require 'query_builder' # Since QueryNode uses a special scope (secure_scope) that needs to be evaluated _in the query string_, you cannot # use query.sql. You have to use: eval query.to_s. This is not an issue since normal useage for QueryNode is to be # compilated into an ERB template. module Zena module Use module QueryNode class StringDictionary include RubyLess safe_method ['[]', String] => {:class => String, :nil => true} end module ModelMethods def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include ::QueryBuilder extend ClassMethods self.query_compiler = Zena::Use::QueryNode::Compiler safe_method :db_attr => StringDictionary safe_method [:first, String] => {:class => Node, :nil => true, :method => 'safe_first'} end end def safe_first(query) find(:first, query, :skip_rubyless => true) end # Find related nodes. # See Node#build_find for details on the options available. # TODO: do we need rubyless translate here ? It should be removed. def find(count, pseudo_sql = nil, opts = {}) if pseudo_sql.nil? pseudo_sql = count count = Node.plural_relation?(pseudo_sql.split(' ').first) ? :all : :first end if !opts[:skip_rubyless] && type = RubyLess::SafeClass.safe_method_type_for(self.class, [pseudo_sql]) self.send(type[:method]) else begin query = self.class.build_query(count, pseudo_sql, :node_name => 'self', :main_class => virtual_class, :rubyless_helper => (opts[:rubyless_helper] || virtual_class), # should it be || self ? :default => opts[:default] ) if limit = opts[:limit] query.limit = " LIMIT #{limit.to_i}" query.offset = " OFFSET #{opts[:offset].to_i}" end rescue ::QueryBuilder::Error => err return opts[:errors] ? err : nil end type = [:all, :first].include?(count) ? :find : :count Node.do_find(count, eval(query.to_s(type))) end end # Return a hash with the values contained in the SQL query with 'AS' (used with custom queries). def db_attr @db_attr ||= Hash[* do |key, value| !self.class.column_names.include?(key) # db fetch only: select 'now() - created_at AS age' ----> 'age' can be read end.flatten] end def start_node_zip end end # ModelMethods module ClassMethods include Zena::Acts::Secure::SecureResult # Return the name of the group used for custom queries def query_group end def sfind(sqliss) query = Node.build_query(:all, sqliss, :default => {:scope => 'site'} ) Node.do_find(:all, eval(query.to_s(:find))) end # Find a node and propagate visitor def do_find(count, query) case count when :all res = find_by_sql(query) secure_result(res) when :first res = find_by_sql(query).first secure_result(res) when :count # query can be a number when we use the 'query' helper to count. query.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? query : count_by_sql(query) else nil end end end class Compiler < QueryBuilder::Processor attr_reader :context # ? set_main_table 'nodes' set_main_class 'Node' set_default :scope, 'self' set_default :order, 'position ASC, title ASC' set_default :context, 'self' after_process :insert_links_fields after_process :secure_query load_custom_queries Bricks.paths_for('zena/queries') CORE_CONTEXTS = %w{parent project section} # Resolve 'main_class' from a class name. def resolve_main_class(class_name) VirtualClass[class_name] end class << self attr_accessor :filter_fields def add_filter_field(key, fld_def) self.filter_fields[key] = fld_def end end # Enables filters like "where id = 45" or "where parent_id = #{params[:parent_id]}" self.filter_fields = { 'id' => {:key => 'zip'}, # alias source target filter 'parent_id' => {:key => 'zip', :table => ['jnode', 'nodes', 'nodes', ' = TABLE1.parent_id AND TABLE2.site_id = TABLE1.site_id']}, 'project_id' => {:key => 'zip', :table => ['jnode', 'nodes', 'nodes', ' = TABLE1.project_id AND TABLE2.site_id = TABLE1.site_id']}, 'section_id' => {:key => 'zip', :table => ['jnode', 'nodes', 'nodes', ' = TABLE1.section_id AND TABLE2.site_id = TABLE1.site_id']}, 'now' => Zena::Db::NOW, } # Scope current context with previous context. # For example: # current previous # ['parent_id', 'id'] ==> no1.parent_id = def scope_fields(scope) case scope when 'self' ['parent_id', 'id'] when *CORE_CONTEXTS last? ? %W{#{scope}_id #{scope}_id} : %W{#{scope}_id id} when 'site', main_table # not an error, but do not scope [] else #if CORE_CONTEXTS.include?