# # This file isn't read for any reason -- it's # a dumping ground for annotated config sections # gateway: # Settings for gateway.type = s3 s3: bucket: infochimps-elasticsearch gateway: fs: # By default, uses the 'path.work' directory Note, the work directory is # considered a temporal directory with ElasticSearch (meaning it is safe # to rm -rf it), the default location of the persistent gateway in work # intentional, it should be changed. # # When explicitly specifying the gateway.fs.location, each node will # append its cluster.name to the provided location. It means that the # location provided can safely support several clusters. # # The file system gateway automatically sets for each index created to use # an fs index gateway. The location specified using gateway.fs.location # will automatically be used in this case to store index level data # (appended by the index name). location: /mnt2/elasticsearch/fs discovery: zen: # == How should gossip be conducted? ping: multicast: enabled: false # group: # port: 54328 # ttl: 3 # address: null unicast: # # Either a YAML array or a comma delimited string. # # Each value is either in the form of host:port, or in the form of host[port1-port2]. # hosts: # == Zen master election: # As part of the initial ping process a master of the cluster is either # elected or joined to. This is done automatically. The # discovery.zen.initial_ping_timeout (which defaults to 3s) allows to # configure the election to handle cases of slow or congested networks # (higher values assure less chance of failure). initial_ping_timeout: 3s # # Allow node to become master? Note, once a node is a client node # # (node.client = true), it will not be allowed to become a master # # (zen.master is automatically set to false). # master: ~ # == Zen Fault detection: fd: ping_interval: 1s ping_timeout: 30s ping_retries 3