# frozen_string_literal: true module Spree class Product < Spree::Base module Scopes def self.prepended(base) base.class_eval do cattr_accessor :search_scopes do [] end def self.add_search_scope(name, &block) singleton_class.send(:define_method, name.to_sym, &block) search_scopes << name.to_sym end def self.property_conditions(property) properties = Property.table_name case property when String then { "#{properties}.name" => property } when Property then { "#{properties}.id" => property.id } else { "#{properties}.id" => property.to_i } end end scope :ascend_by_updated_at, -> { order(updated_at: :asc) } scope :descend_by_updated_at, -> { order(updated_at: :desc) } scope :ascend_by_name, -> { order(name: :asc) } scope :descend_by_name, -> { order(name: :desc) } add_search_scope :ascend_by_master_price do joins(master: :default_price).order(Spree::Price.arel_table[:amount].asc) end add_search_scope :descend_by_master_price do joins(master: :default_price).order(Spree::Price.arel_table[:amount].desc) end add_search_scope :price_between do |low, high| joins(master: :default_price).where(Price.table_name => { amount: low..high }) end add_search_scope :master_price_lte do |price| joins(master: :default_price).where("#{price_table_name}.amount <= ?", price) end add_search_scope :master_price_gte do |price| joins(master: :default_price).where("#{price_table_name}.amount >= ?", price) end # This scope selects products in taxon AND all its descendants # If you need products only within one taxon use # # Spree::Product.joins(:taxons).where(Taxon.table_name => { id: taxon.id }) # # If you're using count on the result of this scope, you must use the # `:distinct` option as well: # # Spree::Product.in_taxon(taxon).count(distinct: true) # # This is so that the count query is distinct'd: # # SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "spree_products"."id") ... # # vs. # # SELECT COUNT(*) ... add_search_scope :in_taxon do |taxon| includes(:classifications) .where('spree_products_taxons.taxon_id' => taxon.self_and_descendants.pluck(:id)) .select(Spree::Classification.arel_table[:position]) .order(Spree::Classification.arel_table[:position].asc) end # This scope selects products in all taxons AND all its descendants # If you need products only within one taxon use # # Spree::Product.taxons_id_eq([x,y]) add_search_scope :in_taxons do |*taxons| taxons = get_taxons(taxons) taxons.first ? prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons) : where(nil) end # a scope that finds all products having property specified by name, object or id add_search_scope :with_property do |property| joins(:properties).where(property_conditions(property)) end # a simple test for product with a certain property-value pairing # note that it can test for properties with NULL values, but not for absent values add_search_scope :with_property_value do |property, value| joins(:properties) .where("#{Spree::ProductProperty.table_name}.value = ?", value) .where(property_conditions(property)) end add_search_scope :with_option do |option| option_types = Spree::OptionType.table_name conditions = case option when String then { "#{option_types}.name" => option } when OptionType then { "#{option_types}.id" => option.id } else { "#{option_types}.id" => option.to_i } end joins(:option_types).where(conditions) end add_search_scope :with_option_value do |option, value| option_values = Spree::OptionValue.table_name option_type_id = case option when String then Spree::OptionType.find_by(name: option) || option.to_i when Spree::OptionType then option.id else option.to_i end conditions = "#{option_values}.name = ? AND #{option_values}.option_type_id = ?", value, option_type_id group('spree_products.id').joins(variants_including_master: :option_values).where(conditions) end # Finds all products which have either: # 1) have an option value with the name matching the one given # 2) have a product property with a value matching the one given add_search_scope :with do |value| includes(variants_including_master: :option_values). includes(:product_properties). where("#{Spree::OptionValue.table_name}.name = ? OR #{Spree::ProductProperty.table_name}.value = ?", value, value) end # Finds all products that have a name containing the given words. add_search_scope :in_name do |words| like_any([:name], prepare_words(words)) end # Finds all products that have a name or meta_keywords containing the given words. add_search_scope :in_name_or_keywords do |words| like_any([:name, :meta_keywords], prepare_words(words)) end # Finds all products that have a name, description, meta_description or meta_keywords