(scope) # error nil end end def process_attr(attribute) case attribute when 'project_id', 'section_id', 'discussion_id' # Special accessor insert_bind "#{node_name}.get_#{attribute}" when 'id', 'parent_id' # Not RubyLess safe insert_bind "#{node_name}.#{attribute}" else # Use RubyLess super end end def get_scope_index_field(field_name) return nil if @query.main_class.real_class.column_names.include?(field_name) # scope index klass = @query.main_class if index_model = klass.kind_of?(VirtualClass) ? klass.idx_class : nil index_model = Zena.resolve_const(index_model) rescue NilClass if index_model < Zena::Use::ScopeIndex::IndexMethods && index_model.column_names.include?(field_name) table_to_use = add_key_value_table('scope_index', index_model.table_name) do |tbl_name| # This block is only executed once add_filter "#{table('nodes')}.id = #{tbl_name}.node_id" end "#{table_to_use}.#{field_name}" else # invalid field_name: ignore nil end else # no index model: ignore nil end end # Overwrite this and take care to check for valid fields. def process_field(field_name) if fld = @query.attributes_alias[field_name] # use custom query alias value defined in select clause: 'custom_a AS validation' return processing_filter? ? "(#{fld})" : fld elsif processing_filter? && scope_field = get_scope_index_field(field_name) scope_field elsif processing_filter? && map_def = self.class.filter_fields[field_name] # Special filter fields such as 'role', 'tag' or 'class' if map_def.kind_of?(String) return map_def elsif table_def = map_def[:table] use_name, source, target, filter = table_def table_to_use = add_key_value_table(use_name, target, map_def[:key]) do |tbl_name| # This block is only executed once add_filter filter.gsub( 'TABLE1', table(source) ).gsub( 'TABLE2', tbl_name ) end else table_to_use = table end "#{table_to_use}.#{map_def[:key]}" elsif %w{id parent_id project_id section_id user_id}.include?(field_name) || (Node.safe_method_type([field_name]) && Node.column_names.include?(field_name)) "#{table}.#{field_name}" elsif @query.tables.include?('links') && (key = field_name[/^l_(.+)$/,1]) && (key == 'id' || Zena::Use::Relations::LINK_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key.to_sym)) "#{table('links')}.#{key}" elsif field_name == 'random' Zena::Db.sql_function(field_name, nil) else if processing_filter? && field_name =~ /^(.*)_ids?$/ # tag_id = 33 ===> join links as lk, nodes as tt ....... rel = $1 # Fake field_or_attr so it does not use 'zip' on nodes context[:processing] = :relation if join_relation($1, 'jnode') res = "#{table('jnode')}.zip" end context[:processing] = :filter return res end # property or real column # FIXME !!!! Why does this happen ? return nil if @query.main_class.columns.kind_of?(Array) column = @query.main_class.columns[field_name] if column && column.indexed? if column.index == true group_name = column.type elsif column.index =~ Property::Index::FIELD_INDEX_REGEXP # field in nodes return "#{table}.#{$1}" else group_name = column.index end index_table = @query.main_class.real_class.index_table_name(group_name) # We use the add_key_value_table rule to avoid inserting the # same index access twice. tbl = add_key_value_table(group_name, index_table, field_name) do |tbl_name| # This block is only executed once add_filter "#{tbl_name}.node_id = #{table}.id" add_filter "#{tbl_name}.key = #{quote(field_name)}" if group_name.to_s =~ /^ml_/ add_filter "#{tbl_name}.lang = #{quote(visitor.lang)}" end # no need for distinct, the new table makes a 1-1 relation end "#{tbl}.value" else super # raises an error end end end # Process pagination parameter def process_param(pagination_key) "params[#{pagination_key.to_sym.inspect}]" end # Handle special case for 'class = ' and 'role = ' def process_equal(left, right) if (left == [:field, 'class'] || left == [:field, 'klass']) && (right[0] == :field || right[0] == :string) if klass = Node.get_class(right.last) "#{field_or_attr('kpath')} = #{quote(klass.kpath)}" else raise"Unknown class #{right.last.inspect}.") end elsif left == [:field, 'role'] && (right[0] == :field || right[0] == :string) if role = Node.get_role(right[1]) # FIXME: how to only add table once if the other clause in not an OR ? add_table('nodes_roles') "(#{table('nodes_roles')}.node_id = #{table('nodes')}.id AND #{table('nodes_roles')}.role_id = #{})" end elsif left.first == :function && left.last.last == 'date' # transform " = baz" # [:function, [:field, "foo"], [:method, "date"]] # [:field, baz] # ==> into # "baz >= foo and foo < baz + 1 day" a = left[1] b = right process([:and, [:<=, b, a], [:<, a, [:+, b, [:interval, [:integer, '1'], 'day']]]]) else super end end # Handle special case for 'class like ' def process_like(left, right) if left == [:field, 'class'] && right[0] == :field if klass = Node.get_class(right[1]) "#{field_or_attr('kpath')} LIKE #{quote(klass.kpath + '%')}" else raise"Unknown class #{right.last.inspect}.") end else process_op(:like, left, right) end end def resolve_scope_idx_fields(arg1, arg2) if arg1.first == :function # contact.log_at.year # arg1 = [:function, [:field, "tag"], [:method, "created_at"]] # arg2 = [:method, "year"] class_name = arg1[1][1] field_name = arg1[2][1] function = arg2 elsif arg1[0] == :field && arg2[0] == :method # contact.log_at or log_at.year # arg1 = [:field, "contact"] class_name = arg1[1] # arg2 = [:method, "name"] field_name = arg2[1] function = nil else return [arg1, arg2] end scope_idx_field = "#{class_name}_#{field_name}" if get_scope_index_field(scope_idx_field) return [[:field, scope_idx_field], function] else # not a scope index field return [arg1, arg2] end end def process_function(arg, method) # Resolve scope index fields arg, method = resolve_scope_idx_fields(arg, method) if method arg, method = process(arg), process(method) Zena::Db.sql_function(method, arg) else process(arg) end end # ******** And maybe overwrite these ********** def parse_custom_query_argument(key, value) return nil unless value super.gsub(/(RELATION_ID|NODE_ATTR|SECURE_TABLE)\(([^)]+)\)|(REF_DATE|NODE_ID|VISITOR_LANG)/) do type, value = $1, $2 type ||= $3 case type when 'RELATION_ID' role = value if rel = RelationProxy.find_by_role(role.singularize) rel[:id] else raise"Custom query: could not find Relation '#{role}'") end when 'SECURE_TABLE' table_name = value add_filter "\#{secure_scope('#{table_name}')}" when 'NODE_ATTR' attribute = value if Node.safe_method_type([attribute]) insert_bind("#{node_name}.#{attribute}") else # not found: consider it's a property insert_bind("#{node_name}.prop[#{attribute.inspect}]") end when 'REF_DATE' context[:ref_date] ? insert_bind(context[:ref_date]) : 'now()' when 'NODE_ID' insert_bind("#{node_name}.id") when 'VISITOR_LANG' insert_bind("visitor.lang") end end end # Special case 'in site' that is a noop scope and # just avoids the insertion of the default 'in parent' scope. def need_join_scope?(scope_name) scope_name != 'site' end # This is used to avoid finding random indexed objects or links in clauses with and without link filters # like this: "image or icon" ('image' is a filter in 'parent' scope, 'icon' is a # relation found through links). def resolve_missing_table(query, table_name, table_alias) if table_name =~ /^idx_nodes/ # index tables query.where.insert 0, "#{table_alias}.node_id = 0" elsif table_name == 'links' || table_name =~ /^idx_/ # index tables query.where.insert 0, "#{table_alias}.id = 0" else # Raise an error super end end private # Change class def class_relation(relation) case relation when 'comment', 'comments' if last? change_processor Comment.query_compiler, :rubyless_helper => @rubyless_helper # no need to load discussions, versions and all the mess add_table('comments') add_filter "#{table('comments')}.discussion_id = #{process_attr('discussion_id')}" else after_process # Make sure we secure the current part change_processor Comment.query_compiler add_table('discussions') add_table('comments') add_filter "#{table('discussions')}.node_id = #{table('nodes')}.id" add_filter "#{table('comments')}.discussion_id = #{table('discussions')}.id" # after_parse end else return nil end end # Moving to another context without a join table def context_relation(relation) # Not sure we need all these anymore... case relation when 'self' # Special pseudo-context add_table(main_table) add_filter "#{field_or_attr('id')} = #{field_or_attr('id', table(main_table, -1))}" return true #when 'parent', 'project', 'section' # # Core contexts # fields = ['id', "#{relation}_id"] #when 'parents', 'projects', 'sections' # if @table_counter[main_table] > 0 || @tables.include?('links') # fields = ['id', "#{relation[0..