module TensorStream module ArrayOps def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do register_op :slice do |context, tensor, inputs| input = inputs[0] start = inputs[1] size = complete_eval(tensor.options[:size], context) raise "start index and size not of the same shape #{start.size} != #{size.size}" if start.size != size.size slice_tensor(input, start.dup, size.dup) end register_op %i[flow_dynamic_stitch dynamic_stitch] do |context, tensor, inputs| number_of_indexes = tensor.options[:n] indexes = inputs[0...number_of_indexes] data = inputs[number_of_indexes...inputs.size] merged = [] merge_dynamic_stitch(merged, indexes, data, context) merged end register_op :gather do |_context, tensor, inputs| params, indexes = inputs raise "axis !=0 not supported" if tensor.options[:axis] != 0 gather(params, indexes) end register_op %i[concat concat_v2] do |_context, _tensor, inputs| axis = inputs.shift concat_array(inputs, axis) end register_op :stack do |_context, tensor, inputs| axis = tensor.options[:axis] || 0 shape = shape_eval(inputs[0]) rank = shape.size + 1 elem_size = shape.empty? ? 1 : shape.reduce(:*) output_buffer = * elem_size) { 0 } new_shape = [inputs.size] shape.inject(new_shape) { |ns, s| ns << s } divisors = new_shape.dup.drop(1).reverse.inject([1]) { |a, s| a << s * a.last }.reverse axis = rank + axis if axis < 0 rotated_shape = + 1) { new_shape.shift } new_shape = rotated_shape.rotate! + new_shape multipliers = new_shape.dup.drop(1).reverse.inject([1]) { |a, s| a << s * a.last }.reverse inputs.each_with_index do |input, index| raw_input = input.is_a?(Array) ? input.flatten : [input] start = index * divisors.first raw_input.each_with_index do |x, index2| index_map = [] ptr = start + index2 divisors.each_with_object(index_map) do |div, a| a << (ptr / div.to_f).floor ptr = ptr % div end rotated_index = + 1) { index_map.shift } index_map = rotated_index.rotate! + index_map ptr2 = 0 multipliers.each_with_index do |m, idx| ptr2 += index_map[idx] * m end output_buffer[ptr2] = x end end TensorShape.reshape(output_buffer, new_shape) end register_op :unstack do |_context, tensor, inputs| axis = tensor.options[:axis] || 0 new_shape = shape_eval(inputs[0]) rank = new_shape.size - 1 divisors = new_shape.dup.drop(1).reverse.inject([1]) { |a, s| a << s * a.last }.reverse axis = rank + axis if axis < 0 rotated_shape = + 1) { new_shape.shift } new_shape = rotated_shape.rotate!(-1) + new_shape output_buffer =*)) { 0 } multipliers = new_shape.dup.drop(1).reverse.inject([1]) { |a, s| a << s * a.last }.reverse inputs.each_with_index do |input, index| raw_input = input.is_a?(Array) ? input.flatten : [input] start = index * divisors.first raw_input.each_with_index do |x, index2| index_map = [] ptr = start + index2 divisors.each_with_object(index_map) do |div, a| a << (ptr / div.to_f).floor ptr = ptr % div end rotated_index = + 1) { index_map.shift } index_map = rotated_index.rotate!(-1) + index_map ptr2 = 0 multipliers.each_with_index do |m, idx| ptr2 += index_map[idx] * m end output_buffer[ptr2] = x end end res = TensorShape.reshape(output_buffer, new_shape), { tensor.inputs[0].data_type }) end register_op :squeeze do |_context, tensor, inputs| val = inputs[0] shape = shape_eval(val) axis = !tensor.options[:axis].is_a?(Array) ? [tensor.options[:axis]] : tensor.options[:axis] if !axis.empty? axis.each do |x| raise TensorStream::ValueError, "unable to squeeze dimension that does not have a size of 1" if shape[x] != 1 shape[x] = nil end else shape = { |s| s == 1 ? nil : s } end TensorShape.reshape(val, shape.compact) end register_op :expand_dims do |_context, _tensor, inputs| val, axis = inputs axis = axis.nil? ? 