class Fog::Storage::Backblaze::Real attr_reader :token_cache, :options def initialize(options = {}) @options = options @logger = @options[:logger] || begin require 'logger'"/dev/null") end @token_cache = if options[:token_cache].nil? || options[:token_cache] == :memory elsif options[:token_cache] === false elsif token_cache.is_a?(Fog::Backblaze::TokenCache) token_cache else[:token_cache]) end end def logger @logger end ## Buckets # call b2_create_bucket def put_bucket(bucket_name, extra_options = {}) options = { accountId: b2_account_id, bucketType: extra_options.delete(:public) ? 'allPublic' : 'allPrivate', bucketName: bucket_name, }.merge(extra_options) response = b2_command(:b2_create_bucket, body: options) if response.status >= 400 raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Failed put_bucket, status = #{response.status} #{response.body}" end if cached = @token_cache.buckets @token_cache.buckets = cached.merge(bucket_name => response.json) else @token_cache.buckets = {bucket_name => response.json} end response end # call b2_update_bucket # if options[:bucketId] presents, then bucket_name is option def update_bucket(bucket_name, extra_options) options = { accountId: b2_account_id, bucketId: extra_options[:bucketId] || _get_bucket_id!(bucket_name), } if extra_options.has_key?(:public) options[:bucketType] = extra_options.delete(:public) ? 'allPublic' : 'allPrivate' end options.merge!(extra_options) response = b2_command(:b2_update_bucket, body: options) if response.status >= 400 raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Failed update_bucket, status = #{response.status} #{response.body}" end if cached = @token_cache.buckets @token_cache.buckets = cached.merge(bucket_name => response.json) else @token_cache.buckets = {bucket_name => response.json} end response end # call b2_list_buckets def list_buckets(options = {}) response = b2_command(:b2_list_buckets, body: { accountId: b2_account_id }.merge(options)) response end # call b2_list_buckets def get_bucket(bucket_name) response = list_buckets(bucketName: bucket_name) bucket = response.json['buckets'].detect do |bucket| bucket['bucketName'] == bucket_name end unless bucket raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "No bucket with name: #{bucket_name}" end response.body = bucket response.json = bucket return response end # call b2_delete_bucket def delete_bucket(bucket_name, options = {}) bucket_id = _get_bucket_id!(bucket_name) response = b2_command(:b2_delete_bucket, body: { bucketId: bucket_id, accountId: b2_account_id } ) if !options[:is_retrying] if response.status == 400 && response.json['message'] =~ /Bucket .+ does not exist/"Try drop cache and try again") @token_cache.buckets = nil return delete_bucket(bucket_name, is_retrying: true) end end if response.status >= 400 raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Failed delete_bucket, status = #{response.status} #{response.body}" end if cached = @token_cache.buckets #cached.delete(bucket_name) #@token_cache.buckets = cached @token_cache.buckets = nil end response end ## Objects # call b2_list_file_names def list_objects(bucket_name, options = {}) bucket_id = _get_bucket_id!(bucket_name) b2_command(:b2_list_file_names, body: { bucketId: bucket_id, maxFileCount: 10_000 }.merge(options)) end def head_object(bucket_name, file_path) file_url = get_object_url(bucket_name, file_path) result = b2_command(nil, method: :head, url: file_url ) if result.status == 404 raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Can not find #{file_path.inspect} in bucket #{bucket_name}" end if result.status >= 400 raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Backblaze respond with status = #{result.status} - #{result.reason_phrase}" end result end # call b2_get_upload_url # # connection.put_object("a-bucket", "/some_file.txt", string_or_io, options) # # Possible options: # * content_type # * last_modified - time object or number of miliseconds # * content_disposition # * extra_headers - hash, list of custom headers def put_object(bucket_name, file_path, content, options = {}) upload_url = @token_cache.fetch("upload_url/#{bucket_name}") do bucket_id = _get_bucket_id!