containing the given keywords. add_search_scope :in_name_or_description do |words| like_any([:name, :description, :meta_description, :meta_keywords], prepare_words(words)) end # Finds all products that have the ids matching the given collection of ids. # Alternatively, you could use find(collection_of_ids), but that would raise an exception if one product couldn't be found add_search_scope :with_ids do |*ids| where(id: ids) end # Sorts products from most popular (popularity is extracted from how many # times use has put product in cart, not completed orders) # # there is alternative faster and more elegant solution, it has small drawback though, # it doesn stack with other scopes :/ # # joins: "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT line_items.variant_id as vid, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM line_items GROUP BY line_items.variant_id) AS popularity_count ON variants.id = vid", # order: 'COALESCE(cnt, 0) DESC' add_search_scope :descend_by_popularity do joins(:master). order(%{ COALESCE(( SELECT COUNT(#{Spree::LineItem.quoted_table_name}.id) FROM #{Spree::LineItem.quoted_table_name} JOIN #{Spree::Variant.quoted_table_name} AS popular_variants ON popular_variants.id = #{Spree::LineItem.quoted_table_name}.variant_id WHERE popular_variants.product_id = #{Spree::Product.quoted_table_name}.id ), 0) DESC }) end add_search_scope :not_deleted do where("#{Spree::Product.quoted_table_name}.deleted_at IS NULL or #{Spree::Product.quoted_table_name}.deleted_at >= ?", Time.current) end scope :with_master_price, -> do joins(:master).where(Spree::Price.where(Spree::Variant.arel_table[:id].eq(Spree::Price.arel_table[:variant_id])).arel.exists) end # Can't use add_search_scope for this as it needs a default argument def self.available(available_on = nil) with_master_price.where("#{Spree::Product.quoted_table_name}.available_on <= ?", available_on || Time.current) end search_scopes << :available add_search_scope :taxons_name_eq do |name| group("spree_products.id").joins(:taxons).where(Spree::Taxon.arel_table[:name].eq(name)) end def self.with_variant_sku_cont(sku) sku_match = "%#{sku}%" variant_table = Spree::Variant.arel_table subquery = Spree::Variant.where(variant_table[:sku].matches(sku_match).and(variant_table[:product_id].eq(arel_table[:id]))) where(subquery.arel.exists) end def self.distinct_by_product_ids(sort_order = nil) Spree::Deprecation.warn "Product.distinct_by_product_ids is deprecated and should not be used" sort_column = sort_order.split(" ").first # Postgres will complain when using ordering by expressions not present in # SELECT DISTINCT. e.g. # # PG::InvalidColumnReference: ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY # expressions must appear in select list. e.g. # # SELECT DISTINCT "spree_products".* FROM "spree_products" LEFT OUTER JOIN # "spree_variants" ON "spree_variants"."product_id" = "spree_products"."id" AND "spree_variants"."is_master" = 't' # AND "spree_variants"."deleted_at" IS NULL LEFT OUTER JOIN "spree_prices" ON # "spree_prices"."variant_id" = "spree_variants"."id" AND "spree_prices"."currency" = 'USD' # AND "spree_prices"."deleted_at" IS NULL WHERE "spree_products"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND ('t'='t') # ORDER BY "spree_prices"."amount" ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0 # # Don't allow sort_column, a variable coming from params, # to be anything but a column in the database if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == 'PostgreSQL' && !column_names.include?(sort_column) all else distinct end end class << self private def price_table_name Spree::Price.quoted_table_name end # specifically avoid having an order for taxon search (conflicts with main order) def prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons) ids = taxons.map { |taxon| taxon.self_and_descendants.pluck(:id) }.flatten.uniq joins(:taxons).where("#{Spree::Taxon.table_name}.id" => ids) end # Produce an array of keywords for use in scopes. # Always return array with at least an empty string to avoid SQL errors def prepare_words(words) return [''] if words.blank? a = words.split(/[,\s]/).map(&:strip) a.any? ? a : [''] end def get_taxons(*ids_or_records_or_names) taxons = Spree::Taxon.table_name ids_or_records_or_names.flatten.map { |t| case t when Integer then Spree::Taxon.find_by(id: t) when ActiveRecord::Base then t when String Spree::Taxon.find_by(name: t) || Spree::Taxon.where("#{taxons}.permalink LIKE ? OR #{taxons}.permalink = ?", "%/#{t}/", "#{t}/").first end }.compact.flatten.uniq end end end end ::Spree::Product.prepend self end end end