Then /^(?:the )?feature(?: "([^"]*)")? is found to have the following properties:$/ do |file, properties| file ||= 1 properties = properties.rows_hash properties.each do |property, expected_value| assert { expected_value == @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.send(property.to_sym).to_s } end end Then /^the descriptive lines of feature "([^"]*)" are as follows:$/ do |file, lines| expected_description = lines.raw.flatten assert { @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.description == expected_description } end Then /^feature "([^"]*)" is found to have the following tags:$/ do |file, tags| expected_tags = tags.raw.flatten assert { @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tags == expected_tags } end Then /^feature "([^"]*)" has no descriptive lines$/ do |file| assert { @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.description == [] } end Then /^feature "([^"]*)" has no tags$/ do |file| assert { @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tags == [] } end When /^(?:the )?feature(?: "([^"]*)")? scenarios are as follows:$/ do |file, scenarios| file ||= 1 actual_scenarios = @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.scenarios.collect { |scenario| } assert { actual_scenarios.flatten.sort == scenarios.raw.flatten.sort } end When /^(?:the )?feature(?: "([^"]*)")? outlines are as follows:$/ do |file, outlines| file ||= 1 actual_outlines = @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.outlines.collect { |outline| } assert { actual_outlines.flatten.sort == outlines.raw.flatten.sort } end When /^(?:the )?feature(?: "([^"]*)")? background is as follows:$/ do |file, background| file ||= 1 assert { @parsed_files[file - 1] == background.raw.flatten.first } end When /^feature "([^"]*)" has no scenarios$/ do |file| assert { @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.scenarios == [] } end When /^feature "([^"]*)" has no outlines/ do |file| assert { @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.outlines == [] } end When /^feature "([^"]*)" has no background/ do |file| assert { @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.has_background? == false } end