(bucket_name) result = b2_command(:b2_get_upload_url, body: {bucketId: bucket_id}) result.json end if content.is_a?(IO) content = end extra_headers = {} if options[:content_type] extra_headers['Content-Type'] = options[:content_type] end if options[:last_modified] value = if options[:last_modified].is_a?(::Time) (options[:last_modified].to_f * 1000).round else value end extra_headers['X-Bz-Info-src_last_modified_millis'] = value end if options[:content_disposition] extra_headers['X-Bz-Info-b2-content-disposition'] = options[:content_disposition] end if options[:extra_headers] options[:extra_headers].each do |key, value| extra_headers["X-Bz-Info-#{key}"] = value end end response = b2_command(nil, url: upload_url['uploadUrl'], body: content, headers: { 'Authorization': upload_url['authorizationToken'], 'Content-Type': 'b2/x-auto', 'X-Bz-File-Name': "#{_esc_file(file_path)}", 'X-Bz-Content-Sha1': Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(content) }.merge(extra_headers) ) if response.json['fileId'] == nil raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Failed put_object, status = #{response.status} #{response.body}" end response end # generates url regardless if bucket is private or not def get_object_url(bucket_name, file_path) "#{auth_response['downloadUrl']}/file/#{CGI.escape(bucket_name)}/#{_esc_file(file_path)}" end alias_method :get_object_https_url, :get_object_url # call b2_get_download_authorization def get_public_object_url(bucket_name, file_path, options = {}) bucket_id = _get_bucket_id!(bucket_name) result = b2_command(:b2_get_download_authorization, body: { bucketId: bucket_id, fileNamePrefix: file_path, validDurationInSeconds: 604800 }.merge(options)) if result.status == 404 raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Can not find #{file_path.inspect} in bucket #{bucket_name}" end if result.status >= 400 raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Backblaze respond with status = #{result.status} - #{result.reason_phrase}" end "#{get_object_url(bucket_name, file_path)}?Authorization=#{result.json['authorizationToken']}" end def get_object(bucket_name, file_name) file_url = get_object_url(bucket_name, file_name) response = b2_command(nil, method: :get, url: file_url ) if response.status == 404 raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Can not find #{file_name.inspect} in bucket #{bucket_name}" end if response.status > 400 raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Failed get_object, status = #{response.status} #{response.body}" end return response end # call b2_delete_file_version def delete_object(bucket_name, file_name) version_ids = _get_object_version_ids(bucket_name, file_name) if version_ids.size == 0 raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Can not find #{file_name} in in bucket #{bucket_name}" end"Deleting #{version_ids.size} versions of #{file_name}") last_response = nil version_ids.each do |version_id| last_response = b2_command(:b2_delete_file_version, body: { fileName: file_name, fileId: version_id }) end last_response end # TODO TEST # call b2_create_key def create_key(name, capabilities: nil, bucket_id: nil, name_prefix: nil) capabilities ||= [ 'listKeys', 'writeKeys', 'deleteKeys', 'listBuckets', 'writeBuckets', 'deleteBuckets', 'listFiles', 'readFiles', 'shareFiles', 'writeFiles', 'deleteFiles' ] response = b2_command(:b2_create_key, body: { accountId: b2_account_id, keyName: name, capabilities: capabilities, bucketId: bucket_id, namePrefix: name_prefix } ) end # call b2_list_keys def list_keys response = b2_command(:b2_list_keys, body: { accountId: b2_account_id, maxKeyCount: 1000 } ) if response.status > 400 raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Failed get_object, status = #{response.status} #{response.body}" end response end def _get_object_version_ids(bucket_name, file_name) response = b2_command(:b2_list_file_versions, body: { startFileName: file_name, prefix: file_name, bucketId: _get_bucket_id!