= RGen - Ruby Modelling and Generator Framework RGen is a framework for Model Driven Software Development (MDSD)in Ruby. This means that it helps you build Metamodels, instantiate Models, modify and transform Models and finally generate arbitrary textual content from it. RGen features include: * Supporting Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.x, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 * Metamodel definition language (internal Ruby DSL) * ECore Meta-metamodel with an ECore instance available for every Metamodel * Generator creating the Ruby metamodel definition from an ECore instance * Transformer creating Ruby metamodel classes/modules from an ECore instance * Instantiation of Metamodels, i.e. creation of Models (e.g. from XML) * Model builder, internal Ruby DSL * Model fragmentation over several several files and per-fragment caching * Model Transformation language (internal Ruby DSL) * Powerful template based generator language (internal Ruby DSL inside of ERB) * UML 1.3 metamodel and XMI 1.1 instantiator included * ECore XML support (XMI 2.0) * UML-to-ECore and ECore-to-UML transformation (UML class models) * Enterprise Architect support (UML1.3/XMI1.1) == Download Get the latest release from Github: https://github.com/mthiede/rgen == Installation Install RGen as a Ruby gem: gem install rgen == Running the Tests Change to the 'test' folder and run the test suite: cd test ruby rgen_test.rb == Documentation RDoc documentation is available at Github: http://mthiede.github.com/rgen/ Find the main documentation parts for: * RGen::MetamodelBuilder * RGen::Transformer * RGen::TemplateLanguage * RGen::Fragment::FragmentedModel == Examples There are several examples of using RGen within the framework itself. Metamodel Definition: lib/rgen/ecore/ecore.rb lib/metamodels/uml13_metamodel.rb Instantiation: lib/rgen/instantiator/xmi11_instantiator.rb lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb Transformations: lib/rgen/ecore/ruby_to_ecore.rb lib/transformers/uml13_to_ecore.rb Generators: lib/mmgen/metamodel_generator.rb == License RGen is released under the MIT license.