# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Gs module V20191118 # CreateSession请求参数结构体 class CreateSessionRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 唯一用户身份标识,由业务方自定义,平台不予理解。(可根据业务需要决定使用用户的唯一身份标识或是使用时间戳随机生成;在用户重连时应保持UserId不变) # @type UserId: String # @param GameId: 【已废弃】只在TrylockWorker时生效 # @type GameId: String # @param GameRegion: 【已废弃】只在TrylockWorker时生效 # @type GameRegion: String # @param GameParas: 游戏参数 # @type GameParas: String # @param ClientSession: 客户端session信息,从JSSDK请求中获得。特殊的,当 RunMode 参数为 RunWithoutClient 时,该字段可以为空 # @type ClientSession: String # @param Resolution: 分辨率,,可设置为1080p或720p或1920x1080格式 # @type Resolution: String # @param ImageUrl: 背景图url,格式为png或jpeg,宽高1920*1080 # @type ImageUrl: String # @param SetNo: 【已废弃】 # @type SetNo: Integer # @param Bitrate: 【已废弃】 # @type Bitrate: Integer # @param MaxBitrate: 单位Mbps,动态调整最大码率建议值,会按实际情况调整 # @type MaxBitrate: Integer # @param MinBitrate: 单位Mbps,动态调整最小码率建议值,会按实际情况调整 # @type MinBitrate: Integer # @param Fps: 帧率,可设置为30、45、60、90、120、144 # @type Fps: Integer # @param UserIp: 【必选】用户IP,用户客户端的公网IP,用于就近调度,不填将严重影响用户体验 # @type UserIp: String # @param Optimization: 【已废弃】优化项,便于客户灰度开启新的优化项,默认为0 # @type Optimization: Integer # @param HostUserId: 【互动云游】游戏主机用户ID # @type HostUserId: String # @param Role: 【互动云游】角色;Player表示玩家;Viewer表示观察者 # @type Role: String # @param GameContext: 游戏相关参数 # @type GameContext: String # @param RunMode: 云端运行模式。 # RunWithoutClient:允许无客户端连接的情况下仍保持云端 App 运行 # 默认值(空):要求必须有客户端连接才会保持云端 App 运行。 # @type RunMode: String attr_accessor :UserId, :GameId, :GameRegion, :GameParas, :ClientSession, :Resolution, :ImageUrl, :SetNo, :Bitrate, :MaxBitrate, :MinBitrate, :Fps, :UserIp, :Optimization, :HostUserId, :Role, :GameContext, :RunMode def initialize(userid=nil, gameid=nil, gameregion=nil, gameparas=nil, clientsession=nil, resolution=nil, imageurl=nil, setno=nil, bitrate=nil, maxbitrate=nil, minbitrate=nil, fps=nil, userip=nil, optimization=nil, hostuserid=nil, role=nil, gamecontext=nil, runmode=nil) @UserId = userid @GameId = gameid @GameRegion = gameregion @GameParas = gameparas @ClientSession = clientsession @Resolution = resolution @ImageUrl = imageurl @SetNo = setno @Bitrate = bitrate @MaxBitrate = maxbitrate @MinBitrate = minbitrate @Fps = fps @UserIp = userip @Optimization = optimization @HostUserId = hostuserid @Role = role @GameContext = gamecontext @RunMode = runmode end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @GameId = params['GameId'] @GameRegion = params['GameRegion'] @GameParas = params['GameParas'] @ClientSession = params['ClientSession'] @Resolution = params['Resolution'] @ImageUrl = params['ImageUrl'] @SetNo = params['SetNo'] @Bitrate = params['Bitrate'] @MaxBitrate = params['MaxBitrate'] @MinBitrate = params['MinBitrate'] @Fps = params['Fps'] @UserIp = params['UserIp'] @Optimization = params['Optimization'] @HostUserId = params['HostUserId'] @Role = params['Role'] @GameContext = params['GameContext'] @RunMode = params['RunMode'] end end # CreateSession返回参数结构体 class CreateSessionResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ServerSession: 服务端session信息,返回给JSSDK # @type ServerSession: String # @param RoleNumber: 【已废弃】 # @type RoleNumber: String # @param Role: 【互动云游】角色;Player表示玩家;Viewer表示观察者 # @type Role: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :ServerSession, :RoleNumber, :Role, :RequestId def initialize(serversession=nil, rolenumber=nil, role=nil, requestid=nil) @ServerSession = serversession @RoleNumber = rolenumber @Role = role @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @ServerSession = params['ServerSession'] @RoleNumber = params['RoleNumber'] @Role = params['Role'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeInstancesCount请求参数结构体 class DescribeInstancesCountRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param GameId: 游戏ID # @type GameId: String # @param GroupId: 实例分组ID # @type GroupId: String # @param GameRegion: 游戏区域 # @type GameRegion: String # @param GameType: 游戏类型。 # MOBILE:手游 # PC:默认值,端游 # @type GameType: String attr_accessor :GameId, :GroupId, :GameRegion, :GameType def initialize(gameid=nil, groupid=nil, gameregion=nil, gametype=nil) @GameId = gameid @GroupId = groupid @GameRegion = gameregion @GameType = gametype end def deserialize(params) @GameId = params['GameId'] @GroupId = params['GroupId'] @GameRegion = params['GameRegion'] @GameType = params['GameType'] end end # DescribeInstancesCount返回参数结构体 class DescribeInstancesCountResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Total: 客户的实例总数 # @type Total: Integer # @param Running: 客户的实例运行数 # @type Running: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Total, :Running, :RequestId def initialize(total=nil, running=nil, requestid=nil) @Total = total @Running = running @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Total = params['Total'] @Running = params['Running'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # SaveGameArchive请求参数结构体 class SaveGameArchiveRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 游戏用户ID # @type UserId: String # @param GameId: 游戏ID # @type GameId: String attr_accessor :UserId, :GameId def initialize(userid=nil, gameid=nil) @UserId = userid @GameId = gameid end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @GameId = params['GameId'] end end # SaveGameArchive返回参数结构体 class SaveGameArchiveResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # StartPublishStream请求参数结构体 class StartPublishStreamRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 唯一用户身份标识,由业务方自定义,平台不予理解。(可根据业务需要决定使用用户的唯一身份标识或是使用时间戳随机生成;在用户重连时应保持UserId不变) # @type UserId: String # @param PublishUrl: 推流地址,仅支持rtmp协议 # @type PublishUrl: String attr_accessor :UserId, :PublishUrl def initialize(userid=nil, publishurl=nil) @UserId = userid @PublishUrl = publishurl end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @PublishUrl = params['PublishUrl'] end end # StartPublishStream返回参数结构体 class StartPublishStreamResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # StopGame请求参数结构体 class StopGameRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 唯一用户身份标识,由业务方自定义,平台不予理解。(可根据业务需要决定使用用户的唯一身份标识或是使用时间戳随机生成;在用户重连时应保持UserId不变) # @type UserId: String # @param HostUserId: 【多人游戏】游戏主机用户ID # @type HostUserId: String attr_accessor :UserId, :HostUserId def initialize(userid=nil, hostuserid=nil) @UserId = userid @HostUserId = hostuserid end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @HostUserId = params['HostUserId'] end end # StopGame返回参数结构体 class StopGameResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # StopPublishStream请求参数结构体 class StopPublishStreamRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 唯一用户身份标识,由业务方自定义,平台不予理解。(可根据业务需要决定使用用户的唯一身份标识或是使用时间戳随机生成;在用户重连时应保持UserId不变) # @type UserId: String attr_accessor :UserId def initialize(userid=nil) @UserId = userid end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] end end # StopPublishStream返回参数结构体 class StopPublishStreamResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # SwitchGameArchive请求参数结构体 class SwitchGameArchiveRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 游戏用户ID # @type UserId: String # @param GameId: 游戏ID # @type GameId: String # @param GameArchiveUrl: 游戏存档Url # @type GameArchiveUrl: String # @param GameContext: 游戏相关参数 # @type GameContext: String attr_accessor :UserId, :GameId, :GameArchiveUrl, :GameContext def initialize(userid=nil, gameid=nil, gamearchiveurl=nil, gamecontext=nil) @UserId = userid @GameId = gameid @GameArchiveUrl = gamearchiveurl @GameContext = gamecontext end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @GameId = params['GameId'] @GameArchiveUrl = params['GameArchiveUrl'] @GameContext = params['GameContext'] end end # SwitchGameArchive返回参数结构体 class SwitchGameArchiveResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # TrylockWorker请求参数结构体 class TrylockWorkerRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 唯一用户身份标识,由业务方自定义,平台不予理解。(可根据业务需要决定使用用户的唯一身份标识或是使用时间戳随机生成;在用户重连时应保持UserId不变) # @type UserId: String # @param GameId: 游戏ID # @type GameId: String # @param GameRegion: 游戏区域,ap-guangzhou、ap-shanghai、ap-beijing等,如果不为空,优先按照该区域进行调度分配机器 # @type GameRegion: String # @param SetNo: 【废弃】资源池编号 # @type SetNo: Integer # @param UserIp: 【必选】用户IP,用户客户端的公网IP,用于就近调度,不填将严重影响用户体验 # @type UserIp: String # @param GroupId: 分组ID # @type GroupId: String attr_accessor :UserId, :GameId, :GameRegion, :SetNo, :UserIp, :GroupId def initialize(userid=nil, gameid=nil, gameregion=nil, setno=nil, userip=nil, groupid=nil) @UserId = userid @GameId = gameid @GameRegion = gameregion @SetNo = setno @UserIp = userip @GroupId = groupid end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @GameId = params['GameId'] @GameRegion = params['GameRegion'] @SetNo = params['SetNo'] @UserIp = params['UserIp'] @GroupId = params['GroupId'] end end # TrylockWorker返回参数结构体 class TrylockWorkerResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end end end end