class SlackSmartBot # help: ---------------------------------------------- # help: `see shortcuts` # help: `see sc` # help: It will display the shortcuts stored for the user and for :all # help: # help: def see_shortcuts(dest, user, typem) save_stats(__method__) from = if has_access?(__method__, user) unless typem == :on_extended msg = "" if @shortcuts[:all].keys.size > 0 or @shortcuts_global[:all].keys.size > 0 msg = "*Available shortcuts for all:*\n" if @shortcuts[:all].keys.size > 0 @shortcuts[:all].each { |name, value| msg += " _#{name}: #{value}_\n" } end if @shortcuts_global[:all].keys.size > 0 @shortcuts_global[:all].each { |name, value| msg += " _#{name} (global): #{value}_\n" } end respond msg, dest end msg2 = '' if @shortcuts.keys.include?(from) and @shortcuts[from].keys.size > 0 new_hash = @shortcuts[from].dup @shortcuts[:all].keys.each { |k| new_hash.delete(k) } if new_hash.keys.size > 0 msg2 = "*Available shortcuts for #{from}:*\n" new_hash.each { |name, value| msg2 += " _#{name}: #{value}_\n" } end end if @shortcuts_global.keys.include?(from) and @shortcuts_global[from].keys.size > 0 new_hash = @shortcuts_global[from].dup @shortcuts_global[:all].keys.each { |k| new_hash.delete(k) } if new_hash.keys.size > 0 msg2 = "*Available shortcuts for #{from}:*\n" if msg2 == '' new_hash.each { |name, value| msg2 += " _#{name} (global): #{value}_\n" } end end respond msg2 unless msg2 == '' respond "No shortcuts found" if (msg + msg2) == "" end end end end