-2]}_id"] # end when 'root' # Special pseudo-context add_table(main_table) set_main_class(VirtualClass['Project']) add_filter "#{table}.id = #{current_site.root_id}" return true #when 'author', 'traductions', 'versions' # # TODO: not implemented yet... # return nil when 'visitor' # Special pseudo-context add_table(main_table) set_main_class(VirtualClass.find_by_kpath(visitor.prototype.kpath)) add_filter "#{table}.id = #{insert_bind("visitor.node_id")}" return true end unless last? # We treat differently 'projects from ...' and 'projects in site' relation = relation.singularize end if relation =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/ class_name, relation = $1, $2 end if class_name # We have named the relation, set main_class # We should also insert class filter... if klass = Node.get_class(class_name) set_main_class(klass) kpath_filter = ".kpath LIKE #{quote("#{klass.kpath}%")}" unless klass.kpath == 'N' else raise"Unknown class #{klass} in scope '#{class_name}:#{scope}'.") end else klass = nil end if relation == 'start' add_table(main_table) add_filter "#{field_or_attr('zip')} = #{insert_bind('start_node_zip')}" add_filter "#{table}.site_id = #{insert_bind('')}" if kpath_filter add_filter "#{table}#{kpath_filter}" end return true end if CORE_CONTEXTS.include?(relation) unless class_name if %w{project section}.include?(relation) set_main_class(VirtualClass[relation.capitalize]) else set_main_class(VirtualClass['Node']) end end # = NEW_GROUP.project_id add_table(main_table) add_filter "#{field_or_attr('id')} = #{field_or_attr("#{relation}_id", table(main_table, -1))}" if kpath_filter add_filter "#{table}#{kpath_filter}" end true else nil end end # Filtering of objects in scope def filter_relation(relation) if [main_table, 'children'].include?(relation) # no filter add_table(main_table) else # Not a core context, try to filter by class type if klass = @filter_relation_class || Node.get_class(relation) # Relation was found in 'join_relation' @filter_relation_class = nil set_main_class(klass) res_class = klass add_table(main_table) add_filter "#{table}.kpath LIKE #{quote("#{res_class.kpath}%")}" unless res_class.kpath == 'N' true elsif role = Node.get_role(relation) if klass = VirtualClass.find_by_kpath(role.kpath) set_main_class(klass) end add_table(main_table) add_table('nodes_roles') add_filter "#{table('nodes_roles')}.node_id = #{table('nodes')}.id" add_filter "#{table('nodes_roles')}.role_id = #{}" true else # unknown class nil end end end # Moving to another context through 'joins' def join_relation(relation, use_name = nil) if context[:scope] == 'site' # Example: 'icons in site' ==> any node with an 'icon' relation (no need to filter by source). if @filter_relation_class = Node.get_class(relation) return nil end source_kpath = nil else source_kpath = @query.main_class.kpath end if rel = RelationProxy.find_by_role(relation.singularize, source_kpath) if use_name # Doing a jnode.. (node for filtering), we need to reverse relation rel.side = rel.side == :source ? :target : :source add_table(use_name, main_table) else add_table(main_table) set_main_class(rel.other_vclass) end add_table('links') if context[:scope] == 'site' distinct! add_filter "#{table('links')}.relation_id = #{}" add_filter "#{field_or_attr('id')} = #{table('links')}.#{rel.other_side}" elsif @opts[:link_both_directions] # TODO: Just detect same source and target roles. # source --> target && target --> source add_filter "#{table('links')}.relation_id = #{}" source = "#{table('links')}.#{rel.link_side} = #{field_or_attr('id', table(main_table,-1))} AND #{field_or_attr('id')} = #{table('links')}.#{rel.other_side}" target = "#{table('links')}.#{rel.other_side} = #{field_or_attr('id', table(main_table,-1))} AND #{field_or_attr('id')} = #{table('links')}.#{rel.link_side}" add_filter "(#{source} OR #{target})" else # source --> target add_filter "#{table('links')}.#{rel.link_side} = #{field_or_attr('id', table(main_table,-1))}" add_filter "#{table('links')}.relation_id = #{}" add_filter "#{field_or_attr('id')} = #{table('links')}.#{rel.other_side}" end true else nil end end def secure_query return if this != self add_filter "\#{secure_scope('#{table}')}" end def insert_links_fields if @query.tables.include?('links') link_table = table('links') unless = ["#{@query.main_table}.*"] end add_select("#{link_table}.id", 'link_id') Zena::Use::Relations::LINK_ATTRIBUTES.each do |l| add_select("#{link_table}.#{l}", "l_#{l}") end end end def node_name @context[:node_name] end end # Compiler end # QueryNode end # Use end # Zena