0 : axis shape = shape_eval(val) axis = -axis if axis == shape.size new_shape = shape.dup.insert(axis, 1).compact TensorShape.reshape([val], new_shape) end register_op :fill do |_context, tensor, inputs| shape = inputs[0] || tensor.shape.shape value = inputs[1] func = -> { value } if shape.is_a?(Array) && else shape = [shape.to_i] unless shape.is_a?(Array) generate_vector(shape, generator: func) end end register_op :invert_permutation do |_context, _tensor, inputs| input = inputs[0] output = input.dup unless input.nil? input.size.times.each do |index| output[input[index]] = index end end output end register_op :index, no_eval: true do |_context, _tensor, inputs| f = inputs[0] index = inputs[1] if f.is_a?(TensorStream::Evaluator::OutputGroup) f.outputs[index] else f[index] end end register_op :setdiff1d do |_context, tensor, inputs| input, remove = inputs idx = [] out = [] input.each_with_index do |x, index| next if remove.include?(x) out << x idx << index end idx = { |i| Tensor.cast_dtype(i, tensor.options[:index_dtype]) } unless tensor.options[:index_dtype] == :int32[out, idx], end register_op :size do |_context, tensor, inputs| input = inputs[0] Tensor.cast_dtype(input.flatten.size, tensor.options[:out_type]) end register_op :range do |_context, _tensor, inputs| start, limit, delta = inputs raise " delta !=0 " if if limit = start start = 0 end raise " Requires start <= limit when delta > 0" if (start > limit) && delta > 0 raise " Requires start >= limit when delta < 0" if (start < limit) && delta < 0 cur_step = start r = [] Kernel.loop do break if start == limit break if (start < limit) && (cur_step >= limit) break if (start > limit) && (cur_step <= limit) r << cur_step cur_step += delta end r end register_op :eye do |_context, tensor, inputs| rows, columns = inputs do |i| do |col| if fp_type?(tensor.data_type) i == col ? 1.0 : 0.0 else i == col ? 1 : 0 end end end end register_op %i[zeros ones zeros_like ones_like] do |_context, tensor, inputs| shape = if %i[zeros_like ones_like].include?(tensor.operation) shape_eval(inputs[0]) else inputs[0] || tensor.shape.shape end func = if %i[zeros zeros_like].include?(tensor.operation) -> { int_type?(tensor.data_type) ? 0 : 0.0 } else -> { int_type?(tensor.data_type) ? 1 : 1.0 } end if shape.is_a?(Array) && else shape = [shape.to_i] unless shape.is_a?(Array) cache_key = "#{tensor.operation}_#{shape}" if @context[:_cache].key?(cache_key) @context[:_cache][cache_key] else generate_vector(shape, generator: func).tap do |v| @context[:_cache][cache_key] = v end end end end register_op :truncate do |_context, _tensor, inputs| truncate(inputs[0], inputs[1]) end register_op :rank do |_context, _tensor, inputs| get_rank(inputs[0]) end register_op :split do |_context, tensor, inputs| value, num_split, axis = inputs value_shape = shape_eval(value) res = if num_split.is_a?(Array) begin_index = 0 num_split.collect do |num| end_index = begin_index + num arr = split_tensor(value, begin_index, end_index, axis) begin_index = end_index arr end else raise TensorStream::ValueError, "#{num_split} does not divide #{value_shape[axis]} evenly" if value_shape[axis] % num_split != 0 piece_sizes = value_shape[axis] / num_split do |num| begin_index = num * piece_sizes end_index = begin_index + piece_sizes split_tensor(value, begin_index, end_index, axis) end end, { tensor.inputs[0].data_type }) end register_op :reshape do |_context, _tensor, inputs| arr, new_shape = inputs arr = [arr] unless arr.is_a?