# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # search-bing.rb - site search plugin sample using Bing API. # # Copyright (C) 2011, TADA Tadashi # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL. # # Needed these options below: # # @options['search-bing.appid'] : Your Bing AppId # @options['search.result_filter'] : your dialy's URL format of DAY mode into Regexp. # @options['search-bing.base'] : Base URI of your diary (for debugging) # require 'timeout' require 'json' require 'open-uri' def search_title '全文検索 by Bing' end def search_input_form( q ) r = <<-HTML
HTML end def search_bing_api( q, start = 0 ) appid = @conf['search-bing.appid'] u = 'https://api.datamarket.azure.com/Bing/SearchWeb/v1/Web' u << "?Query=%27#{q}%27&Options=%27EnableHighlighting%27&$top=50&$skip=#{start}&$format=Json" uri = URI( u ) begin open( uri, {:http_basic_authentication => [appid, appid]} ).read rescue SecurityError ### FIX ME: mysterious error at 1st access to the API open( uri, {:http_basic_authentication => [appid, appid]} ).read end ### FIX ME: this code failed on Timeout error, temporary using open-uri above. # px_host, px_port = (@conf['proxy'] || '').split( /:/ ) # px_port = 8080 if px_host and !px_port # res = Net::HTTP::Proxy( px_host, px_port ).start( uri.host, uri.port ) do |http| # req = Net::HTTP::Get.new( uri.request_uri ) # req.basic_auth( appid, appid ) # res = http.request( req ) # end # res.body end def search_to_html( str ) (str || '').gsub( /\uE000/, '' ).gsub( /\uE001/, '' ) end def search_result query = CGI::unescape( @cgi.params['q'][0] ) start = CGI::unescape( @cgi.params['start'][0] || '0' ).to_i begin uri = URI::parse( @conf['search-bing.base'] || @conf.base_url ) q = "#{query} site:#{uri.host}" q << %Q| inurl:"#{uri.path}"| unless uri.path == '/' json = JSON::parse(search_bing_api(u(q.untaint), start)) rescue Net::HTTPError return %Q|


| end r = search_input_form( query ) r << '
' json['d']['results'].each do |entry| url = entry['Url'] title = entry['Title'] desc = entry['Description'] r << %Q|
#{search_to_html title}
| r << %Q|
#{search_to_html desc}
| end r << '
' r << '
' # no search navi on Bing search because no total result not supported r << '
' r end