module Katello class Api::V2::RepositorySetsController < Api::V2::ApiController respond_to :json before_filter :find_product before_filter :custom_product? before_filter :find_product_content, :except => [:index] resource_description do api_version "v2" end api :GET, "/products/:product_id/repository_sets", N_("List repository sets for a product.") param :product_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of a product to list repository sets from") param :name, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Repository set name to search on") def index collection = {} collection[:results] = @product.productContent # filter on name if it is provided collection[:results] = collection[:results].select { |pc| == params[:name] } if params[:name] collection[:subtotal] = collection[:results].size collection[:total] = collection[:subtotal] respond_for_index :collection => collection end api :GET, "/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id", N_("Get info about a repository set") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the repository set") param :product_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of a product to list repository sets from") def show respond :resource => @product_content end api :GET, "/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id/available_repositories", N_("Get list or available repositories for the repository set") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the repository set") param :product_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of a product to list repository sets from") def available_repositories scan_cdn = sync_task(::Actions::Katello::RepositorySet::ScanCdn, @product, repos = scan_cdn.output[:results] repos = do |repo| if repo[:path].include?('kickstart') repo[:substitutions][:releasever].include?('Server') ? repo[:enabled] : true else true end end collection = { :results => repos, :subtotal => repos.size, :total => repos.size } respond_for_index :collection => collection end api :PUT, "/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id/enable", N_("Enable a repository from the set") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the repository set to enable") param :product_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the product containing the repository set") param :basearch, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Basearch to enable") param :releasever, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Releasever to enable") param :registry_name, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Registry name to enable in the case of a docker repository") def enable task = sync_task(::Actions::Katello::RepositorySet::EnableRepository, @product, @product_content.content, substitutions) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :PUT, "/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id/disable", N_("Disable a repository form the set") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the repository set to enable") param :product_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("ID of the product containing the repository set") param :basearch, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Basearch to disable") param :releasever, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Releasever to disable") param :registry_name, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Registry name to enable in the case of a docker repository") def disable task = sync_task(::Actions::Katello::RepositorySet::DisableRepository, @product, @product_content.content, substitutions) respond_for_async :resource => task end private def find_product_content @product_content = @product.product_content_by_id(params[:id]) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find repository set with id '%s'.") % params[:id] if @product_content.nil? end def find_product @product = Product.find_by_id(params[:product_id]) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find product with id '%s'") % params[:product_id] if @product.nil? @organization = @product.organization end def custom_product? fail _('Repository sets are not available for custom products.') if @product.custom? end def substitutions params.slice(:basearch, :releasever, :registry_name) end end end