module Birdwatcher module Commands class Workspace < Birdwatcher::Command self.meta = { :description => "Manage workspaces", :names => %w(workspace workspaces), :usage => "workspace [ACTION]" } def self.detailed_usage <<-USAGE Workspaces enable you to segment and manage users and data stored in the database. You can use workspaces to create logical separation between different users. For example, you may want to create a workspace for a company, a department or for a specific topic. There will always be a default workspace with the name #{Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace::DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME.bold} which might be enough if you plan to use Birdwatcher for a small group of Twitter users. #{'USAGE:'.bold} #{'List available workspaces:'.bold} workspace list #{'Create a new workspace:'.bold} workspace create NAME [DESCRIPTION] #{'Switch to a workspace:'.bold} workspace use NAME #{'Delete a workspace:'.bold} workspace delete NAME #{'Rename a workspace'.bold} workspace rename NAME NEW_NAME USAGE end def run if !arguments? info("Current workspace: #{} (database ID: #{})") return true end action = arguments.first.downcase case action when "list" list_workspaces when "create", "add", "-a" create_workspace when "rename", "-r" rename_workspace when "select", "use" select_workspace when "delete", "destroy", "rm", "-d" delete_workspace else select_workspace(arguments.first) end end def list_workspaces longest_workspace_name = info("Available workspaces:\n") Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.order(:name).each do |workspace| if == workspace_name = "*".bold.light_green + " #{}" else workspace_name = " #{}" end output_formatted(" %-#{longest_workspace_name.bold.length}s \t\t%s\n", workspace_name.bold, workspace.description) end newline end def select_workspace(name = nil) name ||= arguments[1] if !name error("You must provide a workspace name") return false end if workspace = Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.first(:name => name) self.current_workspace = workspace info("Now using workspace: #{}") else error("There is no workspace with that name") end end def create_workspace name = arguments[1] description = arguments[2..-1].to_a.join(" ") description = nil unless description if !name error("You must provide a workspace name") return false end if Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.first(:name => name) error("There is already a workspace with that name") return false end workspace = Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.create( :name => name, :description => description ) info("Created workspace: #{}") self.current_workspace = workspace end def rename_workspace old_name = arguments[1] new_name = arguments[2] if !old_name || !new_name error("You must provide workspace name and new name") return false end if old_name == Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace::DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME error("Default workspace cannot be renamed") return false end if !old_workspace = Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.first(:name => old_name) error("There is no workspace named #{old_name.bold}") return false end if Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.first(:name => new_name) error("There is already a workspace named #{new_name.bold}") return false end old_workspace.update(:name => new_name) if == self.current_workspace = old_workspace end info("Workspace #{old_name.bold} renamed to #{new_name.bold}") end def delete_workspace name = arguments[1] if !name error("You must provide a workspace name") return false end if workspace = Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.first(:name => name) return unless confirm("Are you sure you want to delete #{name.bold} and all associated data?") workspace.destroy info("Deleted workspace: #{}") if workspace.default_workspace? self.current_workspace = Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.create_default_workspace! return end if == self.current_workspace = Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace.first( :name => Birdwatcher::Models::Workspace::DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME ) end else error("There is no workspace with that name") return false end end end end end