## 2.1.0 (October 6, 2015) Changes: - Ruby < 2.0 is not longer supported Features: - Added charset meta tag - Added ability to configure limits for title, description, keywords - Added OpenSearch links support - Added icon links support - Alternate links can now be generated for RSS or mobile versions Bugfixes - Generate `` instead of `` for custom meta tags - Double HTML escaping in meta tags ## 2.0.0 (April 15, 2014) Features: - Fully refactored code base. Bugfixes: - Symlink references in nested hashes include use normalized meta tag values. ## 1.6.0 (April 14, 2014) Features: - Added "alternate" links support - Added Google "author" and "publisher" links - Implemented mirrored values inside namespaces declared as hashes Breaking changes: - Removed support of Rails older than 3.0.0 due to the bug in `Hash#deep_merge` (does not support `HashWithIndifferentAccess`) ## 1.5.0 (May 7, 2013) Features: - Added "prev" and "next" links support - Added refresh meta tag support ## 1.4.1 (March 14, 2013) Bugfixes: - Added support for Hash inside of an Array ## 1.4.0 (March 14, 2013) Features: - Added support of custom meta tags ## 1.3.0 (February 13, 2013) Features: - Added Hash and Array as possible contents for the meta tags. Check README for details - Added support of string meta tag names - Allow to disable noindex and nofollow using `false` as a value Bugfixes: - Do not display title HTML tag when title is blank - Do not display OpenGraph tags when content is empty ## 1.2.6 (March 4, 2012) Features: - jQuery.pjax support via `display_title` method. Check README for details ## 1.2.5 (March 3, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fixed bug with overriding open graph attributes - Fixed incorrect page title when `:site` is is blank - Normalize `:og` attribute to `:open_graph` ## 1.2.4 (April 26, 2011) Features: - Added support for Open Graph meta tags Bugfixes: - Fixed bug with double HTML escaping in title separator - Allow to set meta title without a separator ## 1.2.2, 1.2.3 (June 10, 2010) Bugfixes: - Fixed action\_pack integration (welcome back `alias_method_chain`) - Fixed bug when `@page_*` variables did not work ## 1.2.1 (June 2, 2010) Bugfixes: - Fixed deprecation warning about `html_safe!` ## 1.2.0 (May 31, 2010) Bugfixes: - Fixed bug when title is set through Array, and `:lowercase` is true - Updated `display_meta_tags` to be compatible with rails_xss ## 1.1.1 (November 21, 2009) Features: - Added support for canonical link element - Added YARD documentation ## 1.1.0 (November 5, 2009) Features: - Added ability to specify title as an Array of parts - Added helper for `noindex` - Added `nofollow` meta tag support Bugfixes: - Fixed Rails 2.3 deprecation warnings