(Array) flat_arr = arr.flatten if && flat_arr.size == 1 flat_arr[0] else TensorShape.reshape(flat_arr, new_shape) end end register_op :pad do |_context, tensor, inputs| arr_pad(inputs[0], inputs[1], tensor.data_type) end register_op :tile do |_context, _tensor, inputs| input, multiples = inputs rank = get_rank(input) raise "1D or higher tensor required" if raise "invalid multiple size passed #{rank} != #{multiples.size}" if rank != multiples.size tile = tile_arr(input, 0, multiples) tile.nil? ? [] : tile end register_op %i[select where] do |context, tensor, inputs| pred = inputs[0] call_3way_vector_op(pred, inputs[1], inputs[2], context) { |t, u, v| t ? u : v } end register_op :shape do |_context, tensor, inputs| shape_eval(inputs[0], tensor.options[:out_type]) end register_op :shape_n do |_context, tensor, inputs| shapes = inputs.collect { |input| shape_eval(input) }, { tensor.options[:out_type] }) end register_op :transpose do |_context, _tensor, inputs| shape = shape_eval(inputs[0]) rank = get_rank(inputs[0]) perm = inputs[1] || (0...rank).to_a.reverse if rank == 2 && perm.nil? # use native transpose for general case inputs[0].transpose else arr = inputs[0].flatten new_shape = { |p| shape[p] } new_arr =*)) { 0 } transpose_with_perm(arr, new_arr, shape, new_shape, perm) TensorShape.reshape(new_arr, new_shape) end end register_op :case, noop: true do |context, tensor, _inputs| pred = global_eval(tensor, tensor.inputs[0], context) result = nil if tensor.options[:exclusive] p_true = pred.each_with_index.collect { |p, index| [p, index] }.select { |a| a[0] } raise TensorStream::ValueError, "more than one predicate returns true pos #{ { |a| a[1] }.join(",")}" if p_true.size > 1 end pred.each_with_index do |p, index| next unless p result = global_eval(tensor, tensor.inputs[2 + index], context) end result = global_eval(tensor, tensor.inputs[1], context) if result.nil? result end register_op :case_grad do |_context, tensor, inputs| index, pred, func, grad = inputs if index < 0 && !pred.find { |p| !!p } grad elsif index >= 0 && pred[index] grad else func = -> { int_type?(tensor.data_type) ? 0 : 0.0 } shape = shape_eval(func) generate_vector(shape, generator: func) end end register_op :dynamic_partition do |context, tensor, inputs| data, partitions = inputs num_partitions = tensor.options[:num_partitions] output_arr = { [] } partitions.each_with_index do |part, index| output_arr[part] << data[index] end, { tensor.data_type }) end register_op :gather_grad do |context, tensor, inputs| grad, indexes, input_shape = inputs output =*)) { fp_type?(tensor.data_type) ? 0.0 : 0 } do |x, index| output[x] += grad[index] end TensorShape.reshape(output, input_shape) end register_op :strided_slice do |_context, _tensor, inputs| value, b_index, e_index, stride = inputs slices = do |params| selection, stride = params s, e = selection [s, e, stride] end strided_slice(value, slices) end register_op :strided_slice_grad do |_context, tensor, inputs| x, b_index, e_index, stride, grad = inputs slices = do |params| selection, stride = params s, e = selection [s, e, stride] end target_val = generate_vector(x, generator: ->() { fp_type?(tensor.data_type) ? 0.0 : 0 }) strided_slice_grad(target_val, grad, x.dup, slices.dup) target_val end def merge_dynamic_stitch(merged, indexes, data, context) indexes.each_with_index do |ind, m| if ind.is_a?(Array) merge_dynamic_stitch(merged, ind, data[m], context) else ind = ind.is_a?(Tensor) ? complete_eval(ind, context) : ind merged[ind] = data[m] end end end end end end end