module Cms # :nodoc: class ContentController < ::ApplicationController # :nodoc: caches_action :rss_feed before_filter :convert_content_path # Routes: # match 'plcalendar(/:action(/:id))' => 'cms/content#page_list_calendar' # root :to => 'cms/content#show' # match '*content_path' => 'cms/content#show' def show return not_found unless params[:content_path].is_a? Array @content_levels = (params[:prefix] || []).concat(params[:content_path]) @content_path = File.join([ 'content' ].concat(@content_levels)) template_found = false # set "legacy" vars begin if template_exists?(@content_path) params[:section] = @content_levels.first unless @content_levels.size < 2 params[:subsection] = @content_levels[1] unless @content_levels.size < 3 params[:page] = @content_levels.last template_found = true elsif template_exists?(File.join([ @content_path, 'index' ])) @content_path = File.join([ @content_path, 'index' ]) params[:section] = @content_levels.first unless @content_levels.size < 1 params[:subsection] = @content_levels[1] unless @content_levels.size < 2 params[:page] = 'index' template_found = true end rescue Exception => e if e.message =~ /string contains null byte/ # do nothing else raise e end end if template_found render :template => @content_path elsif show_from_db return else return not_found end end # Renders app/views/errors/404.rhtml with http status 404 Not Found. def not_found # logger.error "404 from #{request.referer}" # render :template => 'imagine_cms/errors/404', :status => 404 # let Rails handle 404s natively (override if you want to handle manually) raise'404 Not Found') end def rendering_error(exception = nil) logger.error "500 from #{request.referer} (exception: #{exception})" @exception = exception.message render :template => 'imagine_cms/errors/500', :status => 500 end def show_from_db @@cms_page_table_exists ||= CmsPage.table_exists? return unless @@cms_page_table_exists logger.debug 'Rendering content from database' begin @content_levels = params[:content_path] db_path = params[:content_path] edit_mode = false @allow_caching = true # check for /login if db_path.last == 'login' db_path.pop if @pg = CmsPage.find_by_path(db_path.join('/')) db_path << 'version' db_path << (@pg.published_version <= 0 ? @pg.version : @pg.published_version).to_s @allow_caching = false if is_logged_in_user? redirect_to '/' + db_path.join('/') and return true else flash[:notice] = "Please log in now in order to switch to Preview Mode on the page you were just viewing." session[:saved_user_uri] = '/' + db_path.join('/') redirect_to :controller => '/management/user', :action => 'login' and return true end end end # check for /edit if db_path.last == 'edit' db_path.pop edit_mode = true @allow_caching = false end # check for 2-part suffixes (/version/[#], /form/[action]) test = db_path.last(2) if test.size == 2 if test.first == 'version' && test.last.to_i > 0 params[:version] = db_path.pop db_path.pop @allow_caching = false elsif test.first == 'form' @form_action = db_path.pop db_path.pop @allow_caching = false # restore saved instance variables if session[:saved_instance_variables].is_a? Hash session[:saved_instance_variables].each do |k, v| instance_variable_set "@#{k}", v end session[:saved_instance_variables] = nil end end end # check for 3-part suffixes (/segment/[offset]/[plname]) test = db_path.last(3) if test.size == 3 if test[0] == 'segment' && !test[1].empty? && !test[2].empty? @page_list_segment = true params[:page_list_name] = db_path.pop params[:offset] = db_path.pop db_path.pop @allow_caching = false end end if db_path.last == 'index' db_path.pop params[:page] = 'index' end if @pg = CmsPage.find_by_path(db_path.join('/'), :include => [ :template ]) if edit_mode redirect_to :controller => '/management/cms', :action => 'edit_page_content', :id => @pg and return true else # return if page is offline and viewer is not an admin if @pg.published_version < 0 if !is_logged_in_user? return false else # display, but don't cache @allow_caching = false end end # load appropriate page version and associated objects # if we had to authenticate, load_page_objects = false, but return true so we don't call not_found load_page_objects or return true # set "legacy" vars params[:section] = @content_levels.size < 1 ? '' : @content_levels.first params[:subsection] = @content_levels[1] unless @content_levels.size < 3 if @content_levels.size == 1 params[:page] = 'index' elsif @content_levels.size > 1 params[:page] = @content_levels.last end @page_title = @pg.title template_content = render_cms_page_to_string(@pg) # logger.debug { |k,v| "#{k}: #{v}\n" } # this is kind of ugly, having this in the middle of my rendering code if @page_list_segment name = params[:page_list_name] key = "obj-page_list-#{name.gsub(/[^\w]/, '_')}" pages = page_list_items(@pg, key).compact.uniq render :inline => render_page_list_segment(name, pages) and return true end # end of page list segment code render :inline => template_content if perform_caching && UseCmsPageCaching && @allow_caching cache_page end return true end end rescue Exception => e logger.debug "Error rendering from db: #{e.class}: #{e.message}" # log_error(e) return rendering_error(e) end # if we haven't rendered something from the db by now, return false false end def disable_caching @allow_caching = false end helper_method :disable_caching def search @terms = [] @pages = [] if params[:q] @terms = params[:q].split(/\s+/).reject { |t| t.length < 3 } end CmsPage.index_all unless @terms.empty? term_variants = [] @terms.each do |term| term_variants << [ term, term.singularize, term.pluralize ] { |v| v.gsub(/[\[\]\:\>\(\)\?]