module Formatting COLOURS = { 'aqua' => 0x31, 'black' => 0x08, 'blue' => 0x0C, 'blue-grey' => 0x36, 'bright-green' => 0xb, 'brown' => 0x3c, 'coral' => 0x1d, 'cornflower-blue' => 0x18, 'cyan' => 0x0F, 'dark-blue' => 0x12, 'dark-green' => 0x3a, 'dark-red' => 0x10, 'dark-teal' => 0x38, 'dark-yellow' => 0x13, 'fuchsia' => 0x0E, 'gold' => 0x33, 'gray' => 0x17, 'grey' => 0x17, 'green' => 0x11, 'grey-25-percent' => 0x16, 'grey-40-percent' => 0x37, 'grey-50-percent' => 0x17, 'grey-80-percent' => 0x3f, 'indigo' => 0x3e, 'lavender' => 0x2e, 'lemon-chiffon' => 0x1a, 'light-blue' => 0x30, 'light-cornflower-blue' => 0x1f, 'light-green' => 0x2a, 'light-orange' => 0x34, 'light-turquoise' => 0x29, 'light-yellow' => 0x2b, 'lime' => 0x0B, 'lime' => 0x32, 'magenta' => 0x0E, 'maroon' => 0x19, 'navy' => 0x12, 'olive-green' => 0x3b, 'orange' => 0x35, 'orchid' => 0x1c, 'pale-blue' => 0x2c, 'pink' => 0x21, 'pink' => 0xe, 'plum' => 0x3d, 'purple' => 0x14, 'red' => 0x0A, 'rose' => 0x2d, 'royal-blue' => 0x1e, 'sea-green' => 0x39, 'silver' => 0x16, 'sky-blue' => 0x28, 'tan' => 0x2f, 'teal' => 0x15, 'turquoise' => 0xf, 'violet' => 0x14, 'white' => 0x09, 'yellow' => 0x0D } COLORS = COLOURS end class Font ESCAPEMENT_NONE = 0x00 ESCAPEMENT_SUPERSCRIPT = 0x01 ESCAPEMENT_SUBSCRIPT = 0x02 UNDERLINE_NONE = 0x00 UNDERLINE_SINGLE = 0x01 UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACC = 0x21 UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 0x02 UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACC = 0x22 FAMILY_NONE = 0x00 FAMILY_ROMAN = 0x01 FAMILY_SWISS = 0x02 FAMILY_MODERN = 0x03 FAMILY_SCRIPT = 0x04 FAMILY_DECORATIVE = 0x05 CHARSET_ANSI_LATIN = 0x00 CHARSET_SYS_DEFAULT = 0x01 CHARSET_SYMBOL = 0x02 CHARSET_APPLE_ROMAN = 0x4D CHARSET_ANSI_JAP_SHIFT_JIS = 0x80 CHARSET_ANSI_KOR_HANGUL = 0x81 CHARSET_ANSI_KOR_JOHAB = 0x82 CHARSET_ANSI_CHINESE_GBK = 0x86 CHARSET_ANSI_CHINESE_BIG5 = 0x88 CHARSET_ANSI_GREEK = 0xA1 CHARSET_ANSI_TURKISH = 0xA2 CHARSET_ANSI_VIETNAMESE = 0xA3 CHARSET_ANSI_HEBREW = 0xB1 CHARSET_ANSI_ARABIC = 0xB2 CHARSET_ANSI_BALTIC = 0xBA CHARSET_ANSI_CYRILLIC = 0xCC CHARSET_ANSI_THAI = 0xDE CHARSET_ANSI_LATIN_II = 0xEE CHARSET_OEM_LATIN_I = 0xFF PLAIN = 0x00 BOLD = 0x01 ITALIC = 0x02 UNDERLINE = 0x04 STRUCK_OUT = 0x08 OUTLINE = 0x010 SHADOW = 0x020 attr_accessor :height attr_accessor :italic attr_accessor :struck_out attr_accessor :outline attr_accessor :shadow attr_accessor :colour_index attr_accessor :bold attr_accessor :weight # In practice, seems to be only 400 = normal, 700 = bold so just use bold = true. attr_accessor :escapement attr_accessor :charset attr_accessor :name attr_reader :family attr_reader :underline def initialize(hash = {}) @height = 200 # font size 10 @italic = false @struck_out = false @outline = false @shadow = false @colour_index = 0x7FFF @bold = false @weight = 400 # regular @escapement = ESCAPEMENT_NONE @charset = CHARSET_SYS_DEFAULT @name = 'Arial' @family = FAMILY_NONE @underline = UNDERLINE_NONE hash.each do |k, v| self.send((k.to_s + '=').to_sym, v) end end def family=(arg) raise "Oops, font_family doesn't take a string. Do you want font_name instead?" if arg.is_a?