RSpec.describe Rack::Tracker::GoogleGlobal do def env { misc: 'foobar', user_id: '123' } end it 'will be placed in the head' do expect(described_class.position).to eq(:head) expect( eq(:head) expect(, position: :body).position).to eq(:body) end describe '#tracker_options' do context 'with an allowed option configured with a static value' do subject {, user_id: 'value') } it 'returns hash with option set' do expect(subject.tracker_options).to eql ({ user_id: 'value' }) end end context 'with an allowed option configured with a block' do subject {, user_id: lambda { |env| return env[:misc] }) } it 'returns hash with option set' do expect(subject.tracker_options).to eql ({ user_id: 'foobar' }) end end context 'with an allowed option configured with a block returning nil' do subject {, user_id: lambda { |env| return env[:non_existing_key] }) } it 'returns an empty hash' do expect(subject.tracker_options).to eql ({}) end end context 'with a non allowed option' do subject {, new_option: 'value') } it 'returns an empty hash' do expect(subject.tracker_options).to eql ({}) end end end describe '#set_options' do context 'with option configured with a static value' do subject {, set: { option: 'value' }) } it 'returns hash with option set' do expect(subject.set_options).to eql ({ option: 'value' }) end end context 'with option configured with a block' do subject {, set: lambda { |env| return { option: env[:misc] } }) } it 'returns hash with option set' do expect(subject.set_options).to eql ({ option: 'foobar' }) end end context 'with option configured with a block returning nil' do subject {, set: lambda { |env| return env[:non_existing_key] }) } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.set_options).to be nil end end end describe "with custom domain" do let(:tracker) { { id: 'somebody'}} let(:options) { { cookie_domain: "", trackers: [tracker] } } subject {, options).render } it "will show asyncronous tracker with cookie_domain" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'somebody', {\"cookie_domain\":\"\"}\)}) end end describe "with user_id tracking" do let(:tracker) { { id: 'somebody'}} let(:options) { { user_id: lambda { |env| return env[:user_id] }, trackers: [tracker] } } subject {, options).render } it "will show asyncronous tracker with userId" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'somebody', {\"user_id\":\"123\"}\)}) end end describe "with link_attribution" do let(:tracker) { { id: 'happy'}} let(:options) { { link_attribution: true, trackers: [tracker] } } subject {, options).render } it "will show asyncronous tracker with link_attribution" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'happy', {\"link_attribution\":true}\)}) end end describe "with allow_display_features" do let(:tracker) { { id: 'happy'}} let(:options) { { allow_display_features: false, trackers: [tracker] } } subject {, options).render } it "will disable display features" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'happy', {\"allow_display_features\":false}\)}) end end describe "with anonymizeIp" do let(:tracker) { { id: 'happy'}} let(:options) { { anonymize_ip: true, trackers: [tracker] } } subject {, options).render } it "will set anonymizeIp to true" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'happy', {\"anonymize_ip\":true}\)}) end end describe "with dynamic tracker" do let(:tracker) { { id: lambda { |env| return env[:misc] } }} let(:options) { { trackers: [tracker] } } subject {, options).render } it 'will call tracker lambdas to obtain tracking codes' do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'foobar', {}\)}) end end describe "with empty tracker" do let(:present_tracker) { { id: 'present' }} let(:empty_tracker) { { id: lambda { |env| return } }} let(:options) { { trackers: [present_tracker, empty_tracker] } } subject {, options).render } it 'will not render config' do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'present', {}\)}) expect(subject).not_to match(%r{gtag\('config', '', {}\)}) end end describe "with set options" do let(:tracker) { { id: 'with_options' } } let(:options) { { trackers: [tracker], set: { foo: 'bar' } } } subject {, options).render } it 'will show set command' do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('set', {\"foo\":\"bar\"}\)}) end end describe "with virtual pages" do subject {, trackers: [{ id: 'somebody' }]).render } describe "default" do def env {'tracker' => { 'google_global' => [ { 'class_name' => 'Page', 'path' => '/virtual_page' } ] }} end it "will show virtual page" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'somebody', {\"page_path\":\"/virtual_page\"}\);}) end end describe "with a event value" do def env {'tracker' => { 'google_global' => [ { 'class_name' => 'Page', 'path' => '/virtual_page', 'location' => '', 'title' => 'Virtual Page' } ] }} end it "will show virtual page" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('config', 'somebody', {\"page_title\":\"Virtual Page\",\"page_location\":\"https:\/\/\/virtual_page\",\"page_path\":\"/virtual_page\"}\);}) end end end describe "with events" do subject {, trackers: [{ id: 'somebody' }]).render } describe "default" do def env {'tracker' => { 'google_global' => [ { 'class_name' => 'Event', 'action' => 'login' } ] }} end it "will show the event" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('event', 'login', {}\);}) end end describe "with event parameters" do def env {'tracker' => { 'google_global' => [ { 'class_name' => 'Event', 'action' => 'login', 'category' => 'engagement', 'label' => 'Github', 'value' => 5 } ] }} end it "will show event" do expect(subject).to match(%r{gtag\('event', 'login', {\"event_category\":\"engagement\",\"event_label\":\"Github\",\"value\":5}\);}) end end end end