require "pact_broker/logging" require "pact_broker/repositories" require "pact_broker/matrix/deployment_status_summary" require "pact_broker/matrix/query_results_with_deployment_status_summary" require "pact_broker/messages" require "pact_broker/string_refinements" module PactBroker module Matrix module Service extend self extend PactBroker::Repositories extend PactBroker::Services include PactBroker::Logging extend PactBroker::Messages using PactBroker::StringRefinements def can_i_deploy(selectors, options = {}) # No point doing the deployment status summary if no versions are specified. query_results = find(selectors, options), end def find selectors, options = {} "Querying matrix", selectors: selectors, options: options matrix_repository.find(selectors, options) end def find_for_consumer_and_provider params, options = {} selectors = [ params[:consumer_name]), params[:provider_name]) ] can_i_deploy(selectors, options) end def find_for_consumer_and_provider_with_tags params consumer_selector = pacticipant_name: params[:consumer_name], tag: params[:tag], latest: true ) provider_selector = pacticipant_name: params[:provider_name], tag: params[:provider_tag], latest: true ) selectors = [consumer_selector, provider_selector] options = { latestby: "cvpv" } if validate_selectors(selectors).empty? matrix_repository.find(selectors, options).first else nil end end # TODO create a proper contract for this # rubocop: disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def validate_selectors selectors, options = {} error_messages = [] selectors.each do | s | if s[:pacticipant_name].nil? error_messages << "Please specify the pacticipant name" else # TODO a bunch more validation if s.key?(:pacticipant_version_number) && s.key?(:latest) error_messages << "A version number and latest flag cannot both be specified for #{s[:pacticipant_name]}" end end end selectors.collect{ |selector| selector[:pacticipant_name] }.compact.each do | pacticipant_name | unless pacticipant_service.find_pacticipant_by_name(pacticipant_name) error_messages << "Pacticipant #{pacticipant_name} not found" end end if selectors.size == 0 error_messages << "Please provide 1 or more version selectors." end error_messages + validate_options(options) end # rubocop: enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop: disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def validate_options(options = {}) error_messages = [] options.fetch(:ignore_selectors, []).each do | s | if s[:pacticipant_name].nil? error_messages << "Please specify the pacticipant name to ignore" else if s.key?(:pacticipant_version_number) && s.key?(:latest) error_messages << "A version number and latest flag cannot both be specified for #{s[:pacticipant_name]} to ignore" end end end destination_identifiers = [options[:tag], options[:environment_name], options[:main_branch]&.to_s].compact if destination_identifiers.size > 1 error_messages << message("errors.validation.cannot_specify_more_than_one_destination_identifier") end if options[:latest] && options[:environment_name]&.not_blank? error_messages << message("errors.validation.cannot_specify_latest_and_environment") end if options[:environment_name]&.not_blank? && environment_service.find_by_name(options[:environment_name]).nil? error_messages << message("errors.validation.environment_with_name_not_found", name: options[:environment_name]) end if options[:limit] && options[:limit].to_i < 1 error_messages << message("errors.validation.invalid_limit") end error_messages end # rubocop: enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity end end end