(String) @family = arg end # Convert font size in points to native twips def size=(points) @height = points * 20 end def strikethrough=(arg) @struck_out = arg end def subscript=(arg) case arg when TrueClass @escapement = ESCAPEMENT_SUBSCRIPT when FalseClass @escapement = ESCAPEMENT_NONE else raise "I don't know how to set subscript to #{arg.inspect}." end end def superscript=(arg) case arg when TrueClass @escapement = ESCAPEMENT_SUPERSCRIPT when FalseClass @escapement = ESCAPEMENT_NONE else raise "I don't know how to set superscript to #{arg.inspect}." end end # User-friendly underlining directives. def underline=(arg) case arg when UNDERLINE_NONE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACC, UNDERLINE_DOUBLE, UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACC @underline = arg when nil @underline ||= UNDERLINE_NONE when TrueClass @underline = UNDERLINE_SINGLE when FalseClass @underline = UNDERLINE_NONE when :none @underline = UNDERLINE_NONE when :single @underline = UNDERLINE_SINGLE when :single_acc, :single_accounting @underline = UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACC when :double @underline = UNDERLINE_DOUBLE when :double_acc, :double_accounting @underline = UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACC else raise "I don't know how to set underline to #{arg.inspect}." end end def colour_index_from_name(colour_name) Formatting::COLOURS[colour_name.to_s] end def colour=(colour_name) new_colour = colour_index_from_name(colour_name) if new_colour.nil? raise "Invalid Colour #{colour_name}" else @colour_index = new_colour end end alias :color= :colour= alias :color_index= :colour_index= def to_biff options = PLAIN options |= BOLD if @bold options |= ITALIC if @italic options |= UNDERLINE if (@underline != UNDERLINE_NONE) options |= STRUCK_OUT if @struck_out options |= OUTLINE if @outline options |= SHADOW if @shadow @weight = 700 if @bold args = [@height, options, @colour_index, @weight, @escapement, @underline, @family, @charset, @name]*args).to_biff end end class Alignment HORZ_GENERAL = 0x00 HORZ_LEFT = 0x01 HORZ_CENTER = 0x02 HORZ_RIGHT = 0x03 HORZ_FILLED = 0x04 HORZ_JUSTIFIED = 0x05 # BIFF4-BIFF8X HORZ_CENTER_ACROSS_SEL = 0x06 # Centred across selection (BIFF4-BIFF8X) HORZ_DISTRIBUTED = 0x07 # Distributed (BIFF8X) VERT_TOP = 0x00 VERT_CENTER = 0x01 VERT_BOTTOM = 0x02 VERT_JUSTIFIED = 0x03 # Justified (BIFF5-BIFF8X) VERT_DISTRIBUTED = 0x04 # Distributed (BIFF8X) DIRECTION_GENERAL = 0x00 # BIFF8X DIRECTION_LR = 0x01 DIRECTION_RL = 0x02 ORIENTATION_NOT_ROTATED = 0x00 ORIENTATION_STACKED = 0x01 ORIENTATION_90_CC = 0x02 ORIENTATION_90_CW = 0x03 ROTATION_0_ANGLE = 0x00 ROTATION_STACKED = 0xFF WRAP_AT_RIGHT = 0x01 NOT_WRAP_AT_RIGHT = 0x00 SHRINK_TO_FIT = 0x01 NOT_SHRINK_TO_FIT = 0x00 attr_accessor :horz attr_accessor :vert attr_accessor :dire attr_accessor :orie attr_accessor :rota attr_accessor :shri attr_accessor :inde attr_accessor :merg attr_reader :wrap def initialize(hash = {}) # Initialize to defaults. @horz = HORZ_GENERAL @vert = VERT_BOTTOM @wrap = NOT_WRAP_AT_RIGHT @dire = DIRECTION_GENERAL @orie = ORIENTATION_NOT_ROTATED @rota = ROTATION_0_ANGLE @shri = NOT_SHRINK_TO_FIT @inde = 0 @merg = 0 # Allow defaults to be overridden in hash. Where there is no :align key in hash, # this just leaves the default value in place. self.align = hash[:align] self.wrap = hash[:wrap] end # Don't support passing constants here because :horz and :vert are exposed # so if someone wants to use nasty HORZ_RIGHT they can do align.vert = HORZ_RIGHT def align=(alignment_directives) if alignment_directives =~ /\s/ args = alignment_directives.split else args = [alignment_directives] # there's just 1 here end args.each do |a| case a when 'right' @horz = HORZ_RIGHT when 'left' @horz = HORZ_LEFT when 'center', 'centre' @horz = HORZ_CENTER when 'general' @horz = HORZ_GENERAL when 'filled' @horz = HORZ_FILLED when 'justify' @horz = HORZ_JUSTIFIED when 'top' @vert = VERT_TOP when 'bottom' @vert = VERT_BOTTOM when nil # Do nothing. else raise "I don't know how to set align to #{a.inspect}." end end end def wrap=(arg) case arg when TrueClass, WRAP_AT_RIGHT @wrap = WRAP_AT_RIGHT when FalseClass, NOT_WRAP_AT_RIGHT @wrap = NOT_WRAP_AT_RIGHT when nil # Do nothing. else raise "I don't know how to set wrap to #{arg.inspect}." end end end class Borders attr_reader :left attr_reader :right attr_reader :top attr_reader :bottom attr_reader :diag attr_accessor :left_colour attr_accessor :right_colour attr_accessor :top_colour attr_accessor :bottom_colour attr_accessor :diag_colour attr_accessor :need_diag1 attr_accessor :need_diag2 NO_LINE = 0x00 THIN = 0x01 MEDIUM = 0x02 DASHED = 0x03 DOTTED = 0x04 THICK = 0x05 DOUBLE = 0x06 HAIR = 0x07 #The following for BIFF8 MEDIUM_DASHED = 0x08 THIN_DASH_DOTTED = 0x09 MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED = 0x0A THIN_DASH_DOT_DOTTED = 0x0B MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOTTED = 0x0C SLANTED_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED = 0x0D NEED_DIAG1 = 0x01 NEED_DIAG2 = 0x01 NO_NEED_DIAG1 = 0x00 NO_NEED_DIAG2 = 0x00 # Want to keep these sorted in this order, so need nested array instead of hash. LINE_TYPE_DIRECTIVES = [ ['none', NO_LINE], ['thin', THIN], ['medium', MEDIUM], ['dashed', DASHED], ['dotted', DOTTED], ['thick', THICK], ['double', DOUBLE], ['hair', HAIR], ['medium-dashed', MEDIUM_DASHED], ['thin-dash-dotted', THIN_DASH_DOTTED], ['medium-dash-dotted', MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED], ['thin-dash-dot-dotted', THIN_DASH_DOT_DOTTED], ['medium-dash-dot-dotted', MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOTTED], ['slanted-medium-dash-dotted', SLANTED_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED] ] def self.line_type_directives LINE_TYPE_DIRECTIVES.collect {|k, v| k} end def self.line_type_constants LINE_TYPE_DIRECTIVES.collect {|k, v| v} end def initialize(hash = {}) @left = NO_LINE @right = NO_LINE @top = NO_LINE @bottom = NO_LINE @diag = NO_LINE @left_colour = 0x40 @right_colour = 0x40 @top_colour = 0x40 @bottom_colour = 0x40 @diag_colour = 0x40 @need_diag1 = NO_NEED_DIAG1 @need_diag2 = NO_NEED_DIAG2 hash.each do |k, v| self.send((k.to_s + '=').to_sym, v) end end def all=(directives) self.left = directives self.right = directives = directives self.bottom = directives end def process_directives(directives) if directives =~ /\s/ args = directives.split else args = [directives] # there's just 1 here, stick it in an array end raise "no directives given to process_directives" if args.empty? # maybe don't need this, just get thin black border? but for development I want to know if this happens. raise "too many directives given to process_directives" if args.size > 2 instructions = [THIN, Formatting::COLOURS['black']] args.each do |a| if Formatting::COLOURS.include?