/, '').gsub(/\+/, '\+') }.join('|') end conds = [ 'published_version >= 0' ] vars = [] term_variants.each do |term_variant| conds << "(title regexp ?)" vars << "[[:<:]](#{term_variant})[[:>:]]" end @pages.concat CmsPage.find(:all, :conditions => [ conds.join(' and ') ].concat(vars)) conds = [ 'published_version >= 0' ] vars = [] term_variants.each do |term_variant| conds << "(title regexp ? or search_index regexp ?)" vars << "[[:<:]](#{term_variant})[[:>:]]" << "[[:<:]](#{term_variant})[[:>:]]" end @pages.concat CmsPage.find(:all, :conditions => [ conds.join(' and ') ].concat(vars)) # fulltext doesn't work with innodb... may need to make a separate myisam # table just for search. (this would be better because it would sort by relevance) # @pages.concat CmsPage.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'match (title, search_index) against (?)', params[:q] ]) end @pages = @pages.uniq.reject { |pg| pg.search_index.empty? } @pg = @pg.template = CmsTemplate.find_by_name('Search') || @page_title = 'Search Results' load_page_objects or return @page_objects['obj-text-search_results'] = render_to_string(:partial => 'search') render :inline => render_cms_page_to_string(@pg) end def rss_feed min_time = Time.rfc2822(request.env["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]) rescue nil if min_time && ( - min_time) < 5.minutes render :text => '', :status => '304 Not Modified' and return end @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:page_id]) render :nothing => true and return unless @pg && params[:page_list_name] key = "obj-page_list-#{params[:page_list_name].gsub(/[^\w]/, '_')}" load_page_objects or return true options ||= {} today = Time.mktime(,, case @page_objects["#{key}-date-range"] when 'all' when 'past' options[:end_date] = today when 'future' options[:start_date] = today when 'custom' options[:start_date] = @page_objects["#{key}-date-range-custom-start"] options[:end_date] = @page_objects["#{key}-date-range-custom-end"] end str = render_cms_page_to_string(@pg) @pages = page_list_items(@pg, key, options).first(20) @page_contents = {} unless @pages.empty? @most_recent_pub_date = @pages.first @pages.each { |pg| most_recent_pub_date = pg if pg.published_date > @most_recent_pub_date.published_date } if min_time && @most_recent_pub_date.published_date && @most_recent_pub_date.published_date <= min_time # use cached version render :text => '', :status => '304 Not Modified' and return end @pages.each_with_index do |page, index| @page_contents[] = render_to_string :inline => substitute_placeholders(@page_objects["#{key}-template"] || options[:template] || '', page, :index => index+1, :count => @pages.size) end end # send feed response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/rss+xml" response.headers["Last-Modified"] = @pages.first.published_date.httpdate rescue render :layout => false end def preview_template @pg = CmsPage.find(1) @pg.template = @pg.template.assign_attributes(params[:temp] || params[:snip] || {}) @page_objects = render :inline => substitute_placeholders(@pg.template.content, @pg), :layout => 'application' end def page_list_calendar @pg = CmsPage.find(params[:id]) load_page_objects or return true @month = (params[:month] || @year = (params[:year] || @key = params[:key] first_of_month = Time.mktime(@year, @month, 1) last_of_month = first_of_month.end_of_month @css_prefix = params[:css_prefix] || 'calendar_' events = page_list_items(@pg, @key, :start_date => first_of_month, :end_date => last_of_month) @event_days = {} events.each do |e| if e.article_date event_start = e.article_date.mday if e.article_end_date event_end = e.article_end_date > last_of_month ? last_of_month.mday : e.article_end_date.mday else event_end = event_start end for index in event_start..event_end @event_days[index] ||= '' @event_days[index] << erb_render(substitute_placeholders(@page_objects["#{@key}-template"], e)) end end end @event_days.each do |index, val| @event_days[index] = (@page_objects["#{@key}-header"] || '') + val + (@page_objects["#{@key}-footer"] || '') end render :update do |page| page.replace_html "page_list_calendar_#{@key}_month_year", :partial => 'page_list_calendar_month_year' page.replace_html "page_list_calendar_#{@key}_days", :partial => 'page_list_calendar_days' end end protected def render_cms_page_to_string(page) # sanitize possibly dangerous content before rendering template_content = substitute_placeholders(page.template.content, page) template_content.gsub!(/<(%.*?(exec|system)\s?\(.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') template_content.gsub!(/<(%.*?\%x\s?\[.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') template_content.gsub!(/<(%.*?\`.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') logger.silence do template_content = render_to_string(:inline => template_content, :locals => { :page => page, :safe_level => 0 }) end template_content = substitute_placeholders(template_content, page) template_content.gsub!(/<(%.*?(exec|system)\s?\(.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') template_content.gsub!(/<(%.*?\%x\s?\[.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') template_content.gsub!(/<(%.*?\`.*?\s*%)>/, '<\1>') logger.silence do template_content = render_to_string(:inline => template_content, :layout => 'application', :locals => { :page => page }) end template_content end end end