module TensorStream # varoius utility functions for array processing module ArrayOpsHelper def slice_tensor(input, start, size) return input if size.empty? start_index = start.shift dimen_size = start_index + size.shift input[start_index...dimen_size].collect do |item| if item.is_a?(Array) slice_tensor(item, start.dup, size.dup) else item end end end def truncate(input, target_shape) rank = get_rank(input) return input if start = { 0 } slice_tensor(input, start, target_shape) end def _reduced_shape(input_shape, axes) return [] if axes.nil? # reduce to scalar axes = [axes] unless axes.is_a?(Array) return input_shape if axes.empty? axes.each do |dimen| input_shape[dimen] = 1 end input_shape end def broadcast(input_a, input_b) sa = shape_eval(input_a) sb = shape_eval(input_b) return [input_a, input_b] if sa == sb # descalar if sa.empty? input_a = [input_a] sa = [1] end if sb.empty? input_b = [input_b] sb = [1] end target_shape = shape_diff(sa, sb) if target_shape input_b = broadcast_dimensions(input_b, target_shape) else target_shape = shape_diff(sb, sa) raise "Incompatible shapes for op #{shape_eval(input_a)} vs #{shape_eval(input_b)}" if target_shape.nil? input_a = broadcast_dimensions(input_a, target_shape) end [input_a, input_b] end # explicit broadcasting helper def broadcast_dimensions(input, dims = []) return input if dims.empty? d = dims.shift if input.is_a?(Array) && (get_rank(input) - 1) == dims.size row_to_dup = input.collect do |item| broadcast_dimensions(item, dims.dup) end row_to_dup + { row_to_dup }.flatten(1) elsif input.is_a?(Array) { broadcast_dimensions(input, dims.dup) } else + 1) { input } end end # handle 2 tensor math operations def vector_op(vector, vector2, op = ->(a, b) { a + b }, switch = false, safe = true) if get_rank(vector) < get_rank(vector2) # upgrade rank of A duplicated = do vector end return vector_op(duplicated, vector2, op, switch) end return, vector2) unless vector.is_a?(Array) vector.each_with_index.collect do |input, index| next vector_op(input, vector2, op, switch) if input.is_a?(Array) && get_rank(vector) > get_rank(vector2) if safe && vector2.is_a?(Array) next nil if vector2.size != 1 && index >= vector2.size end z = if vector2.is_a?(Array) if index < vector2.size vector2[index] else raise 'incompatible tensor shapes used during op' if vector2.size != 1 vector2[0] end else vector2 end if input.is_a?(Array) vector_op(input, z, op, switch) else switch ?, input) :, z) end end.compact end def shape_diff(shape_a, shape_b) return nil if shape_b.size > shape_a.size reversed_a = shape_a.reverse reversed_b = shape_b.reverse reversed_a.each_with_index.collect do |s, index| next s if index >= reversed_b.size return nil if reversed_b[index] > s s - reversed_b[index] end.reverse end def tile_arr(input, dimen, multiples) t = multiples[dimen] if dimen == multiples.size - 1 return nil if input * t # ruby array dup else new_arr = input.collect do |sub| tile_arr(sub, dimen + 1, multiples) end.compact return nil if new_arr.empty? new_arr * t end end def process_function_op(a, op) # ruby scalar if (a.is_a?(Tensor) && a.shape.rank > 0) || a.is_a?(Array) vector_op(a, 0, op) else, 0) end end def get_rank(value, rank = 0) return rank unless value.is_a?(Array) return rank + 1 if value.empty? get_rank(value[0], rank + 1) end def last_axis(arr) return arr if get_rank(arr) <= 2 arr.inject([]).map do |sub, rows| rows + last_axis(sub) end end def softmax(arr) return arr if arr.empty? if !arr[0].is_a?(Array) c = arr.max arr = { |a| Math.exp(a - c) } sum = arr.reduce(:+) arr.collect do |input| input / sum end else arr.collect { |input| softmax(input) } end end def softmax_grad(arr) return arr if arr.empty? arr.each_with_index.collect do |input, index| if input.is_a?(Array) softmax_grad(input) else arr.each_with_index.collect do |input2, index2| if index != index2 -input * input2 else input * (1.0 - input) end end end end end def gather(params, indexes) indexes.collect do |index| if index.is_a?(Array) gather(params, index) else params[index] end end end # general case transposition with flat arrays def transpose_with_perm(arr, new_arr, shape, new_shape, perm) arr_size = shape.reduce(:*) divisors = shape.dup.drop(1).reverse.inject([1]) do |a, s| a << s * a.last end.reverse multipliers = new_shape.dup.drop(1).reverse.inject([1]) do |a, s| a << s * a.last end.reverse arr_size.times do |p| ptr = p index = [] divisors.each_with_object(index) do |div, a| a << (ptr / div.to_f).floor ptr = ptr % div end # remap based on perm remaped = { |x| index[x] } ptr2 = 0 multipliers.each_with_index do |m, idx| ptr2 += remaped[idx] * m end new_arr[ptr2] = arr[p] end [new_arr, new_shape] end def reduce_axis(current_axis, axis, val, keep_dims, f) return val unless val.is_a?(Array) r = val.collect do |v| reduce_axis(current_axis + 1, axis, v, keep_dims, f) end should_reduce_axis = axis.nil? || (axis.is_a?(Array) && axis.include?(current_axis)) || (current_axis == axis) if should_reduce_axis reduced_val = r[0] if r.size > 1 reduced_val =[0..val.size]) elsif r.empty? reduced_val = end keep_dims ? [reduced_val] : reduced_val else r end end def reduce(val, axis, keep_dims, func = nil) rank = get_rank(val) return val if axis && axis.is_a?(Array) && axis.empty? func = lambda do |arr| reduced_val = arr[0] arr[1..arr.size].each do |v| reduced_val = vector_op(reduced_val, v, ->(t, u) { t + u }) end reduced_val end if func.nil? axis = if axis.nil? nil elsif axis.is_a?(Array) return val if axis.empty? { |a| a < 0 ? rank - a.abs : a } else axis < 0 ? rank - axis.abs : axis end reduce_axis(0, axis, val, keep_dims, func) end end end