(a) instructions[1] = Formatting::COLOURS[a] next end if Borders.line_type_directives.include?(a) line_type_directives_hash = Hash[*LINE_TYPE_DIRECTIVES.flatten] instructions[0] = line_type_directives_hash[a] next end if Borders.line_type_constants.include?(a) instructions[0] = a next end raise "I don't know how to format a border with #{a.inspect}." end instructions end def right=(directives) @right, @right_colour = process_directives(directives) end def left=(directives) @left, @left_colour = process_directives(directives) end def top=(directives) @top, @top_colour = process_directives(directives) end def bottom=(directives) @bottom, @bottom_colour = process_directives(directives) end end # public final static short NO_FILL = 0 ; # /** Solidly filled */ # public final static short SOLID_FOREGROUND = 1 ; # /** Small fine dots */ # public final static short FINE_DOTS = 2 ; # /** Wide dots */ # public final static short ALT_BARS = 3 ; # /** Sparse dots */ # public final static short SPARSE_DOTS = 4 ; # /** Thick horizontal bands */ # public final static short THICK_HORZ_BANDS = 5 ; # /** Thick vertical bands */ # public final static short THICK_VERT_BANDS = 6 ; # /** Thick backward facing diagonals */ # public final static short THICK_BACKWARD_DIAG = 7 ; # /** Thick forward facing diagonals */ # public final static short THICK_FORWARD_DIAG = 8 ; # /** Large spots */ # public final static short BIG_SPOTS = 9 ; # /** Brick-like layout */ # public final static short BRICKS = 10 ; # /** Thin horizontal bands */ # public final static short THIN_HORZ_BANDS = 11 ; # /** Thin vertical bands */ # public final static short THIN_VERT_BANDS = 12 ; # /** Thin backward diagonal */ # public final static short THIN_BACKWARD_DIAG = 13 ; # /** Thin forward diagonal */ # public final static short THIN_FORWARD_DIAG = 14 ; # /** Squares */ # public final static short SQUARES = 15 ; # /** Diamonds */ # public final static short DIAMONDS = 16 ; # /** Less Dots */ # public final static short LESS_DOTS = 17 ; # /** Least Dots */ # public final static short LEAST_DOTS = 18 ; class Pattern NO_PATTERN = 0x00 SOLID_PATTERN = 0x01 attr_accessor :pattern attr_accessor :pattern_fore_colour attr_accessor :pattern_back_colour def initialize(hash = {}) @pattern = NO_PATTERN @pattern_fore_colour = 0x40 @pattern_back_colour = 0x41 hash.each do |k, v| self.send((k.to_s + '=').to_sym, v) end end # Convenience method to set fill colour def colour=(arg) colour_index = Formatting::COLOURS[arg] raise "Invalid colour #{arg}" if colour_index.nil? @pattern = SOLID_PATTERN @pattern_fore_colour = colour_index end alias :color= :colour= alias :fill= :colour= end class Protection attr_accessor :cell_locked attr_accessor :formula_hidden def initialize @cell_locked = 1 @formula_hidden = 0 end end