require 'rubygems' require 'mocha' if ENV['SPEC'] # run with rspec for ruby 1.9 require 'spec/test/unit' module Spec::Example::ExampleGroupMethods alias_method :test, :it end Spec::Runner.configure do |config| config.mock_with :mocha end else require 'test/unit' require 'context' #gem install jeremymcanally-context --source require 'matchy' #gem install jeremymcanally-matchy --source end $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'boson' require 'test_benchmark' if ENV['BENCHMARK'] class Test::Unit::TestCase # make local so it doesn't pick up my real boson dir Boson.repo.dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) # prevent extra File.exists? calls which interfere with stubs for it Boson.repo.config = {:libraries=>{}, :command_aliases=>{}, :console_defaults=>[]} Boson.instance_variable_set "@repos", [Boson.repo] def assert_error(error, message=nil) yield rescue error=>e e.class.should == error e.message.should =~ if message else nil.should == error end def reset reset_main_object reset_boson end def reset_main_object Boson.send :remove_const, "Universe" eval "module ::Boson::Universe; include ::Boson::Commands::Namespace; end" Boson::Commands.send :remove_const, "Blah" if Boson::Commands.const_defined?("Blah") Boson.main_object = end def reset_boson reset_libraries Boson.instance_eval("@commands = nil") end def reset_libraries Boson.instance_eval("@libraries = nil") end def command_exists?(name, bool=true) (!!Boson::Command.find(name)).should == bool end def library_loaded?(name, bool=true) Boson::Manager.loaded?(name).should == bool end def library(name) Boson.library(name) end def library_has_module(lib, lib_module) Boson::Manager.loaded?(lib).should == true test_lib = library(lib) (test_lib.module.is_a?(Module) && (test_lib.module.to_s == lib_module)).should == true end def library_has_command(lib, command, bool=true) (lib = library(lib)) && lib.commands.include?(command).should == bool end # mocks as a file library def mock_library(lib, options={}) options = {:file_string=>'', :exists=>true}.merge!(options) File.expects(:exists?).with(Boson::FileLibrary.library_file(lib.to_s, Boson.repo.dir)). at_least(1).returns(options.delete(:exists)) File.expects(:read).returns(options.delete(:file_string)) end def load(lib, options={}) # prevent conflicts with existing stubs Boson::MethodInspector.stubs(:inspector_in_file?).returns(false) mock_library(lib, options) unless options.delete(:no_mock) result = Boson::Manager.load([lib], options) Boson::FileLibrary.reset_file_cache result end def capture_stdout(&block) original_stdout = $stdout $stdout = fake = begin yield ensure $stdout = original_stdout end fake.string end def with_config(options) old_config = Boson.repo.config Boson.repo.config = Boson.repo.config.merge(options) yield Boson.repo.config = old_config end def capture_stderr(&block) original_stderr = $stderr $stderr = fake = begin yield ensure $stderr = original_stderr end fake.string end def create_library(libraries, attributes={}) libraries = [libraries] unless libraries.is_a?(Array) {|e| lib ={:name=>e}.update(attributes)) Boson::Manager.add_library(lib); lib } end end