(bucket_name), maxFileCount: 1000 } ) if response.status >= 400 raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Fetch error: #{response.json['message']} (status = #{response.status})" end if response.json['files'] version_ids = [] response.json['files'].map do |file_version| version_ids << file_version['fileId'] if file_version['fileName'] == file_name end version_ids else [] end end def _get_bucket_id(bucket_name) if @options[:b2_bucket_name] == bucket_name && @options[:b2_bucket_id] return @options[:b2_bucket_id] else cached = @token_cache && @token_cache.buckets if cached && cached[bucket_name] return cached[bucket_name]['bucketId'] else fetched = _cached_buchets_hash(force_fetch: !!cached) return fetched[bucket_name] && fetched[bucket_name]['bucketId'] end end end def _get_bucket_id!(bucket_name) bucket_id = _get_bucket_id(bucket_name) unless bucket_id raise Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Can not find bucket \"#{bucket_name}\"" end return bucket_id end def _cached_buchets_hash(force_fetch: false) if !force_fetch && cached = @token_cache.buckets cached end buckets_hash = {} list_buckets.json['buckets'].each do |bucket| buckets_hash[bucket['bucketName']] = bucket end @token_cache.buckets = buckets_hash buckets_hash end def auth_response #return @auth_response.json if @auth_response if cached = @token_cache.auth_response"get token from cache") return cached end auth_string = if @options[:b2_account_id] && @options[:b2_account_token] "#{@options[:b2_account_id]}:#{@options[:b2_account_token]}" elsif @options[:b2_key_id] && @options[:b2_key_token] "#{@options[:b2_key_id]}:#{@options[:b2_key_token]}" else raise Fog::Errors::Error, "B2 credentials are required, "\ "please use b2_account_id and b2_account_token or "\ "b2_key_id and b2_key_token" end @auth_response = json_req(:get, "", headers: { "Authorization" => "Basic " + Base64.strict_encode64(auth_string) }, persistent: false ) if @auth_response.status >= 400 raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Authentication error: #{@auth_response.json['message']} (status = #{@auth_response.status})\n#{@auth_response.body}" end @token_cache.auth_response = @auth_response.json @auth_response.json end def b2_command(command, options = {}) auth_response = self.auth_response options[:headers] ||= {} options[:headers]['Authorization'] ||= auth_response['authorizationToken'] if options[:body] && !options[:body].is_a?(String) options[:body] = JSON.generate(options[:body]) end request_url = options.delete(:url) || "#{auth_response['apiUrl']}/b2api/v1/#{command}" #pp [:b2_command, request_url, options] json_req(options.delete(:method) || :post, request_url, options) end def json_req(method, url, options = {}) start_time ="Req #{method.to_s.upcase} #{url}") if options[:body] && options[:body].size > 300 logger.debug(options.merge(body: "-- Body #{options[:body].size} bytes --").to_s) else logger.debug(options.to_s) end if !options.has_key?(:persistent) || options[:persistent] == true @connections ||= {} full_path = [URI.parse(url).request_uri, URI.parse(url).fragment].compact.join("#") host_url = url.sub(full_path, "") connection = @connections[host_url] ||=, persistent: true) http_response = connection.send(method, options.merge(path: full_path, idempotent: true)) else http_response = Excon.send(method, url, options) end http_response.extend(Fog::Backblaze::JSONResponse) if http_response.josn_response? && http_response.body.size > 0 http_response.assign_json_body! end http_response ensure status = http_response && http_response.status" Done #{method.to_s.upcase} #{url} = #{status} (#{( - start_time).round(3)} sec)") if http_response logger.debug(" Headers: #{http_response.headers}") if method != :head && http_response.headers['Content-Type'].to_s !~ %r{^image/} logger.debug(" Body: #{http_response.body}") end end end def reset_token_cache @token_cache.reset end def _esc_file(file_name) CGI.escape(file_name).gsub('%2F', '/') end # return @options[:b2_account_id] or call b2_authorize_account when using application key def b2_account_id return @options[:b2_account_id] if @options[:b2_account_id] auth = auth_response p auth auth['accountId'] end end