require 'thor' require 'highline' require 'random_password' require 'yaml' require 'recursive-open-struct' module SiteHook class FileExistsError < Exception end # *ConfigClass* # # Holds all of the commands for the config subcommand class ConfigClass < Thor desc 'gen [options]', "Generate a example config file if one doesn't exist" # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def gen yaml = [ '# fatal, error, warn, info, debug', 'log_levels:', ' hook: info', ' build: info', ' git: info', ' app: info', 'projects:', ' PROJECT.NAME: # Use the name you put as your webhook url', ' #', " src: /path/2/site/source # Directory you 'git pull' into", ' dst: /path/2/destination/ # The web root will be this folder', " host: git*.com # The git service you're using for vcs", ' repo: USER/REPO # The repo path on the git service', ' hookpass: SOMERANDOMSTRING # Gitlab-Token or GitHub secret, etc.', ' private: true/false # hidden from the public list', '' ] jphrc = SiteHook::Paths.config if jphrc.exist? puts "#{jphrc} exists. Will not overwrite." else, 'w') do |f| yaml.each do |line| f.puts line end end say "Created #{jphrc}" say "You can now edit #{jphrc} and add your projects." end end desc 'gen-project [options]', 'generates a project block' def gen_project hl = hl.say "First What's the name of the project?" project_name = hl.ask('> ') hl.say "What's the source path? e.g. /home/#{ENV['USER']}/sites/site.tld" source_path = hl.ask('> ') hl.say 'Where is the web root? e.g. /var/www/sites/site.tld' dest_path = hl.ask('> ') hl.say 'The next things are for the public webhook list.' hl.say "\n" hl.say "\n" hl.say "What's the hostname of the git service? e.g.," hl.say ", git.domain.tld" git_host = hl.ask('> ') hl.say "What's the repo path? e.g. UserName/SiteName, UserName/site, etc." repo_path = hl.ask('> ') hl.say 'Is this repo allowed to be shown publically?' is_private = hl.agree('> ', true) ? true : false hl.say "Generating a hook password for you. If this one isn't wanted" hl.say 'then just change it afterwards.' hook_pass = 20, symbols: 0).generate hl.say 'Done.' hl.say 'Outputting...' tpl = [ " #{project_name}:", " src: #{source_path}", " dst: #{dest_path}", " hookpass: #{hook_pass}", " host: #{git_host}", " repo: #{repo_path}", " private: #{is_private}" ] puts tpl end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize