require 'ruby-progressbar' require 'simp/rake/build/constants' module Simp; end module Simp::Rake; end module Simp::Rake::Build class Unpack < ::Rake::TaskLib include Simp::Rake::Build::Constants def initialize( base_dir ) init_member_vars( base_dir ) define_tasks end def define_tasks #!/usr/bin/rake -T =begin desc "Unpack an ISO. Unpacks either a RHEL or CentOS ISO into /-. * :iso_path - Full path to the ISO image to unpack. * :merge - If true, then automatically merge any existing directories. Defaults to prompting. * :targetdir - The parent directory for the to-be-created directory containing the unpacked ISO. Defaults to the current directory. * :isoinfo - The isoinfo executable to use to extract stuff from the ISO. Defaults to 'isoinfo'. * :version - optional override for the number (e.g., '7.0' instead of '7') " =end task :unpack,[:iso_path, :merge, :targetdir, :isoinfo, :version] do |t,args| args.with_defaults( :iso_path => '', :isoinfo => 'isoinfo', :targetdir => Dir.pwd, :merge => false, :version => false, ) iso_path = args.iso_path iso_info = which(args.isoinfo) targetdir = args.targetdir merge = args.merge version = args.version # Checking for valid arguments File.exist?(args.iso_path) or fail "Error: You must provide the full path and filename of the ISO image." %x{file #{iso_path}}.split(":")[1..-1].to_s =~ /ISO/ or fail "Error: The file provided is not a valid ISO." pieces = File.basename(iso_path,'.iso').split('-') # Mappings of ISO name to target directory name. # This is a hash of hashes to provide room for growth. dvd_map = { # RHEL structure as provided from RHN: # rhel-server--- 'rhel' => { 'baseos' => 'RedHat', 'version' => version || pieces[2], 'arch' => pieces[3] }, # CentOS structure as provided from the CentOS website: # CentOS--- 'CentOS' => { 'baseos' => 'CentOS', 'version' => version || pieces[1], 'arch' => pieces[2] } } # Determine the target directory map = dvd_map[pieces[0]] map.nil? and fail "Error: Could not find a mapping for '#{iso_path}'." out_dir = "#{File.expand_path(targetdir)}/#{map['baseos']}#{map['version']}-#{map['arch']}" # Attempt a merge if File.exist?(out_dir) and merge.to_s.strip == 'false' puts "Directory '#{out_dir}' already exists! Would you like to merge? [Yn]?" unless $stdin.gets.strip.match(/^(y.*|$)/i) puts "Skipping #{iso_path}" next end end puts "Target dir: #{out_dir}" mkdir_p(out_dir) # Unpack the ISO iso_toc = %x{#{iso_info} -Rf -i #{iso_path}}.split("\n") iso_toc.each do |iso_entry| iso_toc.delete(File.dirname(iso_entry)) end progress = ProgressBar.create(:title => 'Unpacking', :total => iso_toc.size) iso_toc.each do |iso_entry| target = "#{out_dir}#{iso_entry}" unless File.exist?(target) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(target)) system("#{iso_info} -R -x #{iso_entry} -i #{iso_path} > #{target}") end if progress progress.increment else print "#" end end end end end end