invalid type' do expect { builder.length('abc') }.to \ raise_error Compel::TypeError, "'abc' is not a valid Integer" end end end context 'Date' do subject(:builder) { } context '#format' do it 'should have value' do builder.format('%d-%m-%Y') expect(builder.options[:format]).to eq('%d-%m-%Y') end it 'should have value' do builder.iso8601 expect(builder.options[:format]).to eq('%Y-%m-%d') end end end context 'String' do context '#format' do it 'should raise exception for invalid type' do expect { builder.format('abc') }.to \ raise_error Compel::TypeError, "'abc' is not a valid Regexp" end it 'should have value' do builder.format(/1/) expect(builder.options[:format]).to eq(/1/) end end context '#min_length' do it 'should raise exception for invalid type' do expect { builder.min_length('a') }.to \ raise_error Compel::TypeError, "'a' is not a valid Integer" end it 'should have value' do builder.min_length(4) expect(builder.options[:min_length]).to eq(4) end end context '#max_length' do it 'should raise exception for invalid type' do expect { builder.max_length('a') }.to \ raise_error Compel::TypeError, "'a' is not a valid Integer" end it 'should have value' do builder.max_length(10) expect(builder.options[:max_length]).to eq(10) end end end end end